L1D2...or whatever you are on :)

RevCO30 Posts: 176 Member
How is everyone finding day 2? I am pleasantly surprised that I am not as sore this time around.


  • kimerz7
    kimerz7 Posts: 16 Member
    Day 2 seemed better. I know what to expect now. I seem to have the most trouble on the first circuit (mostly the cardio part).
  • jillybean0123
    jillybean0123 Posts: 238 Member
    All I can say is OWWW. Day 1 left my thighs feeling pretty sore, which I expected since it is what caused me to give up the last 2 times I started. Today I powered through and now I can really feel it everywhere but my arms. The soreness in my thighs is not as bad but my abs hurt pretty bad and my shoulders are just mildly sore. I'm just going to have to push through and keep going. It can't hurt forever, right?
  • active0health
    active0health Posts: 20 Member
    My thighs feel like jelly for like half an hour after and I'm pretty sore getting around town, but it's all worth it is what I keep telling myself...
  • spookygirl67
    spookygirl67 Posts: 9 Member
    Today I took off from 30DS. I will row for an hour tonight. I was way too sore today. However after only 2 days I already feel a difference. Probably just in my head but who cares?! I am totally stoked to keep going and see results. I think, realistically I will shoot for 5 times a week most weeks and see how that goes.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I'm currently one day 4 and it's starting to get easier, especially those dreaded jump ropes during those times I could strangle jillian but today it was easier my arms were so sore but I pushed through it and everything else was easier!!!!
  • spookygirl67
    spookygirl67 Posts: 9 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great day today!

    I did day 3 today. While I still am pretty much dying all during and after, my form is better today. I totally see why people quit this. I have to force myself. I hate every second during but feel amazing about myself after.

    I also did 40 min of rowing and increased my resistance a bit for the last 15 minutes.

    I have been logging the 30DS as "circuit training-general-20 min" (160 cal burned). Sound about right? I don't need it to be exact just want to be sure I am not over -estimating. I have severely low thyroid and have to watch everything more closely to loose even a tiny bit of weight..
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I just completed LV1D5 this morning. I took a day off yesterday, and I found that it was easier today, but I was still shaky afterwards. I have found that taking a hot shower right afterwards helps a lot!