new guy here

forgage Posts: 29 Member
Started lifting again last October. I follow the Principle of Lift Big Eat Big. Have my 1st meet May 18th its just a Bench and Deadlift. I am currently following the Cube Method by Brandon Lilly. Looking for People that Think the Same!!


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    welcome to the club man!

    I ran two cycles of the cube method and really liked it. I had to switch back to 5/3/1 at the moment as I don't have a power rack and my training partner quit showing up, so its hard for me to do max effort squats/bench.

    The cube method is solid, and I think you'll see some good results.
  • forgage
    forgage Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks I started with Strong lifts, now Cube Method till Meet. Then rest week and Ill probably do another round Dont know what I will do after that. Probably do a Cut.