New Member

I'm Jane, in East Yorks.

I downloaded the app on my android about 6 months ago, and have lost a stone and a half! And more excitingly, I've dropped a dress size! So in fact, I've thrown off about 10 years as I haven't been this size for that long, and I wasn't this shape then! Another stone and a half to go! But it feels like plain sailing now as I'm steadily losing between 1 - 2 lbs a week.

So all in all, I feel hugely positive about MFP and if I can do it, I'm convinced ANYONE can!


  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Awesome work Jane.

    I'm looking to get down to 11stone (12stone 7 at the moment) and have a way to go .

    I do think you need a smaller dress though ;o)
  • ursiestar
    ursiestar Posts: 45 Member
    Well done Jane,. It's fantastic when your clothes start going down in size, such a wonderful feeling that makes the hard work worthwhile :0)
  • VicBurrows1
    VicBurrows1 Posts: 11 Member
    Well done Jane, that is an inspiring loss.
    I have just joined too and it is lovely to be able to talk "stones"
    I am from West Yorkshire, currently weigh 14st 8lbs and as I am 5ft 11in I am realistically looking at 11st as my target weight. Anything lower than that and I think I may look ill. Haven't been there since I was a teenager (currently 32) so I say that with absolutely no knowledge! :)
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    lol totally with you on the stones malarky, it confuses the hell out of me all the lbs talk :laugh:
    well done on the loss hunni most impressed:smile:
    I've got around the 3stone mark to lose, grrrr but hey ho its an adventure at least:laugh:
  • mdawson47
    mdawson47 Posts: 51
    Hi Jane,
    I am from East Yorks too and have around 3 stone to loose.
    Feel free to add me if you want :)