Interested in purchasing Boyd Revolution!

Body Revolution* haha messed up the topic!

Hey guys! I am doing 30 Day Shred and have seen advertisements for the Body Revolution. What are you all's thoughts on it? I am most likely going to purchase it today! Kinda excited!


  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    You are right to be excited, lady! It is awesome! :)

    I have been a Jillian follower over the last two years, I have completed 30DS, Killer Abs, 6W6P, ect-BR is a whole new animal. I am only completing my second week, about to move onto disc 3 and 4 next week. Since the workouts are rotated during the week, I have noticed my body is responding in a different way than when I did 5 workouts each week in any of her other dvds.

    I lost almost 5lbs on kickstart (followed her diet to a T) and this week I can tell my shoulders are rounding into a beautiful shape already. My tight jeans are looser. I feel challenged. In fact, I thought these two weeks would be easier since I have been working out with Jillian for awhile now. I am not overwhelmed (as I might get in week 7, I hear it gets really hard) and am doing the advanced moves most of the time.

    It costs as much as one month at a gym but can be repeated again with heavier weights. I am loving the program and the results. I highly recommend it. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want any BR friends. Enjoy getting ripped.
  • heathercarver96
    heathercarver96 Posts: 72 Member
    You are right to be excited, lady! It is awesome! :)

    I have been a Jillian follower over the last two years, I have completed 30DS, Killer Abs, 6W6P, ect-BR is a whole new animal. I am only completing my second week, about to move onto disc 3 and 4 next week. Since the workouts are rotated during the week, I have noticed my body is responding in a different way than when I did 5 workouts each week in any of her other dvds.

    I lost almost 5lbs on kickstart (followed her diet to a T) and this week I can tell my shoulders are rounding into a beautiful shape already. My tight jeans are looser. I feel challenged. In fact, I thought these two weeks would be easier since I have been working out with Jillian for awhile now. I am not overwhelmed (as I might get in week 7, I hear it gets really hard) and am doing the advanced moves most of the time.

    It costs as much as one month at a gym but can be repeated again with heavier weights. I am loving the program and the results. I highly recommend it. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want any BR friends. Enjoy getting ripped.

    Thank you!!! I have been hearing nothing but great stuff about this! I purchased it today!! Yay!! I added you! Congratulations on all your workout success!!!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    This is my first week on body revolution and I really like it!!! I too was first inspired by Jillian's 30 day shred. Buy it! You won't regret it :)
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    I am in week 9 and this is my favorite workout I've EVER done and the changes in my body are AMAZING!!! I have lost 23 lbs so far and 12". The great thing is that it starts you out easy and you work your way up to doing things that you can't imagine being able to do! I can actually do push-up jacks in week 9 and could barely do 5 regular push ups when I started. IT IS WORTH THE MONEY!!! You won't regret it!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    If you liked 30DS you are sure to love body revolution. They are very different. Body Revolution demands more from you and it is always changing so you won't be bored. I love having the group of people and you get to Know a little of their personalities and it is just more interesting to me. Jillian is amazing in it. I completed BR at the end of January and I had great success with it. I am currently doing Insanity (which I think is pretty boring) and can't wait to start up BR again when I am done with Shawn T.
  • mittens6395
    I love it! My husband has started doing it also.
  • Zeppyb
    Zeppyb Posts: 71 Member
    I love it as well. I'm finishing week 8 tomorrow and have had great success so far! I've lost 12 lbs and clothes are all fitting so nicely. i'm not following her meal plan and I'm eating normal food and leaning to better balance out those not so healthy choices. Good luck with the program. We are all here for support and encouragement!
  • lulubell35
    Mine is in the mail, should be here by the end of the week....not sure how to add people yet??
  • kiwi3374
    kiwi3374 Posts: 9 Member
    Im on my last week on JMBR and love it! I lost a total of 18 pounds and lots of inches. I will be restarting when Im done. My husband lost 30 pounds on JMBR. You wont regret it!