Day 61 - Two days to go - feeling the burn

I have truly hated and loved this work out all at the same time. Each time I do it I really try to dig deeper so every workout is a challenge. Some days I started feeling totally fatigued and after 15-20 mins was in full swing, wondering 'when did that burst of energy kick in' The 10min workout in month one was a killer, but felt soooh good when I completed it without stopping in week 3. I loved the Recovery Week and definitely preferred month 2, so keep pushing yourself, results are amazing. I agree the loss of pounds increased VERY slowly, but the difference in clothes is definitely noticeable, I can't help but keep smiling!!


  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    This is actually really motivating! I just started week 2 of Insanity and can't wait to see results when I get to where you are :) did you follow the diet plan at all? I just calculated how much I should be eating, according to Insanity, and it's a whopping 300-400 cals over my current calorie goal which is kind of overwhelming!

    You have definitely inspired me to kick my butt into higher gear and really dig DEEPER! Thanks for posting :D
  • I followed my own style diet plan and basically ate smaller portions and cut down (but not cut out completely) my weakness of desserts. Calorie allowance does increase dependent on how vigorous your workout, so up your intake on protein as this will feed the muscles rather than increase fat.

    At one point I thought the suggested calorie intake was too high and often wouldn't reach it, but then found my body would fatigue quicker and for longer as the week went on, so I would definitely recommend quality calories like chicken rather than refined carbs, I.e bread based food

    Keep going, completing week 1 and pressing on to wk2 is a big achievement - well done! xx
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Well done. I started month 2 yesterday :smile:
  • Well done Microfiber, you are halfway. The results from this point should keep you pushing yourself xx