How well is everyone doing? :)

Just thought i'd ask everyone how you're getting on? Share any success or need any help?


  • seanyboycampbell
    seanyboycampbell Posts: 8 Member
    Lost 10lb :)
  • Well done that's great! So far i've lost 5lb. Keep it up! :)
  • seanyboycampbell
    seanyboycampbell Posts: 8 Member
    Well done that's great! So far i've lost 5lb. Keep it up! :)

    You too XD
  • I have lost 13.5lbs so far since 1st January 2013 but my weight loss has slowed down now.

    I dont seem to have much time to exercise (I could MAKE time, but I just cant find the motivation!)
  • trevorand2011
    trevorand2011 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I saw this and thought that I would like to join in and congratulate everyone on their successes. I myself smoked for three years and have now been smoke free for about 2 years. I find that my biggest motivator is my family and friends. I have given myself a new challenge, and that is to be healthier and to drop 35 lbs. I've lost 10 so far but still have a long way to go! I could use a group of motivators to keep me at it!
  • I was doing pretty good, then had a few day set back. Started back on track this morning. :) Feel great today!

    Pinkie- finding motivation is hard. There are several "tricks" though. What helps me:

    Workout right away in the morning. I literally roll out of bed, put on my sports bra and tennis shoes and get my workout in.

    Some say going to bed in your workout clothes (obviously this works with the above)

    Get yourself going simply by going through the process of putting on your workout clothes. Some say that by the time you get your clothes changed you will feel like working out.

    I actually schedule my workouts and have the calendar hanging in my workout room with 3 pictures below it of women I aspire to be like. :)

    Just a few tips. Hope you find that motivation!
    CASSIEWESTSUNRISE Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everything is going great im blessed and full of vigor looking forward to this journey with my teammates.. CHEERS:drinker:
  • samanthajade124
    samanthajade124 Posts: 217 Member
    Down 15.8lbs as of this morning :)
  • samanthajade124
    samanthajade124 Posts: 217 Member
    I have lost 13.5lbs so far since 1st January 2013 but my weight loss has slowed down now.

    I dont seem to have much time to exercise (I could MAKE time, but I just cant find the motivation!)

    I have been doing the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred videos (free on youtube) and the workouts are intense, but only 25 minutes long! You can't make any excuses for not being able to find 25 minutes :) If you'd like you can check out my pictures on my profile. the last one has 3 body shots. the middle and one to the right are only 7 days apart. the day i started the 30 day shred, and yesterday! not a HUGE difference, but you can definitely see! and i still have 23 days left ;)
  • Well done everyone that's great keep it going! :)

    I've been using the wii fit to do my exercise, and so far i've found it great! It gives you plenty of guidance and motivation in order to stay on task!

    I hope you're all having a good day! Feel free to post any questions/discussions! :) xx
  • I'm starting fresh today.. It seems like everyday I'm starting fresh :ohwell:

    I would like to lose 25 lbs and so far I have managed to keep them all.

    Going to try a couple different routines today so I'm not so bored.

  • I know that feeling! but just keep at it, keep reminding yourself of why you want to lose the weight in the first place - hopefully it should help! Good luck! :) xx
  • Was doing good with clean eating and going to the gym for about a week... Fell of track yesterday :(. Gonna make today a good day and walk the dog, go to the gym, and eat healthy and stick to my goals!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!!!! :)
  • seggera88
    seggera88 Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost 13.5lbs so far since 1st January 2013 but my weight loss has slowed down now.

    I dont seem to have much time to exercise (I could MAKE time, but I just cant find the motivation!)

    I have been doing the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred videos (free on youtube) and the workouts are intense, but only 25 minutes long! You can't make any excuses for not being able to find 25 minutes :) If you'd like you can check out my pictures on my profile. the last one has 3 body shots. the middle and one to the right are only 7 days apart. the day i started the 30 day shred, and yesterday! not a HUGE difference, but you can definitely see! and i still have 23 days left ;)

    I LOVE Jililan Michaels and her 30 Day Shred! Its so great the videos are free on youtube and I use them to supplement my other workouts so I don't get bored and also use them when I feel like I'm really short on time! Jillian has a "NO BS" attitude and I love that, it has definitely helped me to stay on track!

    Congrats on your success! Stick with it and anything is possible!
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Hi guys!
    I've lost 25lbs so far from last summer and still got about 8lb to go. I mostly want to lose body fat at this point and just focus on getting fitter and healthier. I did Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred - not religiously but it got me started. Now I'm doing Insanity and going to the gym as well.

    I like it here on mfp because there's lots of handy tips to learn from. Like at the beginning I was on 1200 and wondered why I plateaued and I realised I was eating below my Basal Metabolic Rate and nowhere near enough for what my body actually burns during a day. So now I'm on 2000 and still losing! happy days :)

    Well done you guys on your losses so far!
  • brodo87
    brodo87 Posts: 21
    down 18lbs! I'm about 6'1, 6'2, so my ideal weight would be between 180-190. I was never a big guy, that is, until I finished university. you don't realize how much an office job affects your body and weight. I used to party hard and my weight slowly started to show it. beer and bad food was a daily diet for me. I gained the typical "frat" style look. thin guy with a beer belly. after I graduated in 2009 I went straight to an office job. McDonalds and other fast food places were an easy fix. by 2011 I shot up to 266lbs. I find I tend to yo-yo with diet and exercise. I'll go on these hardcore phases where for 2 weeks straight ill hit the gym, and eat proper, then a weekend hits, a friends B-Day, bad food and alcohol. then boom back to slacking off. I also had a girlfriend (so lets face it, significant others rarely call you out on stuff like that, so it pretty much went unnoticed) so between summer 2011 till new years of this year I bounced around the 220s (I managed to shed the extra weight by exercising somewhat regularly and trying to cut my fast food runs). I've never been happy with the outcomes (as like everyone, I want instant results). by new years I was back up to 222 (I live in Toronto but my family lives in Dallas TX, so I spent Christmas there. bad food and the holidays shot me back up to 222). I'm on a mission now to tear it up for the summer! as of right now I'm sitting at 203.5. I would HIGHLY recommend the Jillian Michaels 7-Day Metabolism Kick-Starter for anyone serious about loosing weight. I was 210.5 on Friday, its been tough but I haven't cheated once! (I almost ate a banana on Tuesday. that's how you know its a tough meal plan....when you try and cheat....with a freakin banana :p) and I'm on the last and final day! all I need is the proper support group! all my friends are still drinking and partying so it really doesn't help me at all, so anyone looking to help, feel free to add me! chirp me when I go over my daily goal, or if I don't log in :p I'll take whatever I can get! 185 by summer!
  • Hello! I am new to the group so i thought i would post my story :)

    I am Andrew 21, 287lbs. I am in year 2 of my weight loss and so far i have lost about 89 pounds. I am looking to go down to about 220. I joined MFP to create some friends and start to be more accountable for my eating habits. Hence why i love the food journal. I am excited to start this new chapter and hopefully gain some friends on the way.
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    Hello all =) I've lost 10 pounds since January but now I seem to be stuck =( I did have a few set back days, eating to much of the bad not enough of the good, but i'm getting back on track!
  • xokaceyb
    xokaceyb Posts: 6
    Five pounds down :) 40-45 to go! Start weight 166, CW 161 goal 120, Ultimate goal 115 :)
  • jdm0804
    jdm0804 Posts: 98 Member
    I weighed in at 200 this morning. I've been getting down on myself recently because I've gained 30 lbs since I got married last year (on the 28th!), but my wife and I are starting to make the changes necessary to get back to where I want to be!