Ran an 8k

I am still on a runner's high from completing an 8k 5.1 miles. I set out to do a walk / run because I have not trained outside over the winter. Although I exercise regularly and use the treadmill in my mind I was not prepared to run the entire race so settled for a run/walk with the end goal to just complete the race. Low and behold, my adrenaline kicked in and I ran the entire race non stop in 69 minutes! I am so very thankful to have made it through and injury free! Now that the spring is here I can get prepared to run tge 5k 3.1 miles in June and get faster!!


  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    Congratulations! That is awesome. I am doing my first 5k in two weeks and looking forward to moving up to 10k's so you are inspiration!
  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    Hey, we were in the same start corral :)

    Yesterday's race was wonderful and you certainly should still be on a runner's high -- you did a great job! Congratulations!