So glad I found you guys :)

Good morning everyone . I'm 39 and been on and off a diet all my adult life .. I'm typically always needing to lose that 'last stone' but never quite manage it ! I tend to get to a point where I don't feel too bad anymore and then I go and blow it !! I love my food and love my wine at the weekends . I always incorporate my wine into any diet lol . I've been messing around with mfp for ages but as from today that's it .. I'm on it !! I'm intending on eating 1200 cals a day . I'm starting 30 day shred today . I go to the gym around 3 times a week . I'm gonna have my 2 btls wine over the weekend and not count them . Hoping it will all balance out with exercise. I'd love to make friends here , support others and get some much needed support too. Anyone can add me but how do I go about adding others ? Really wanna finally shift this stone .. Maybe stone and half ... . Anyone want a buddy ? Xxx


  • Thank you ... Can I also ask .. How do you all get your wee ticker to show up ? I've got mfp as an app but not sure if it is synced with this website .. If that makes sense lol
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    You sound very like me - always a stone or so overweight.

    Have you thought of following the 5:2 eating plan instead of being very restricted on 1200 calories and "cheating" by not logging your wine? There are a lot of UK people following it - see for more info and there are also two groups on here. I find it really helpful in the way I can fit my diet into my lifestyle rather than the other way round.

    You are much better off logging everything you eat or drink - that way you learn to judge where your calories are coming from. If you choose to go over at least you will be able to understand and interpret your results.

    If you do choose to go down the 1200 cals route you should eat your exercise calories back.
  • Thanks for the advice and yeah I def want a 'diet' to fit in with my lifestyle not the other way round . I always found people got a slagging on the main site for drinking alcohol . I see it that I work hard all week , I eat mainly healthy , excercise and enjoy wine at weekends ... Don't wanna give that up lol . I've looked into the 5:2 diet but don't think it's for me . I figure that 2 btls wine is 1200 cals so on top of my 1200 cals a day .. Oh and I don't log veg apart from root veg and peas that gives me around 1400-1500 cals a day ..oh and I found my ticker !! :)
  • esoproni
    esoproni Posts: 2
    Good morning,
    I'm new here. :)

    I always had problem with my weight. When I was a teenager, my sisters were skinny, my mother was tiny, so with my 65 kilo I was a giant in a family, and also the "Ugly Betty" because of my orthodontic and glasses. :)
    In the last 20 years I've been tried many type of diets and exercises, my weight went up and down, from 58 to 72.

    I'm 36 now, and I want a well-balanced body-image (because I also have a body dysmorphic disorder). :)

    So I started a calorie-counting diet, and I'll start exercising soon (running/Body Combat/Insanity).