
baileyt1 Posts: 49 Member
Thanks everyone for joining!!! When you join, please tell use about you and what your goals are!!!


  • mdlundblad
    mdlundblad Posts: 8 Member
    I'm working on losing 30 more pounds. Already dropped 10. I work out 5-6 days a weeks for 95 minutes minimum. I'm 54 and really motivated this time. I'm journaling my food and exercise which is the key for me. I've always worked out but not getting anywhere in the weightloss dept.
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    Hi All! My husband and I want to start hiking the AT. We've given ourselves a year or two to plan, prepare, and train. I'd like to lose 50 lbs. before then. That's the long term goal. In the short term, I'm working towards being able to run a 10K. That can only help with the hiking, right? :smile:
  • SmileySan
    SmileySan Posts: 1 Member
    Hello All,

    I have been told I am borderline diabetic, borderline high blood pressure and I have high cholesterol. I would like to use 50-60. But I'll take whatever I can lose.lol I am a work at home mom which means I have access to all the foods. which is my downfall. I love food. I have to admit it. But I am trying to control my portion and my intake. so far so good, got my fingers crossed. I am really trying to lose weight so I would be around to see my kids grow up.
  • carriehopp
    carriehopp Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all,

    I am a work at home mom as well, and along with getting myself healthier, I want to teach my children about the importance of living a nutritionally healthy life and making exercise fun. We are trying to cut back on the processed foods (which is hard because my kids are young and picky - and they love the processed foods). Can't wait until it starts warming up a bit here and we can run around more outside. We are finding things to do inside to stay more active, but have big plans for the warmer months!

    I am ulitmately looking to lose around 60 lbs. I am terribly impatient with the weight loss, I need help/motivation/encouragement that the weight has been on most of my life, it is not just going to melt away with one good week. I am in this for the long haul, but do need to constantly remind myself to take it day by day.
  • jusnjas
    jusnjas Posts: 9 Member
    I am trying to lose a total of 25 lbs! I have gotten up to my full-term pregnany weight recently and that made me feel disgusting! I am short 5'4 and I spread out! love to eat and I am addicted to sugar and carbs!!! Like us all! UGH!! I like to exercise too and time is not always on my side with teens (ages 16 and 13 1/2) and schedules! My son and I joined a gym the end of Jan. so that helps a lot as well! So this year I really need to focus on tracking my food and of course continuing to exercise and burn fat!! It's so easy to snack, snack, snack but hard to lose, lose, lose!!! Just looking for more encouragement!!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Hi Everyone.... I'm Jen - and my goals are: exercise 4-5 days a week, stay withing my calories (with a 100 cal. over lean) and to get rid of this last 15 lbs!!! I lost 75 lbs about 13 years ago.... gained a lil' back and now I'm sick of it! I WANT TO LOOK GOOD THIS SUMMER!!! I have a new found motivation and am looking for any and every ounce of motivation I can find to keep me going!!

    I look forward to chatting with all of you... Let's Get GOIN'!! :flowerforyou: (MFP really needs some new emotiocons! We need a runner, cheerleaders, walker, dog, hiker, someone celebrating, etc.)
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    Edited to divide between Introductions and Welcome (Goals).

    I started here on January 2nd determined to at least get to my prepregnancy weight - 66lbs lighter then where I started. I am just a tad over half way there now.

    Gym - 5 days a week. 30min Cardio/20min Strength 4x - 45min Cardio 1x
    Walks - 2 miles 2 days a week (Started to get my husband active again we are starting slowly for him but at least we are moving)
    Cardio - 1 30 minute DVD per week

    Food - I am pretty much strictly a calorie counter few restrictions as long as I am sticking to my limit.

    I am 5'6"
    SW - 216
    CW - 181
    GW - 150
    UGW - TBD - I will reevaluate at GW.