Start of week 3!

melonerski Posts: 306 Member
Hey everyone! I went through and updated the spreadsheet. We lost 13 members this week for not weighing in the last 2 weeks in a row :( hopefully that just means we weeded out the non-serious ones. There are a lot of non weigh ins from this week so hopefully they weigh in next week.
We've completed 2 weeks now, onto our third week. How are the challenges going?
We've had some people come close (really close) to completely an entire weeks challenge but so far no one has done it yet, think maybe this week we will have someone????? ill try my hardest to get all of my challenges done this week, the last two weeks have been pretty hectic but i think things are calming down so I should have no EXCUSES!!! =D
Hope you all have a great week!!!!!!!!


  • I am serious but not feeling well and gained this week. I have some medical problems I am working through but I am determined not to give up. One day at a time!
  • I ran my half marathon this weekend. It was great....but I still managed to gain weight! And it's not muscle, I really do eat much more than I should. Anyways, since that is out of the way, I am looking forward to these challenges this week. I will do my best to get as close as possible to completing them.

    I was curious to know what people are doing to log food. Are you using the food diary on MFP, or following something else?
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    Great job on running the half marathon.!!
    I log my food on MFP.
  • A marathon! I hope to run one in the future. I log my food with MFP.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I just found where the challenge was on the spread sheet, my appologies. However I was doing on week 1 I did 30 mins to an hour ad day and than last week was an hour a day. This week I am cutting back to like week one.

    Just question on the challenge are you wanting us to do that plus 45 mins a day???

    Great job on the half marathon, I am going to be doing one this fall.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I stopped using MFP diary as it was fusturating me when they would say in 5 weeks if you ate like this everyday you would lose this amount of weight and well you know what I dont as I had been on MFP for 2 1/2 months and I am still in the same spot. I am still eating the same but just not logging, that way I dont get my hopes up. I also have challenged my self not to weigh my self everyday (yes I know that is bad) but it is a hard habit to break.
  • melonerski
    melonerski Posts: 306 Member
    jocop2003 - its saying through out the week to get in 2 - 45 minute workouts. however u want to do it. if u want to work on the challenges for 45 min and consider that one of the workouts thats fine. its however u want to do it.
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    @mbtgrl If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me about your training schedule? I want to participate in a series of three races (5K, 8 mile, then half marathon). I want to make sure that I'm prepared.

    I did complete the challenges the first week! I had to do almost all of the jumping jacks and squats in two days, but I did it. Last week, I completely fell apart except for the two 45 min workouts. I want to do the challenges and still maintain my regular workout schedule, which takes some work...I usually do 30 min every morning (either 30 DS or Hip Hop Abs or Leslie Sansone).

    I feel like this group is helping me stay on track. :) Thank you, everyone!
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    Oh, and I do use MFP for logging my food intake. I find it works fairly well for me. I wish I had a smart phone that would make it easier, but I have my laptop out most of the day anyways... I RARELY hit the button that completes my diary for the day. I think that it is not usually a good measure because not every day is like that, plus each person is so unique.
  • Huney411
    Huney411 Posts: 10 Member
    It won't be me.. i hate planks and I know I will not be doing 10 minutes of them. I hate them hate them. Like really hate them. I guess it's because they are difficult for me. Idk.. more reason to try to "challenge" myself I suppose. Meh. Other than that, Going well... not seeing any loss, but hey, I am also eating what I want and when I want too...again. It's good to be more active again either way, and it has gotten me out walking a few times a week again too!
  • Thank you for the input on my questions about logging food. I am using a diet tool from another weight loss program that allows for some room for those not so great days.

    As far as training, I typically use one of Hal Higgdon's training schedules as a guide. You can access them here:

    Since this was my 4th half marathon I used novice 2. For half marathons I try to get up to a 12 mile long run two weeks before race day (this allows time to recover) and do an 8 mile run the week before. Just remember, if you can run up to 10 miles, you can run 13.1!

    If you want to know more, friend me and send me a PM and I'll give you more info.
  • erikacole
    erikacole Posts: 87 Member
    @mbtgrl If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me about your training schedule? I want to participate in a series of three races (5K, 8 mile, then half marathon). I want to make sure that I'm prepared.

    I did complete the challenges the first week! I had to do almost all of the jumping jacks and squats in two days, but I did it. Last week, I completely fell apart except for the two 45 min workouts. I want to do the challenges and still maintain my regular workout schedule, which takes some work...I usually do 30 min every morning (either 30 DS or Hip Hop Abs or Leslie Sansone).

    I feel like this group is helping me stay on track. :) Thank you, everyone!

    I know you didn't ask me, ha! But I thought I would share with you what I used to train my last two half marathons, and my current training schedule for next month's 1/2....Google Hal Higdon. LOVE LOVE LOVE his schedules for training. VERY doable for busy people!
  • erikacole
    erikacole Posts: 87 Member
    I am going to be completely transparent. I am FRUSTRATED, IRRITATED at myself, at this calorie counting, at the world!
    Two weeks ago, I logged 9 miles, did 3 Jillian Michael workouts, and stayed pretty close in calories (all in one week)--lost .2 lbs.--not even a half a pound...UGH! So then next week, I go on vacation. I cut down on my exercise because I am visiting with family. I go over calories some--maybe 10% and GAIN 3.6 pounds--that is almost FOUR freaking pounds.

    What infuriates me, is not gaining, I know I didn't do the best, so I didn't expect to lose and I honestly expected to maybe gain 1. BUT almost FOUR? And on the weeks I work my butt off I am not even losing HALF a pound?!

    My attitude this past Sunday was to give up. After all, I have always been chunky, that's what I am, right? Well the slimmer girl in me is disappointed. She remembers, how good she felt last year at this time 17 lbs lighter. So, yesterday Monday, was a new day, a new week. Going at it again, but angry about it.
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    I am going to be completely transparent. I am FRUSTRATED, IRRITATED at myself, at this calorie counting, at the world!
    Two weeks ago, I logged 9 miles, did 3 Jillian Michael workouts, and stayed pretty close in calories (all in one week)--lost .2 lbs.--not even a half a pound...UGH! So then next week, I go on vacation. I cut down on my exercise because I am visiting with family. I go over calories some--maybe 10% and GAIN 3.6 pounds--that is almost FOUR freaking pounds.

    What infuriates me, is not gaining, I know I didn't do the best, so I didn't expect to lose and I honestly expected to maybe gain 1. BUT almost FOUR? And on the weeks I work my butt off I am not even losing HALF a pound?!

    My attitude this past Sunday was to give up. After all, I have always been chunky, that's what I am, right? Well the slimmer girl in me is disappointed. She remembers, how good she felt last year at this time 17 lbs lighter. So, yesterday Monday, was a new day, a new week. Going at it again, but angry about it.

    I have been there! Seriously know that feel. That is why I get close to my dream goal then gain 10-30 pounds, then do it again...I do it practically every year! It's horrible! This time feels different because I have committed to eating HEALTHY. I want to eat the way that I am eating right now FOREVER. So that makes me feel more settled when the scale doesn't budge. I know that I am eating whole, nutritious foods right now and exercising frequently. I feel good. That helps.

    I still feel a little uncertain about how MUCH I should be eating of my healthy food...MFP calorie goals vs. the TDEE-20% method...but I am not hungry, so I am happy for now. I may try to alter my intake (higher or lower) to see if I can shake things up at some point... The other thing is that since I'm a girl (yay for girls!), I have to deal with monthly fluctuations, so I try to think, well, let's see after another week...maybe I'm retaining water or something. I'm trying to relax a bit more this time with the weight loss...although I still obsessively watch nutrition documentaries and stalk the MFP message I am probably a little off balance with my life right now, but I'm hoping it will even out soon. :)

    The good news...we're in this together!

    For me, I have cut out almost all processed foods, which I feel GREAT about. I'm not perfect, but my diary is open to anyone...and if anyone has any constructive advice, then I would love that too! :)
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    Oh, and thanks for the advice for training for a half marathon. I will check out Hal Higdeon's website. I did sign up! I'm a little nervous, but I have awhile since it's not until October, but I know the time flies, and it will arrive fast! :)
  • Hang in there
  • I know how frustrating it can be. I was gaining weight while training for the half marathon. I would run so many miles and my body wouldn't shed a pound. I think that after a while of doing the same thing our bodies get used to it and stop ditching the weight. I'm working on switching things up a bit. Thank you for being honest and open. Keep it up!
  • erikacole
    erikacole Posts: 87 Member

    I have been there! Seriously know that feel. That is why I get close to my dream goal then gain 10-30 pounds, then do it again...I do it practically every year! It's horrible! This time feels different because I have committed to eating HEALTHY. I want to eat the way that I am eating right now FOREVER. So that makes me feel more settled when the scale doesn't budge. I know that I am eating whole, nutritious foods right now and exercising frequently. I feel good. That helps.

    I still feel a little uncertain about how MUCH I should be eating of my healthy food...MFP calorie goals vs. the TDEE-20% method...but I am not hungry, so I am happy for now. I may try to alter my intake (higher or lower) to see if I can shake things up at some point... The other thing is that since I'm a girl (yay for girls!), I have to deal with monthly fluctuations, so I try to think, well, let's see after another week...maybe I'm retaining water or something. I'm trying to relax a bit more this time with the weight loss...although I still obsessively watch nutrition documentaries and stalk the MFP message I am probably a little off balance with my life right now, but I'm hoping it will even out soon. :)

    The good news...we're in this together!

    For me, I have cut out almost all processed foods, which I feel GREAT about. I'm not perfect, but my diary is open to anyone...and if anyone has any constructive advice, then I would love that too! :)

    Thank you so much for your encouragement! I do need to get rid of some processed foods in our home. I am not going totally processed food-free, but do need to cut back for sure! I need to take a deep breath when I jump on the scale and don't see it move, it is more than a scale. It is a healthier me. I am about to turn 40 and I think that it scares the crap out of me to think that I can't loose weight!

    As for the marathon training, I think Hal's training is for 12 weeks. I always tried to start about 14-15 weeks before because it never fails that things/life happens! I am five weeks out and doing 8 miles this weekend. You can do this!!!
  • erikacole
    erikacole Posts: 87 Member
    I know how frustrating it can be. I was gaining weight while training for the half marathon. I would run so many miles and my body wouldn't shed a pound. I think that after a while of doing the same thing our bodies get used to it and stop ditching the weight. I'm working on switching things up a bit. Thank you for being honest and open. Keep it up!

    Doesn't it drive you nuts, that all the training you do and don't lose a pound?!!! The first half I trained for, I didn't lose any weight. The second one I trained for I lost about 10 lbs! Same training schedule!!! SOOO frustrating!

    So what are you doing to change things up?

    I am doing running every other day and the 30DS (Jillian Michael's) every other day. I agree that I probably need to change it up, but at 5 weeks until D-day, I feel like I need to up my training, not change it! Any suggestions?!