30 days of no late night snacking

sarahlynn333 Posts: 22 Member
I can go all day eating healthy and within my allotted calories and then night time hits... I end up eating a few hundred calories (200-300) over my daily amount which adds up over the week and stops me from losing any weight. I want to change this, and so I am devoting the next 30 days to no after dinner snacking. I usually eat dinner at 7 or 8 pm since that is when I get home from work. I will eat my planned dinner then nothing more! Anyone want to join me in 30 days of no late night snacking??


  • eshanimongia5
    eshanimongia5 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in. I'm really bad with late night snacking. It's my worst enemy.
  • SusieDerkinsRocks
    SusieDerkinsRocks Posts: 30 Member
    Great idea to make it a challenge! I'm all in!
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    I'm in!

    Although I have to say, 200-300 is not that much. That is about 1/2 a pound per week so you should still see an overall loss?
  • KirstenMarie18
    KirstenMarie18 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in!

    I do really well all day and then around 9 pm I just can't control my snacking.
  • JaimeMWS
    JaimeMWS Posts: 36
    I'm in! For me, this challenge is linked to another goal - to eat a protein-filled breakfast within an hour of waking up. For some reason, this reduces the night-time cravings.
  • kiwi6685
    kiwi6685 Posts: 19 Member
    Night time is my waist-lines worst enemy! I am in too! It's only 30 days, it seems possible! :) And I am also looking for some support on here, so if anyone is interested in adding me, please do so!
  • Stewart_21
    Stewart_21 Posts: 7 Member
    I am in, I am getting better at this but can definitely use the challenge. I have took some goal setting classes and they say it takes 28 days to change a habit so this will be a good test for me. I have also been told that when your feeling hungry at night most of the time it is out of boredom. To try and curve the craving I made an activity jar so if I feel like I want to snack at night I go pull an activity out of the jar and do what it asks usually afterwards I am no longer craving something to eat. I have also read a book that said at night if you are feeling hungry go to bed hungry to detour yourself from indulging. If we can all do this for 30 days we should be able to make it I to our new habit and be able to stop the night time snacking. That would be a huge accomplishment for me!
  • I am totally in!! I've been trying to switch to healthier snacks at night, but that doesn't deal with the overall problem: I eat because I'm bored/stressed/etc., and NOT because I'm hungry. This will test my willpower!!

    Does anybody have any strategies to stave off temptations? I love tea, so I think when I feel the urge to snack I'll put myself together a little tea service: make some tea in my fancy tea pot and drink it out of a fancy cup and pretend I'm in Downton Abbey ;)
  • sarahlynn333
    sarahlynn333 Posts: 22 Member
    Hmm..I'll have to try eating more protein in the morning to see if it works for me too. Thanks for the idea!
  • sarahlynn333
    sarahlynn333 Posts: 22 Member
    So, tonight is my first night with this challenge. I ate my dinner and drank a big glass of water. I went upstairs for the rest of the night to avoid being tempted by the kitchen. I know this will be a hard habit to break but I really think this could make a difference in my weight loss. Here we go!
  • SusieDerkinsRocks
    SusieDerkinsRocks Posts: 30 Member
    In bed ignoring the fridge!
  • I would like to join in. I'm going to bed ...so I don't have the temptation.
  • jordanhuber
    jordanhuber Posts: 12 Member
    Challenge accepted!
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    someone should start a group so we can keep track of each other!
  • sarahlynn333
    sarahlynn333 Posts: 22 Member
    Good idea. I will try making a group right now. :)
  • sarahlynn333
    sarahlynn333 Posts: 22 Member
    The group is made..come join!!
  • i will join your purpose, since today
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    :happy: :happy: What's the name of the group?
  • sarahlynn333
    sarahlynn333 Posts: 22 Member
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Ha ha well alrighty then