
rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
Hey all, My name is Rachel and I am a 23 yr old new mother of a beautiful baby boy born in October 2012. I started on MFP begging of February 2013 and have managed to lose all the baby weight doing the Turbofire prep program and logging my calories. Now I need to get off the wedding and unviersity weight and we are all good. I start the 12 week turbofire program on Friday!
SW: 156
CW: 142.2
GW: 120

Feel free to add me as a friend. I log daily and would love to support you all in your goals!!


  • Hazel9999
    Hazel9999 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I try to log on every day even when I dont want to because I've blown my calories for the day. Red wine is my downfall and I'm a weekend gymbunny. My house is freezing so I should burn more calories to keep warm but it isnt working yet. I want to lose a stone, I've wanted to lose it for about 10 years and not managed it yet. but this time I'm going to do it or as near as.:flowerforyou:
  • pedalmusic
    pedalmusic Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,
    My name is Cheri. I'm a 52 year old menopausal part-time musician. I love working out; I do an IMPACT high intensity interval training class three days a week. I also do some running and biking and yoga. I am working really hard to make healthy choices about food because I cannot lose any weight otherwise. I look forward to "meeting" with you and helping each other to achieve our goals. I was drawn to the group title because losing pounds seems like mission impossible to me a lot of the time:happy:
  • pinksarahjane
    pinksarahjane Posts: 73 Member
    hi im sarah im 34 im from a seaside town in england i found this group and throught it sounded great :)
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi! I'm Dawn. I'm a 38 year,menopausal mom of 4 currently living in Tennessee. I work 2 jobs and am getting ready to run my first 5K!! I have been on MFP a little over a year. Hit a rough patch and stopped logging on but I am 100% committed to daily logging and exercising and cheering on my MFP friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • goldied01
    goldied01 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi! My name is Donna and I am 55 years old. I found out I had diabetes about 2 1/2? Years ago and just got off my meds last November. Have lost 42lbs so far and have 20 more to go. I was doing really well until 2 weeks ago when my father-in-law died. It's been a bit stressful and my diet and exercise went haywire for a week and now I can't seem to get fully on track again. IE: One good day, two bad . One good day, one bad...etc. I have a picture of me full blown with NEVER AGAIN written on it. It scares me to death each time I overeat - that I'm going to look like that again.
    I walk 5 to 6 times a week - alternate walk/run. It's worked really well for me. Now I want to get into some toning, but not sure what to do. I tried Jillians shred it and really didn't like it. Any ideas?
  • Momwa6
    Momwa6 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi i'm momwa6 and i'm a mom of six children.I'm 34 and my kids ages are 16,13,11,10,8,and 4 five boys and one girl.My goal is to be 170 because i feel more sexy in that weight range and i will be at least a size 10 which i find to be common size in most stores.I had having to always go to plus size section i want to be in regular size for once.I also got motivated to lose the weight again after going through a divorce and having to restart my life over because of these situations it made me realize that im not the person i use to be and i have to find a way to get back to the old me without allowing these situations to tear me down.I started my journey in january of 2011 at 256 and looking for the finish this journey with a plan of maintenance.I workout to all beachbody programs you are welcome to add me if you like
  • JaimeMWS
    JaimeMWS Posts: 36
    Hi everyone - I'm a postmenopausal woman of 56. I've been an inactive desk/book type all my life, and struggled with weight. About 12 years ago I found "Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan Program," and lost a lot of weight and kept it off for years, but then I left my profession (and the routine that had worked) and went to a seminary dorm and a new vocation, and gained it back again. Last year I discovered rowing, and lost some of the weight and got more fit, but stalled and rebounded, using carbs to stuff anxiety. I just joined MFP and vow to log every day. I joined this group because getting un-fat again does seem like "Mission Impossible," but I know I and all of us have done things that seemed even harder, so we can do this too! Jaime (p.s. Donna, I empathize - grief is one of the most effective de-railers of self-care.)
  • jheads
    jheads Posts: 145 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I'm a 38 year old married stay at home mom of 5 children. 4 boys-2 girls age 20,15,12,6 & 2. I joined MVP a while ago but just started back at it in March. I'm 5'2" SW 180 CW 174 GW 130. Along with logging my calories each day I also LOVE 30DS. I'm currently on day 6 of Level 2.
  • weiyng
    weiyng Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Michelle and I've just joined. I'm a 19 year old and currently 116 pounds. I know it might sound crazy for some of you why I'd want to lose weight but its just a personal commitment I've made to myself and my doctor. Been adviced time and time again to clean up my diet and start exercising. I've been walking/jogging at least once a week for a month now. My GW is 100lbs.... because I want to see how far I can go eating healthily and exercising! Realistically, I want to keep it under 110. It'd be nice to look good in a swimsuit....

    I hope I can give and get the motivation I need to stick to this fitness thing for a life time (or at the very least a year, training my discipline too). I've always been falling off the wagon after two months max and this time I told myself I have to balance it out between studies and fitness!

    Nice to meet you all :):)
  • Peaches126
    Peaches126 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am a 44 year old woman (my friend call me Peaches) and have always been within my weight range until I hit my late 30's. I have manged to gain over 45 lbs withing 2 years! I am trying hard to get back to that place mentally where fitness and nutrition are my priority but I am struggling. I am hoping that hearing from others and sharing my experineces will help get me there. My goal is to lose the 45 lbs I have gained by losing 1 lb a week, then reach my goal weigh of 145 by April of 2014!

    Nice to meet you all!
  • jg3084
    jg3084 Posts: 6
    Hello everyone! I am trying to lose about 30 lbs and do great all day until I get home. I crave salty unhealthy things as soon as I enter my front door! I eat fruits, veggies, hard boiled eggs, cheese sticks, almonds and lean meats all day. I'm not even hungry when the cravings start. If there arent any chips or cookies or candy I will end up eating my 3 yr olds whole bag of goldfish. I know it sounds crazy but I just don't know how to make these night time cravings go away!!! I would appreciate any suggestions : )
  • JaimeMWS
    JaimeMWS Posts: 36
    jg3084 -

    For me, one key to avoiding evening cravings is to eat a high-protein breakfast. (I don't know why this is so, but recent research shows that I'm not alone) Do you eat a third of your daily protein in the morning? Or is breakfast skimpy as you rush to get out the door to work?

    I also find it necessary to have some planned/allowed snack before starting to cook dinner. Because I do best with limiting carbohydrates and not worrying about fats, a handful of good olives or nuts works to allow me to cook dinner.

    Also - do you have any self-care routines between your paid day work and your evening mommy work? Taking care of a 3 yr old is stressful, and you could be signaling to yourself that you need some TLC too. Maybe developing a routine where you sit down for 15 minutes with a nice cup of tea and a healthy snack before you set about the evening's work would help avoid grazing.

    Hope these suggestions help - at least it will reassure you that you aren't alone. Jaime
  • Ihalla
    Ihalla Posts: 7 Member
    Hi my name is Ineesha. I am 26 years old I live in massachusetts. Ive been married for almost 2 years. have been overweight all my life and I didnt really see a problem with it until I found out that dialbetes and heart disease runs in my family. I have been working out a lot lately and I have lost 25 pounds so far I work a lot so its hard for me to get to the gym as much as I should. I joined this group cause I think it will help me stay on track. Thanks for reading!
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    I am also looking for more encouragement. I think you can never have enough. I am 40, just had my second child in October 2012. I gained 60lbs with both of my kids. It took me three years to lose the weight after having my daughter in 2007. 2010-2011 were rough years for me and I suffered some personal tragedies that sent me into a depression. I went back and forth between being too depressed to eat and losing - to eating for comfort and gaining. In 2012 I found out I was pregnant again and between the progesterone and not being able to really workout due to health issues I gained 60lbs once again. But I carried a healthy baby to term so I will not complain.
  • jg3084
    jg3084 Posts: 6

    Thank you for the tips. I agree I probably need to take a little me time when we get home and I am definately going to try to eat more protein for breakfast. Yesterday I had grapes and a clementine before I left work to see if I wouldn't eat so much for dinner but ended up scarfing three peices of pizza anyway. I think I'll try some almonds and a clementine today. Knowing that I am not alone in this is extremely helpful. Thank you. : )
  • kmaxxwj
    kmaxxwj Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Karen 5' 9". 44yrs. Ive been struggling to lose weight after my second child. CW 220 GW 150
  • cbm413
    cbm413 Posts: 36
    Hi everyone! I'm Christy from Indiana. Single, no kids, and I'll be 37 next week. I've got about 50 pounds to lose in addition to the 10 I've lost since January. I just started MFP last week to track my calories, and I work out at Planet Fitness 4 times a week. I was looking for a couple of groups to join so I can check in with the same people now and then - the message boards are pretty huge! Good luck to everyone :smile:
  • JaimeMWS
    JaimeMWS Posts: 36
    A recent study that found high-protein breakfasts reduced evening snacking used breakfasts with 35 grams of protein. I eat a lower amount - 20 grams.
  • Annie_ga
    Annie_ga Posts: 72
    Hi. I'm a 44 year old at 5'2". Started at 137 and am now 124. Just started perimenopause and the hormones are making keeping cravings down really hard and I just want to loose at least 6 more lbs. Would love to give support and get some!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Hi. I am Nancy, and I will be 34 years old next month. I have struggle with my weight since I was a teenager, and have always been slightly overweight since. I am an overall healthy eater, but just kept eating unchecked by my mom like I was still diving, swimming, and dancing. I was never super heavy until after my son was born almost ten years ago. While I was breastfeeding I packed on 30+ pounds. Then in 2006 I started working an office job, and that went up even more. I did not realize how big I had gotten. Then, my mom was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. My husband developed pancreas issues, and now our son has been diagnosed with high cholesterol. I have told myself since I was 15 I was going to lose the weight, but was never motivated like I am now! I started to seriously attack the problem in September of 2012, and now I am almost to where I was when I found out I was pregnant with Dalton (2003). Ten more pounds! When I get there I am going for 40 lbs. more to get me to where I should be for once in my life! More important then wanting to be the "just right size" I want my family to follow suit, and get healthier too! After all I have always said "Heal is the biggest part of Healthy!" It took a co-worker (who was 45) to tell me she thought I looked older than her to start the process, but it took my families struggle with health to solidify that I DO NOT WANT the health issues that come with obesity!