New Member -- I need help!


My name is MeMe. I'm in my early 20s and got off birth control last May, after having gained 20 lbs while on it. You'd think the weight gain would stop, but NO -- I proceeded to gain ANOTHER 20 lbs. Now, I am 40 lbs heavier than I was a year ago and the weight simply will not come off. I believe I have PCOS and insulin resistance due to not having a period in several months, a waist of over 35 inches, LOTS of fat in the belly region and much difficulty losing weight. I have tried to go low carb and not eat fast food and such but it's soooooo hard resisting. I want to get healthy again and I want to do it naturally without medication. Please help me!


  • jackilync
    jackilync Posts: 30 Member
    I hate hearing that other people have to go through the same crap that I do. PCOS sucks so much! I have honestly tried almost every diet I have ever heard of and basically, I would lose weight then gain it back in a couple of months. I had a late miscarriage in February and ever since I have been busting my butt exercising and eating 1400 calories or less a day. I've lost 30 lbs so far but I am hitting a plateau and I am not sure how long this weight will stay off. With the IR thrown in the mix everything gets more difficult. My doctor gave me this advice a couple of weeks ago, "You will have to work twice as hard to lose the same amount of weight as your husband does. Your body is different than his, so do not compare yourself to him or anyone else. Don't get discouraged if you only lose 10 lbs in two months, that's 10 lbs you don't have to carry anymore. Just remember that this is important for your health and your future." (Slightly paraphrased because I can't remember his exact words but that was the jist). I know that isn't really helpful, but it made me feel slightly better. Is there an option to see a nutritionist? Also, don't deprive yourself all the time. I know it is tempting to say, "I am never eating _______ again!" But when we say that, those foods are so much more appealing. I LOVE reese's peanut butter cups and at first I said I was never going to eat them anymore. Well, the other night I was craving one SO badly, I still had plenty of calories left over, so I got one and ate it. Instead of eating two or three I stuck to the one and I chewed it slowly so I could savor it. lol Sounds silly but it satisfied my craving and didn't kill my day. I would say to try really hard to stay away from the fast food though. My chiropractor has a mcdonalds meal sitting on the counter in her office with a sticky note of the day she bought it. I was there yesterday and before reading the sticky I thought someone had left their lunch on the counter. When I read 1/2/12 on it I almost puked. That CANNOT be even remotely healthy. I do eat fast food sometimes but I try to be really conscious of what I am consuming. I know it sucks and I wish I had more advice that was actually helpful. Good luck!
  • Bubbaluh
    Bubbaluh Posts: 39 Member

    I believe I have PCOS and insulin resistance due to not having a period in several months, a waist of over 35 inches, LOTS of fat in the belly region and much difficulty losing weight. I have tried to go low carb and not eat fast food and such but it's soooooo hard resisting.

    Well being diagnosed with PCOS is a good start, but its true, you will work twice as hard to lose the weight, and will gain it twice as easy! Obviously you need to go see your doctor and get tests etc done but that will only get you so far, you still have to restrict calorie intake, exercise like mad and earn it, theres no magic pill or diet to fix things (sadly)

    Im in my early 20's too i didnt get a period for 7-8 months after i stopped taking the pill, the only thing thats given me steady weightloss without regaining is counting, sticking to basic meats and veg, abit of pasta or rye bread here and there fruit too!
    I guess you should be happy you only need to lose 40lbs, it could of been much worse!
    You have to choose, junk food and being overweight/obese and not having periods or healthy eating healthy body healthy periods. Its all in your hands and i wish you the best of luck!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312

    My name is MeMe. I'm in my early 20s and got off birth control last May, after having gained 20 lbs while on it. You'd think the weight gain would stop, but NO -- I proceeded to gain ANOTHER 20 lbs. Now, I am 40 lbs heavier than I was a year ago and the weight simply will not come off. I believe I have PCOS and insulin resistance due to not having a period in several months, a waist of over 35 inches, LOTS of fat in the belly region and much difficulty losing weight. I have tried to go low carb and not eat fast food and such but it's soooooo hard resisting. I want to get healthy again and I want to do it naturally without medication. Please help me!

    Definantly go to the DR and push them to find out you have to be your own advocate when it comes down to PCOS. When my husband and I started trying and I went off of BC I gained 35 lbs in 5 months! Added to the 65 lbs I already needed to loose! I have been following a "REAL FOODS" diet so Low refined/Simple Carbs. I have lost my 35 lbs in a little under 3 months following this diet and working out like mad. IF you have PCOS you will discover that you have to be more diligant.

    I think you are on the right track having a hard time resisting carbs is a common symptom and afflicts many of us. If you are diagnosed your DR may put you on Metformin (I know you want to do it naturally but it may help you get started and get on that natural diet you need) and it's not a wounder drug that will do the work for you but it will help keep those cravings at bay and help you Ovulate! I started ovulating I think after my first cycle on metformin I think and for sure after my second.

    Good luck with everything and please promis you will go to the DR.
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Newbie.....

    I can say if I knew then what I know now.... I would have started in my 20's. Go to the doctors do the test ... be patient and once you have the results, get a plan. Make sure you start off slow .... and see what works for you. Not everything that works for others will work for you. Find things that are physical that you like to do, and make that a part of your "must have's in your life". So working out is not so much of a chore.

    Keep your head up

    You can add me ... for support and encouragement....

  • minibee12
    minibee12 Posts: 55
    Thank you all so much for your responses! This is all very encouraging. I needed to really hear that working hard at it is the only way to get it done. I am going to the doctor in 2 weeks so hopefully we'll figure something out. Thanks so much!
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i was in the same boat as you just a little longer (almost 10 yrs) finaly went to the doctor last month she put me right away on low carb diet and provera because she suspected pcos and last week my blood tests came back and confirmed it first week of metformin now and i feel wonderful still sticking to low carb diet and exercise same as before but have lost almost 6lbs in the last 5 days.

    Can only say go to a competent doctor get yourself tested the medication helps a lot! And you will finally know and have some guidelines.
  • minibee12
    minibee12 Posts: 55
    Thank you! I'm going to the doctor this Friday!