Anyone still active in this group?

Hi everyone,

I started SBD on Monday, so far so good. Been eating well and feel great. I'm wondering if this is still an active group? If anyone wants to buddy up for support or recipe swaps - add me.



  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member
    It doesn't seem so, but I'm looking for an active SB group too.
  • vwillan
    vwillan Posts: 28 Member
    Count me in! I am in Phase 2, and absolutely love South Beach. I haven't weighed myself yet, but I know I am losing and I feel great. I love the recipes, although I prefer the original book over the "SuperCharged" one. I don't eat beef, and a lot of the recipes in the newer book are for beef.

    The sugar withdrawal in Phase 1 was a real eye-opener for me. Literally sick for several days. I am over that now, and feel great.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Hi, ladies:)

    I am a South Beacher since August 20, 2012. It has been the best thing that ever happened to me! This group never really seemed very active, so I pretty much forget to check it. Hope things are going well for y'all:) I'd be happy to answer any questions, if yo have any.
  • Hello!

    I am starting the SBD phase 1 tomorrow! I would love the support please feel free to add me! Also any results in phase 1 for you all?
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I found this group shortly after I started here last August, and it was a great way to get me started. The first phase is great for breaking that sugar/carb addiction. The first couple of days are a little tough, but once you get the sugar out of your system, you start to feel fantastic. Food cravings lessen greatly, and your energy levels even out. I felt the no fruit was a bit too restrictive for me, so I allowed myself one serving of strawberries during that time and did just fine. I also found out that grains, especially wheat, were not that great for my body, so I kept them out of my diet, even after the first 2 weeks. I can have small amounts, occasionally, but if I have too many, then my body revolts with pain and inflammation.
    I have a mild form of Rheumatoid arthritis, and I have an inflammatory spinal cord disease that put me in a wheelchair for several years.
    I can honestly say that my new way of eating has helped me tremendously with my pain levels, and therefore has allowed me to become much more mobile than I have been in 12 years.
    I basically tweaked the SBD to fit my individual needs, and have evolved into a Low Carb/High Fat plan, very similar to the Paleo, and it has been wonderful for me. I also have PCOS and this diet changed has helped with that as well. You will find quite a few ladies with PCOS that follow a LCHF and are doing great with it.

    The South Beach plan is, in my opinion, the best plan for anyone to get started eating healthier and lose weight. I lost 6 pounds my first week, and 8 pounds per month for the first 3 months. You lose a lot of water weight in the beginning because of cutting out the carbs, and if you suddenly go back to eating the carbs like you did before, you will gain that water weight back. This is why they reintroduce the carbs back in slowly after the first phase. If you do it slowly, you won't have the big weight gain.

    This isn't a diet that you go on for a few weeks to lose a bunch of weight, then go back to eating normally. It is a way of eating that you fit into your lifestyle and will make a permanent change. After losing almost 40 pounds since the end of Aug, I am averaging about 1 pound per week now. I have 33 more to hit my first goal, and sure, I would love for it to all be gone yesterday, but if I continue at this rate, in 33 weeks I will be in a healthy BMI range for the first time in 15 years! And I will have broken my family curse of obesity and diabetes.

    Probably the biggest change in my thinking on this diet, was to not be afraid of healthy fats. About 50% of my calories now come from healthy fats like nuts and avocados. It sounds crazy, but it has been wonderful. Lots of energy, no hunger pains or cravings, no dry hair and skin, joints are sufficiently lubricated, and NO CONSTIPATION! woo hoo!
    Having adequate fat intake also keeps your hormones in balance, and since I am staring at menopause coming up in the next few years, it has been very helpful in that area, and I assume I will have an easier time with that transition when it comes.

    I will turn 50 at the end of August, and I hope to be down another 20 pounds by then, and comfortably in a swimsuit! I'm also toying with the idea of skydiving. Wow. even writing that down sounds so crazy for a lady who was in a wheelchair 5 yrs ago.

    Best wishes to you all!
  • dcd20002
    dcd20002 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone!! Im new to this site so havent done much browsing yet but I started SB Phase 1 today - 4/1/13 and so far so good.

    I would love to hear about tips, recipes, snack ideas - ANYTHING! lol!

    thanks and have a good one people.
  • dcd20002
    dcd20002 Posts: 2 Member
    Good JOB DebbieLyn63! That's what I need to be - consistent!
  • Goddaessa
    Goddaessa Posts: 10 Member
    I started South Beach Phase 1 on April first. So far I've lost 6.6 lbs. This is the most success I've had during this phase. I attribute it to strenuous exercise I perform as a compliment and a sinus infection which really killed my appetite. So my diet has been low carb low fat and low calorie. I'm doing a 30 day Bikram Challenge (Very hot yoga) which burns 700-800 calories per session.

    I've limited read meat as well. I make a batch of broiled chicken breasts and steamed veggies on the weekends and I bring it with me for lunch during the week. It's also convenient when Im too drained from Bikram to cook. When I want something more tasty, I'll get a salad with blackened salmon or a steak or ribs (without bbq sauce).

    I'm really missing fruit right now. I pop green tea mints when I have a craving for sweets or fruit. They are not overly sweet but they kill the craving and 3 mints are the same a cup of green tea. Or sometimes when it's convenient I just drink some green tea. There's something refreshing about it that provides something of what Im craving from fruit.

    **I meant to start a new topic...
  • bolins95
    bolins95 Posts: 9
    I started Ph 1 SB diet about a month ago...had a real hard to not cheating! I think the weather cold, damp and rainy had alot to do with me cheating, my body was thinking it was winter. however started it over again this past wed..I have lost 4 pounds in 3 days. I haven't even started my running program yet! What I love is the food, you don't feel restricted..except I do miss my fruit..blueberries ! But I hope I am on my way to losing 8-14 pounds in the first 2 weeks! Wish me luck! I fthere are any people out there just starting to and want to join me that would be great!
  • vwillan
    vwillan Posts: 28 Member
    Tell me more about these green tea mints! They sound fabulous. Where do you buy them and do they come in different flavors?
  • bolins95
    bolins95 Posts: 9
    Hi! so I am on day 7 of Ph 1. I have lost 7 lbs! I am excited!!! I hope I can lose 7 more in the next week! I will try my hardest!
  • bolins95
    bolins95 Posts: 9
    So excited to say 1 week and 2 days and I have lost 9 lbs! I though I was stalling for a day or too... because my scale was not cooperating!!!! I was 212 when I started and now 203.2!!! I am so excited my goal to get under 200 in the next couple of days!!!! WOOOHOOOO!:bigsmile: :happy: :tongue:
  • SharkyPickle
    SharkyPickle Posts: 2 Member
    HI I am in the same boat as the 2 of you! I had used SBD's website and decided it wasn't for me. I did love the active groups, but the logging the food and and cost.... yeah,

    Anyhoo I have been on phase 1 for 5 days.

    Let's inspire more posts!
  • SharkyPickle
    SharkyPickle Posts: 2 Member
    That's awesome!!!!!!! Keep up the great work!