Following all the cool kids - Squat Form Check

jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
I liked seeing all the other squat form videos and figured I could use some feedback from everyone. This is set 1 @ 120 (working weight for the day).

I have some of my own observations in mind, but I would like to hear what else is said.



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I'll have to let somebody else pick that apart because it looked pretty solid to me. 5 consistent reps and the bar went pretty vertical, you didn't lean either way, your lower back kept its natural arch, the power looks to be coming from your hip drive up your posterior chain, your feet were solid, your depth was consistent and your posture good.

    All said, I'm sure your form beats mine by miles. And at 120? That's awesome.

    Then again I've been youtubing people's squats, and yours beat most of them by miles. :laugh:
  • Amazing1985RSD
    Yea it looked pretty good to me too. I'm thinking that you might be able to go down just a little bit more. maybe just a couple inches. If you're not doing so already, use the suicide grip when squatting. Pushing the bar forward with the heels of your palms. Make sure that all of your fingers are touching the bar..
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I'd say perfect, no wobbling, buckling...parallel...looks like you are enjoying the squats! : )
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm no way a seasoned lifter .. On week 5 of strong lifts 5x5 .... But that squat looks great to me :-)
    And I was so proud that I squatted 80lb yday ... So 120 is awesome .. Well done ... I'm not so proud of my 80 now lol
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I agree, they look really good. One or two of the reps might have been a smidge above parallel, but not by much. My only other suggestion is that you actually use the rack in case you need to sit down. :tongue: Although I'm guessing you were standing back for an unobstructed view for the form check.

    Great job, and I wish my squats looked so nice!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    I'm working on increasing my depth by increasing my flexibility. I have tight-ish hamstrings and hip flexors that play a part in how far I can go down. I had been doing the not-so-parallel squats before starting SL so the depth has been my challenge. I also know that if I am just about at the point in my depth where I will start to get butt wink since I don't have the hamstring flexibility.

    Amazing1985RS - Thanks for the grip recommendation. I've been thinking about changing it up since it is starting to bother my hand a bit more at this weight. I also have a wrist issue that can be aggravated by certain grips so I'll have to see what I can and cannot do.

    linski - Be very proud of 80!!! Especially at week 5.

    Dani - One evening I was watching so many form videos on YouTube I was dreaming about squats that night. :laugh:

    ETA: Auddi - I normally use the power rack and not the squat rack. I'm a shorty at 5'2" and the height of the catch on the squat rack prevents me from getting that low. The power rack was just occupied yesterday when I started.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    This isn't a "wrong" thing but just a tip that might help imporve your numbers. More hip thurst. When you are about half way up focus on pushing your hips forward instead of up, push foward all the way to the top.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    Form looks great. Just like BusyLady406 said, focus on really driving your heals in and thrusting your hips forward. Will help you continue to add weight.

    Sidenote: did you watch your quad and IT band as you went into the squat? So cool to really see what the muscles do. Looks great, girl!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    This isn't a "wrong" thing but just a tip that might help imporve your numbers. More hip thurst. When you are about half way up focus on pushing your hips forward instead of up, push foward all the way to the top.

    Thanks for the tip. Looking at it again, I can see it. I will work on it tomorrow!

    Adrena - Yeah, I kept look at my quads and then wondered why my calves looked small in comparison :laugh: