newbie of the group

Hi my name is Katie. I'm a single work at home mom. i began this weight loss journey weighing 250 pounds. I am now at 180 pounds. I am 40 pounds till my goal weight. looking forward to getting to know new sistas


  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Hi! I am a married work from home mom of one :happy: Working at home gives a whole new meaning to "desk job". I have a goal of 125 which means I started with 114lbs to lose.
  • cinitra81
    Hello. I am active young lady, no children and desire to reach and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I recently recommitted to becoming healthy. I look forward to meeting women and gaining a strong support system. My start weight is 360lbs. I have a 110lbs to loose.
  • cinitra81
    Hello how are you! We are in this fight together. I am looking forward to meeting new sistas as we!!
  • Fabu_lass
    Fabu_lass Posts: 122 Member
    hey, I'm new just joined the group today, working mum, studying p/t but that is over this summer, just trying to claim back me.

    Started off at 220, currently at 203.4, my goal is 137, my mini goal it to have lost 40 by July, I started P90X lean on teh 1st and hope to stick with it and reap good results, definitely here to offer support and motivation, add me