Oh no, I'm going the wrong way!

jc4mee Posts: 40 Member
I got my BMF and fell in love with it immediately as I started dropping pounds by using the numbers suggested. Actually, in the beginning I was not meeting my eating goal, but I kept tweaking my food intake to meet that goal. Well, I lost 3.8 pounds in about 2 weeks, but then a strange thing happened - I have gained 1.6 pounds in 4 days! In those days I show a calorie deficit of 3013 calories, so I should have lost nearly a pound. I am tracking all of my food intake on MFP, just as I had been doing.

I do hope that when I weigh again in a few days that the 1.6 pounds will be gone and it will have taken a few more ounces with it. Oh how I wish that the idea of taking in less calories than you burn worked flawlessly!!

Has anyone else had this happen to them?


  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    When I do a strenuous workout that leaves my muscles a little achy, I gain weight until the soreness has passed.

    When I was running marathons, I would always gain weight the days after the long runs. My coach would tell people to not freak about the scale after major workouts, because the muscles will hold on to water while repairing. It is normal and temporary and it will let it go after a few days.

    The most recent time I've had this happen to me was when I started the 30-day Shred. I gained a bit and didn't lose for about a week. I was starting to get upset about it, then boom, I lost 3.5 pounds in two days.

    So, did you do something different? A new workout? Lots of gardening?
  • thinagain2014
    thinagain2014 Posts: 51 Member
    I can agree with zlauermom on this. I am normally up in weight a few days before my actual weigh in day because of exercise but miraculously the scale always shows my 2lb loss on weigh in day. I wouldn't worry very much about it, just keep doing what you're doing. I have even read that some people may not lose one week, but the next week they drop double their goal. That may be me this time around because of TOM and I'm up on the scale so far this week.
  • jc4mee
    jc4mee Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. Haven't done anything different this week and I'm not sore, but hopefully it's just water and I'll see a drop. In the past when I have tried to lose weight I would do fine for a few weeks and then the weight loss would just stop. I had hoped that with the BMF that would not happen, so when I actually gain I was freaking out a little. :sad: I guess that time will tell.