4 week slump

shannie23 Posts: 22 Member
I am currently day 3 into my 4th week. My heart hasn't been into my workouts, and I'm playing mind games with myself. I wish I could get out of my own head! I've sought out the support from family and friends, but looking towards other Insaniac's in your experience with getting past this hurdle. I know I'm giving up in my mind before my body, my calories burned is showing me that. Please help!


  • redredfox
    redredfox Posts: 76 Member
    I am in the same exact boat! I just try to make it mind over matter and force myself to work hard. You are half way there! Set little goals for yourself and buy something nice for yourself when you reach those milestones. You are too far in to give up!
  • verzanie
    verzanie Posts: 54 Member
    I hit that week 6 and found month 2 too hard. I took 2 days off, had lots of nice food and replenished my body. I was back on form. I also took extra day this week. Take a break if you feel you need it as it's your body telling you. I still got results!
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    The fact that you have made it to week 4 is an accomplishment! You are almost finished with Month1! Look forward to Recovery week because Core Cardio and Balance is AWESOME. You get an amazing workout, but feel rested enough to begin Month 2 and i tell ya, Month 2 is where you really start to feel it!
  • shannie23
    shannie23 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's definitely a mind over matter thing. I revisited my accomplishments, shed some tears, and today I am going to put 100% heart into Plyo Cardio Circuit today!! It's not even my workouts that have been suffering, it's my eating as well - and logging! I just fell off the wagon and started making excuses as to why it's okay - when it's NOT. Showed on the scale last night at my weigh in because I gained 1 3/4 lbs... (however I was down 7.5 inches....)

    Today is a NEW DAY!! I'm going to rock some loud music instead of the Insanity music to get me pumped!
    I'm going shopping for some new runners this weekend!
    I'm going to get my 10,000 steps in each day before I go to sleep
    I'm going to log - and eat clean - drink my water... and stay more focused then ever!!

    It's easy to spiral down when you've been doing so well (like people started noticing, so I could justify that burger and fries) I'm not rewarding my achievements with food anymore! Clothes and Shoes it is!!!
  • verzanie
    verzanie Posts: 54 Member
    honestly do not worry about weight gain. I gained 6/7 lbs on month one now I'm down 5 but the inches loss is much more..you will gain weight forget about scales pls..it's your muscles retaining fluids and other stuff going on. Persevere, the results are worth it and don't overdo on exercise
  • brydo86
    brydo86 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi folks

    I am new to the group and in the same boat!

    I have lost a few lbs but not weighing myself as strongly instructed on here! Notice a very very slight loss round the waist but I didnt not weigh myself at the beginning. I am also in week 4 with recovery and then the heavy stuff coming up!

    I think my main problem is keeping my core tight, I just aint sure if I am doing it at all.

  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    I had the EXACT same problem when I did Insanity 2 years ago. I completed Month 1, did the first week in Month 2 and still felt like my core was not getting any tighter and I wasn't truly feeling the workout in my core. So 2 years ago, I gave up. I decided to give Insanity another try since so many people are doing well on it. However, this time, I am adding in other exercises that I KNOW work my core, like yoga! I was following the plan the first two weeks and still felt like it wasn't working. I substituted Cardio Recovery for yoga/pilates to get that core strength and ever since, my core workouts in Insanity has INTENSIFIED!

    My suggestion for you is if yoga/pilates doesn't get your core active, do something that will! Other people may not have this problem, but I feel like Insanity needs that jumpstart to get the core active, and for me, yoga was the thing to help me get there!
  • brydo86
    brydo86 Posts: 47 Member
    I started this thread as I believe my nutrition may be holding me up:


    If anyone feels this also may be the cause
  • shannie23
    shannie23 Posts: 22 Member
    I started this thread as I believe my nutrition may be holding me up:


    If anyone feels this also may be the cause

    My nutrition plays a HUGE part in my success.... have to get focused! I'll check out your thread =)