Hungry at night after dinner

Hi Folks, I'm really new to living true to paleo. I started two days ago, although prior to this I think I have been eating very close to this for years as my body doesn't enjoy grains. I've looked at the diet and it really appeals to me so I am determined to follow it the best I can.

I'm eating a good breakfast and lunch and dinner.

My question is do people find they are really hungry at night, a couple hours after dinner? This seems to be when I'm craving something other than what's on the paleo food pyramid. If so, what do you eat at this time?

I've tried a handful of nuts, and blueberries.

Any ideas would be great
Thank you


  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    I guess I'd say that if you're craving something other than paleo foods, you may not be "hungry" at all. Rather, you're just craving tasty treats. It's also possible that you are actually hungry, in which case: Eat something paleo. Part of this whole thing, is eating (cleanly) when you're hungry irrespective of "breakfast," "lunch" and "dinner."
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I eat a big spoonful of almond butter, or AB and an apple when I'm hungry at night.

    Sometimes I'm hungry for the fat, other times the sugar.

    I am hungry ALL THE TIME since weight lifting. So I just listen to my body and feed it. It took a while for me to untangle bored hungry from real hungry though.
  • number1mummyhen
    number1mummyhen Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! Thank you - I will give the almond butter a try. I live in Western Australia, is this readily available? I've not used it before! There are so many lovely clean food on the paleo diet :-)

    Yes I'm not sure if I'm hungry hungry, or just craving something that is bad for me. I've tried chicken, eggs, nuts, blueberries.
  • number1mummyhen
    number1mummyhen Posts: 19 Member
    Wow I've just googled how to make almond butter! Almonds, salt, food processor! Simple! I will try this tomorrow!
  • getyourbeans
    getyourbeans Posts: 80 Member
    Hi - if you don't want to make the almond butter yourself, they have it at Coles and Woolies too. Just in the health food sections. The macro brand at Woolworths is cheapest I think.... but still not cheap. Price does help moderate consumption though :-) I actually prefer the taste to peanut butter.
  • number1mummyhen
    number1mummyhen Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks Hayley! I'm going to try to make it tonight, but good to know its available here in Australia just in case it fails!

    I tried the nom nom Brussel sprout chips, they seemed to stop my hunger! Who would have thought home made Brussel sprouts could taste so good!
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    I guess I'd say that if you're craving something other than paleo foods, you may not be "hungry" at all. Rather, you're just craving tasty treats. It's also possible that you are actually hungry, in which case: Eat something paleo. Part of this whole thing, is eating (cleanly) when you're hungry irrespective of "breakfast," "lunch" and "dinner."


    You have developed eating habits over many years and your brain wants to continue them.

    I try to use MFP as a goal for the day but if I am still truly hungry and MFP says I am out of calories I am going to eat something primal and not grab a bag of chips or cookies or something "bad".
  • Your also new to this and it takes few weeks to adjust. Give your body time to get up to speed on whats available. I'm 3 months in and down to only eating twice a day with no cravings hang in it will get easier.
  • number1mummyhen
    number1mummyhen Posts: 19 Member
    Yes you are right, it's slowly settling, although the almond butter is a lovely treat, and I think it's helped wean my mind off thinking about rubbish food :-))))

    I'm finding that eating a boiled egg or some white fish for lunch or dinner seems to work too :-)
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I notice that when I follow paleo stricly, I tend to fall into a pattern, I eat lunch, dinner and snacky things after that. I generally do not get hungry until later in the day and I usually eat most of my calories for dinner. Try to grab some fruit and some water, I have found that usually when my mind is saying I'd like some goodies, water can help.. Good luck it will get better!
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    I guess I'd say that if you're craving something other than paleo foods, you may not be "hungry" at all. Rather, you're just craving tasty treats. It's also possible that you are actually hungry, in which case: Eat something paleo. Part of this whole thing, is eating (cleanly) when you're hungry irrespective of "breakfast," "lunch" and "dinner."

    This makes perfect sense. I'm only 3 days in and find myself longing for something after dinner. I used to have a bite of dark chocolate after dinner and I'm pretty sure I'm just missing this. I'm not opposed to eating after dinner, but I find when I restrict my choices to Paleo foods, I don't actually want anything.....just chocolate.
  • Thyme4change
    Thyme4change Posts: 46 Member
    I am an old pro to low carb'ing and six glorious days into primal yeah! Ok enough tooting my horn...(still learning n not clean)

    Night time hunger is all what was said above. It can be a habit, missing carbs, thirst, tired, stress, bored, not satiated, true hunger or a combo of the mentioned.

    Best thing is to become aware of which it it or the combo. This took time for me, but ell worth it. However here are my tips to get me through without eating as I figure how what it is or not :)

    Drink something hot...relaxes my tummy long enough for my brain to agree I had enough. Then an 60-90 mins later if I get 'hungry and bed time is a bit away, then I like to go for a up of decaf w coconut oil, works well w some herbal teas as well. Coconut oil is yummy, satiating and so good your me :) Or I will have a TBL of fresh ground almond butter. I grind it at our local Sprouts. Make sure you keep in fridge to keep fresh, together and from turning rancid, yuk I love the chunky, it gives something to chew on as I lick off the spoon. My kids think its yukky..oh where did I go wrong. a once of sesame seeds is wonderful while I read, better then veggies sticks. Speaking of veggie sticks..dipping veggies in olive oil is really yummy when others are dipping the bread :) sorry off track...

    Honestly, since I am primal I go strait for a cup of hot decaf or herbal drink w cream and coconut oil. It's what works for me...

  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    I find that I'm not really hungry per se, I just want a relaxing treat. Hot tea or decaf work, or if I really want a treat, red wine. :smile:
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Another nice little treat is a small bowl of frozen blueberries sprinkled with pure cocoa and drizzled in full fat coconut milk. The milk tends to set and tastes divine....
  • AMBlass
    AMBlass Posts: 161
    Try eating more protein at dinner. If you're legit hungry, then that should help. And if you're not legit hungry, then it's the whole psychological relationship with food that's rearing its ugly head and that's EXACTLY why you're doing the Whole30 in the first place, so don't eat. Otherwise you sort of ruin the point. Whole30 is pretty strict about not snacking too much because it can become very routinized where you eat because of the clock, not because of hunger. So try to remember that you don't have to eat. But at the same time, if you're legit hungry, please eat. There's no calorie counting on Whole30/paleo so it shouldn't matter.