Week 2 March 25 - March 31

mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
Phew week 1 is gone and done with.. Only 9 weeks to go :)

Enter Week 2 info here and don't forget the spreadsheet..

I know this week I want to focus on my diet.. really stick with clean whole foods.. may be hard as I need to go grocery shopping, but I can try my best for sure.

I am also going to not focus on the scale this week and one weigh in on Wednesday and Friday.

Have a great week everyone :)


  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    I know this week I want to focus on my diet.. really stick with clean whole foods.. may be hard as I need to go grocery shopping, but I can try my best for sure.

    This! I am right there with you. I have not been doing a great job eating good foods. I do ok staying within my calories, but I've found myself just starving lately...and that's because 1500 calories of junk is not nearly as filling as 1500 calories of good food...so I'm hitting the grocery store on my way home tonight and I'm going to get some stuff to cook for dinner for the rest of the week.

    We CAN do this! :) Happy Week 2!!
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    My weigh in this week resulted in no change from last week on the scale. this is always a difficult thing. I did also take my .measurements and have lost 4+ inches total over my body in the past week. I figure this is counts as a success anyway
  • italianpeddler
    italianpeddler Posts: 17 Member
    This week I am focusing on making a special space for me. I had to give up my gym membership because of doing my own business now finances are tighter. At first I was upset about this but now I am building a gym space in my house pulling out all my old workout equipment that i used years ago. I am making this a very personal space. I got some of my favorite photos blown up for the walls and I plan on putting all the clothes that are too small for me in the closet in that room.

    Bath oils and lotions are all being gathered and place on a self for easy access. I am committed to pampering myself at least once a week. I also am downloading a ton of new songs for my ipod to workout with.

    It is getting back to basics for me. My gym was wonderful and high end. I will miss it. Especially the steam room. But something about going back to the way I use to workout when I was 18 is very Raw and Real to me. It is making me think about the girl I use to be and it is making me feel empowered again. My brother use to be a golden glove boxer so we had a speed bag in our basement while I was growing up . Him and his friends use to train down there all the time. I never learned how to hit one I think it is time I did. I am now looking for one on Craigslist. It is one of the things I would never try at a gym I would be too embarrassed but I can do it at home :)
  • mahryeuh
    mahryeuh Posts: 15 Member
    I lost this week, although I was hoping to lose more. This past weekend I went on a backpacking trip where I burned thousands of calories- hiking up and down hills carrying a 30-40 pound pack! I also took two spin classes and did a workout on my own. However, I did slack off in my diet a bit this week. While I did great during the day, I stayed under my limit and made smart choices... I snacked late at night a couple times, and not on healthy things :(

    I'm happy that I lost, but my goal next week is to not eat so late! It's tough because by the time I'm done with work and the gym I sometimes don't eat until 8 or 9 o'clock! I'm going to give working out in the morning a shot this next week and see how that goes!
  • LynnMartin78
    LynnMartin78 Posts: 16 Member
    Weigh in today....lost another 1.5 pounds. Total for thsi week 2 lbs. Hooary
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 284 Member
    Finally started or king out again Monday, was going are, then got sick Wednesday night :grumble:
    Missed yesterday and today, but I still lost a little. I'm at 168.2
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Pleasantly surprised at my weigh in today. I was down a little over a pound for a total of 2.5 lbs since the challenge started. I had my 2 year old grandson for 9 days so exercise suffered a little bit but I must have burnt off calories playing with him.My husband wants to take me out for dinner tonight because he knows how hard I have worked babysitting, then Easter. I will hit it hard again Monday. I really want to lose 2 more lbs by April 19th because we will be leaving on vacation.
  • babygirl0321
    babygirl0321 Posts: 5 Member
    Last week I gained 3lbs. I didn't do great this week but i am definitely back on track!!! :)

    This morning I weighed in at 139.4!!