Season 3 - FINALE - Welcome to the Tombs - 03/31/13

AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 03/31/13 episode


AMC Sneak Peek:

YouTube Trailer:



  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Wow!! That did not at all go the way I expected!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    That was kind of...underwhelming.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Tears. The character development throughout the season was amazing, it made me fall in love with them. I cannot bear to lose any.

    On that note, I am kind of bummed the war between the prison and woodbury will have to wait to october :sad:
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    That was kind of...underwhelming. said it. It was not the epic finale I expected.

    Carl is such a bad *kitten* kid.

    I'm glad Carol and Daryl are alive. Not that sad to see Andrea go. Sad though for Milton.
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    hmmmm.... big build up to a war only to have the Gov do most of the killing - that was a bit of a let down. But must say I didn't see that coming with Andrea - (I kept yelling at the screen -- shut up, pick up the pliers all ready)
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    Agree with the underwhelming part. Karl needs to get taken down a peg or 2 next season. He's a governor in training.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    hmmmm.... big build up to a war only to have the Gov do most of the killing - that was a bit of a let down. But must say I didn't see that coming with Andrea - (I kept yelling at the screen -- shut up, pick up the pliers all ready)

    Right!!! Andrea wasted sooo much time looking over at him. It was nerve wrecking LOL!
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    Agree with the underwhelming part. Karl needs to get taken down a peg or 2 next season. He's a governor in training.

    Yeah I agree! For a kid he has had to go through a lot even finishing off his mom and so I kind of get why he's so angry with it all. He kind of reminds me of Shane a little. Hmmm
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I do think that its good that the peple of woodbury joined the prison. The more the better in my opinion. I wonder what happened to Martinez and the other guy when they got back in the truck with the Gov. They both looked like WTF, lol...
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    Yeah not the ending I expected..I expected a MUCH bigger battle and more main charachters dying..
    Andrea not suprised they killed her off, wasn't really much left for her anyway IMO, was just glad to see her reconnect one last time with Michonne.. Carl needs a reality check by Dad or else he will keepbeing a rotten kid. I'm sure the GOV will be back in season 4 since he didn't die.. I liked the episode however major let down on the 'epic' final war after all the weeks buildup..
    Such a LONG wait till October!!
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Agree they built up the "war" far too much for what it really was. Overall good episode though. I didn't feel any loss with Andrea or Milton though. Milton followed for far too long, it was hard to have any sympathy for him.
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    When Martinez and the other guy got in the truck with the governer, I was like "yeeea whatever..." I don't care how loyal you are to someone! That was effed up and not true to reality and how real people would respond!

    Good episode though. Not sad to see Andrea go at all. Terrible actress.
    Was not expecting how it ended. Next season should be interesting! More people, more chance of conflict, more people for Carl to cold heartedly kill!! :noway:
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I like that it wasn't full of action and drama. I actually cried when Andrea died....even though I couldn't stand her.

    The part I could watch over and over again was the part where Phillip shot everyone and Martinez was like WTF!? Like backing up into the truck like he was about to fall over and the look on his face was just so perfect.

    Carl...he needs his *kitten* spanked! He is losing it!
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    I was suprised that Andrea had time for a pedicure with everything else that had been going on around Woodbury.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I don't know if there is any saving Carl. It's not like Rick has actually been a parent. He's too busy chasing Lori's ghost around. And he was not happy about having all those new people there. All the kids at Woodbury were actually still kids. That's going to be an awkward situation next season. But I did agree with him to some extent when he was giving his speech to Rick.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Did Carl say Andrew killed Lori? Did I mishear that part?
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I don't get the criticism of Carl. He did the right thing. What else was he supposed to do? In the situation, it was pretty ambiguous whether that Woodbury teen, Jody, was going to put his gun down or not. Hershel told Jody 3 times to put the gun down. He didn't. He kept walking slowly forward. Now he might have put the gun down or he could have been planning to pull a fast one on them after all who is ahead of old disabled man, a young teenage girl, and a boy. He could take all three of them and score big points with the Governor. And what it is that Morgan told Carl at the end of that episode.."don't ever be sorry" for drawing a gun. So no, I think in the same situation, I would have done the same. The Woodbury teen wasn't some random person who wandered into their group. He was there on a mission with his group. And like Carl said, look what happens when you give people second chances...others in the Prison group die. I think Carl more than Hershel understands the realities of the zombie apocalpyse world they live in.

    Where was Daryl, Carol, Rick and Michonne during the fight?
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Did Carl say Andrew killed Lori? Did I mishear that part?

    That's what I heard too. I need to watch it again to be sure. In a way Andrew did kill Lori because he got revenge on them by creating an opening where walkers could come into the prison. Then Lori went into labor before Carol could do a c-section. Carl ultimately shot and killed Lori but the motions were set in place by Andrew.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Did Carl say Andrew killed Lori? Did I mishear that part?

    Was Andrew the guy Rick chased and thought was eaten by the walkers? If he was, than I think Carl meant that Andrew set the alarm off, which sent everyone running and left Lori, Maggie, and Carl isolated from everyone else.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I don't get the criticism of Carl. He did the right thing. What else was he supposed to do? In the situation, it was pretty ambiguous whether that Woodbury teen, Jody, was going to put his gun down or not. Hershel told Jody 3 times to put the gun down. He didn't. He kept walking slowly forward. Now he might have put the gun down or he could have been planning to pull a fast one on them after all who is ahead of old disabled man, a young teenage girl, and a boy. He could take all three of them and score big points with the Governor. And what it is that Morgan told Carl at the end of that episode.."don't ever be sorry" for drawing a gun. So no, I think in the same situation, I would have done the same. The Woodbury teen wasn't some random person who wandered into their group. He was there on a mission with his group. And like Carl said, look what happens when you give people second chances...others in the Prison group die. I think Carl more than Hershel understands the realities of the zombie apocalpyse world they live in.

    Where was Daryl, Carol, Rick and Michonne during the fight?

    I have to agree with this. They told that kid to drop his gun and he didn't drop it. He just kept walking forward with it pointed directly at Carl. I don't blame him for doing what he did. And you make a good point. Herschel was the one that had a barn full of walkers hoping to cure them one day so maybe he doesn't have the best perspective on the situation.