I just binged...how do I save the rest of the day?

carly_am Posts: 145 Member
So I felt cravings to binge at breakfast, but stopped after around 650cals.

Then I started to feel hungry (actually hungry) so had scrambled egg on toast...and then just lost it.

I've had 5 hot cross buns
3 chocolate cereal bars
2 slices of bread, butter and jam
6 homemade chocolate Easter nests.

It's only 3.30pm. And I'm going out for dinner tonight.



  • I do think there is something to the low carb way of eating to avoid binges. I have that problem myself. when **** hits the fan I hit the fridge. Yesterday was a binge day for me. So bad. crossants, easter cookie, whopper from burger king and fries. But I went to bed with no dinner and feel ok. I think the secret is to just stop. the mental sentence. "oh well I screwed up today so I will start tomorrow has added millions of pounds on women. Never too late. Just saw your post so it is too late to advise for dinner, but salad is always a good option. :flowerforyou:
  • Linzbit
    Linzbit Posts: 12 Member
    Your post has just made me feel better about my binge today - mine was about the same as yours, so at least it is not just me! Luckily, I am not going out for dinner so I can go without, but maybe avoid starters and desserts and go for fish or chicken with salad? :smile:
  • its not just you. my binges are similar to both yours. after a binge i try and drink lots of water to flush it out and eat fruits and veg for the rest of the day. instead of starting the day long or week long binge cycle!!!!!!!!!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I can relate. I had not had hot cross buns for a long time, but I saw these apple and cinnamon ones and bought a pack of 4, intending on just having one on Good Friday. Instead, I got through the whole lot on the same evening I bought them, along with several pots of instant oatmeal and a pile of chocolate mini eggs. In fact, I have had several really bad days now. Easter always seems to do it to me. I seem to go nuts on the little foil wrapped eggs. It is just chocolate, like any other chocolate, but something about chocolate mini eggs has me hoarding the damn things.
  • i'm noticing a trend with us binger's .......can u say sugar? carbs?
    i did an interesting paper when i was in uni on serotonin one of the neurotransmitters in the brain. people call it the 'happy' neurotransmitter but it is involved with many other regular processes including sleep.
    here's a link that explains it better than i could ever hope to:
    but in a nutshell, eating sugary foods and simple carbohydrates effect the amount of serotonin your brain produces, and going forward, releases! serotonin in turn affects melatonin, the hormone needed to put your body to sleep at night.

  • Ginoo
    Ginoo Posts: 56
    I had the worst day of my life yesterday. I resisted the urge all day. It was a constant battle in my head. At some stage I thought "Ok, just stop for a second and analyze this urge of yours". I was not hungry, not sad, no happy, not bored, not lonely. I was just desperate to binge. I almost went insane! But I managed to get through the day and did not binge. That's a first for me, but i must also admit that I have never in my life had to fight so hard for anything. This morning I woke up and I feel fine ... no urge. What the hell, I just don't understand it.
  • mmmartje
    mmmartje Posts: 26 Member
    Yes mine do always seem to involve lots of carbs, because of the sugar and also fat. But i think what makes a binge a binge is the out of control feeling. I was dreading easter a little because of the availability of sugary fatty goodness (easter eggs in particular!) and to be honest i'll probably go over my caloriegoal today because i had quite a lot to eat already but it was all healthy. So i don't feel a binge coming on, because i feel in control of my health.
    My advice to you would be to focus on health to regain control. That may not save you any calories but you may just feel better about yourself.