Sorry for being so blunt!



  • MelodyinGa
    MelodyinGa Posts: 202 Member
    I hear ya! I feel like those around me forget that I am a WOMAN first and then a mommy! As if...mommies don't think or NEED sex! Especially those who can have it anytime they want with their spouse or SO!
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Word! I've actually gotten several, "you're a mother, you definitely don't need it as much as I do." Feel like shaking them SO HARD for saying that.

    Not trying to be bitter or anything lol. Also hate when guys talk to get to know me, and then go for an instant 5K run when they know I'm a mom. I'm like, so being a mom changes everything? :(
  • Bananarheanna
    Bananarheanna Posts: 14 Member
    I'm right there with you guys! I feel like I have never thought of sex so much in my life!
  • MelodyinGa
    MelodyinGa Posts: 202 Member
    Well ladies...I have a horrid online date story...speaking of sex! So, I met this guy on about 6 weeks ago. We have been texting and talking on the phone some, but because of my schedule we haven't been able to get together until last Thursday. #1 - his pics were when he was younger...I swear he didn't have gray hair and such a huge done-lapped! #2 - He kept "accidently" touching my *kitten* even when I asked him to stop #3 - he was all about making out - kept pawing at my like a hungry breast fed baby . He was like..."Look, we've been talking for a long time now and I just want you to know that I'm not waiting another 2 weeks for sex. Hell, you've good a know how to have sex!" I was like...WTF??? We had flirted some over the phone, but I didn't expect that. Needless to say...............DELETE!
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    aw that sucks.. :( I'm sorry you had to go through that. I really don't like how some people assume we're "experienced, and willing to share with one and all."
  • SophK90
    SophK90 Posts: 56
    16 months and counting.
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    11 years and counting.
  • laurenrenee1025
    I am sexless also haha
  • FJDodd
    FJDodd Posts: 140 Member
    11 years and counting.

    I hurt for you :(
  • DesdemonaRose
    Yep, I know those feels. Whenever I do have a weekend free I'm usually to tired to go out and look for anything. I'll probably be single til my kid turns 18.