Figuring it Out

jpinkhamvt Posts: 7 Member
I love my fitbit and have had it for about 6 months. I am still figuring out some of the nuances between fitbit and MFP..but now that I am starting to figure out those nuances I am pretty psyched about what a challenge it is to reach my 10 k a day steps..even walking in place to get in the last few. I would love to accept any challenges that come this way!!


  • Tammy8888
    Tammy8888 Posts: 5 Member
    I love my Fitbit too!! I can't believe how I take the extra effort to get that next badge or that next little bit for another mile or a step goal. I even go in circles around the inside of my house to finish my daily goals. People would laugh if they could see me. Keep up the great work!!
  • Luvable84v
    Luvable84v Posts: 28 Member
    I'm excatly the same, I even walk up and down the stairs for the stairs goal :)
  • jpinkhamvt
    jpinkhamvt Posts: 7 Member
    I have about 300 more steps to reach 10K today and I am just walking around the house. And with the sleep monitoring is interesting to watch and look for correlations between good sleep days and good food and fitness choices days.