Hello! I need help!


I'm a student and it's so hard to find time to work out between classes and studying and having a life! Also I'm a BIG TIME night time snacker and need tips to stop doing that! Any advice, especially from the younger crowd is very appreciated! Thank you!


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I like to snack at night, so I just budget the calories for it.

    It also helps me to preplan. I try to have the next day planned before I go to bed at night.
  • rmitscher
    rmitscher Posts: 7 Member
    Vegetables are a great snack anytime and you can eat as much as you want.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    Wake up 30 minutes earlier and workout in the morning. Gets you motivated during the day and also helps curb your eating for the day. If you do snack at night, pre-plan your meals and snacks and choose the healthier options.
  • eZewebb
    eZewebb Posts: 2
    Try eating almonds I eat blue diamond almonds an hour before bed and it keeps me full enough til the morning They have 100 calorie packs if you want to keep calories low
  • Cloverdoll
    Cloverdoll Posts: 27 Member
    What types of food are you snacking on at night? If you're after crunchy things like chips, slice up a few apples super thin & sprinkle cinnamon and a little sugar and pop in the oven at 200* for about an hour, or attack some celery or carrots instead. Sweet things I tend to have yogurt, in love with the Yo Crunch with my favorite being strawberry with Nestle crunch pieces. I can get my 'mental chocolate' fix without feeling guilty over eating a candy bar. Also love the Breyer's Cottage Cheese doubles.

    One thing I do before walking into the kitchen when I think I need a snack is H.A.L.T. Am I Hurt? (someone say or do something that hurt my feelings?) Am I Angry? (did I or someone else do / say something that upset me) Am I Lonely? (would this 'hunger' feeling go away if I were to just talk to someone) and Am I Tired? (Should I go ahead and raid the fridge or is my body just pleading with me to go to bed.) 9 out of 10 times, for me... one of these is the answer, not actually hungry.
  • dwntwnpengrl
    dwntwnpengrl Posts: 49 Member
    I'm younger in my head. My aches and pains remind me that I'm 43. I work about 50 hours a week and work out in the evening. I used to get up at 5:15am and workout in the morning before work but I just can't motivate myself that early anymore. I try to workout 5 days a week and do yoga/Pilates 1 day a week and rest 1 day a week.

    So, working out in the evening (sometimes as late as 9pm for me) isn't awful. I've also found that being a later eater (I could eat nothing most of the day and then eat everything at night - but I don't), and working out at night has it's advantages. Working out takes time and I'm not eating during that time :-) and when I get home I might be hungry but I'm also feeling a little motivated and self-righteous so I'm not stuffing myself with junk. I would definitely go with a lot of little things - for variety. I might have a few almonds (like eZewebb suggested) - and they come in fun flavors like smoked or wasabi (just check those calories), a little string cheese (who doesn't like to play with food) and maybe some celery or carrots. I try to eat my carbs in the morning and protein in the evening. Read it somewhere and it seems to be working for me.

    Good luck!
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    I've also found that being a later eater (I could eat nothing most of the day and then eat everything at night - but I don't),

    You might check out Intermittent Fasting.. My body seems to work like that also, so I I checked out IF, and have been doing 16 hour daily fasts with an 8 hour eating window, and it's been working very well for me... I'm not sure my wife completely approves, but it makes sense to me, and my body seems to like it, so I'm all good with it :)