Anybody going through a reset?

aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
I'm on day 2 of my reset and would love some reset buddies and even some who are getting into their cut phase. Thanks!


  • Imaan2012
    Imaan2012 Posts: 156 Member

    you're welcome to add me if you'd like. I've started my reset on the 8th of February.
    Since then I've upped my cals a couple of times as I'm trying to find my correct TDEE. At this point I would prefer eating above TDEE than under as I hope to benefit with lifting. ( started again after a couple of years break )

    I'm not sure when I'll start my cut. This reset fase is making me changed my mind daily. As to continue as long as I can or have I resetted enough??!! I don't know...
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Well i know the recommended length is 8 weeks. But if you still havent found your tdee try upping by 250 cals every 2 weeks until you consistently gain a pound over those 2 weeks. Then you will know that tdee is 250 cals less
  • Imaan2012
    Imaan2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks! This info really helps! :flowerforyou:
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    You're welcome :)
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    I put myself at reset after reading your post. thanks so much for helping me on this. I start today. any advice for me
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    No problem. Advice... Umm try to get in all your cals, if you're not doing a weight lifting workout you should, make sure you get at least 1 g of protein/lbm take pictures, measurements and enjoy! I read through the reset thread as well it was very helpful
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    I am doing 30 day shred with some strength training in it. it is a combination cardio, strength training and abs in one work out 25 minuets. I use my weights. my current measurements are:

    chest: 40 1/2
    Waist 37 3/4
    Hips 46 7/8
    thighs 28 1/4

    I will do my best to get all my calories as well. will blog about my reset also.
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Ok great. Im blogging my experience too!
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    HI everyone,

    I just started a reset yesterday (4/8/13). Please feel free to add me. I am surprised that I am ramping up to TDEE calories faster than I expected. I'm on track to eat my full calories today! And I've gotten new hunger at new times already so my body is waking up pretty quickly to this whole extra calories thing. LOL

    How is everyone else doing?
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Hi Betty! Looks like we started at similar dates, I began 4/7. That's great, I know some people have a hard transition from low cals to higher cals. I think it takes time and add so many calories in a day, especially when you're not hungry.

    so far so good, getting ready for day 4 tomorrow, seems like time is truly passing by. How long will you be resetting for?
  • andrea_kohlman
    andrea_kohlman Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am in the middle of a reset. I am going into my 7th week today; so far I've had ups and downs, far more ups than down. The biggest up being, EATING! I get to eat again and not worry about every single calorie, I think that has helped my stress level a lot too.

    I am doing a 12 week reset since I have been punishing my poor body with low calorie diets & intense exercise for so long, so I thought the longer the better. I stopped losing weight and in fact, started gaining weight with the more exercise and less food I ate. Kind of hard to believe since I was in the negatives some days (shame on me!) I need to get my body to trust me again. :)

    The difficult part is gaining weight (duh); but I think once you wrap your head around the fact that you WILL gain it gets easier to deal with everything else. My clothes still fit, albeit, much tighter and I have probably gained between 5-10 pounds, but haven't gotten on the scale in weeks. That is another bonus, I am not obsessed with the scale anymore.

    I am excited to start my cut; but I know that my body needs to completely reset and then I can start losing slowly and safely. I have tried WW, extremely low calorie, low carb, etc. and nothing worked for me. Since I tried all of those before and failed, I figured I needed to give my all for this program too.

    It still amazes me that I have essentially doubled my calorie intake for the past six weeks and have only "gained" a little weight. I was so concerned that I was going to gain the 60+ pounds back that I worked so hard to lose; that was the hardest part for me, accepting that I was going to gain some, but in the long run it is for the best.

    Feel free to add me, I would love to chat with more people that are going through a reset too! Good luck to us all!

    **Watch out for water retention in week 2/3**
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Hi nice to meet you!

    Wow 12 weeks!! You are doing well. I'm initially doing 8 and then I will go from there. I'm not sure if 8 weeks will b enough. I was on a vlcd for 5-6 months eating 800-1000 calories and sometimes burning it all off!! Didnt have a HRM at the time. Anyways I'm on day 4 and initially the scale went up but today it is back down. I'm weighing everyday to compare fluctuations and to watch and see if there is a trend over the next 4 weeks. Is there a reason y there is water retention in weeks 2/3?
  • andrea_kohlman
    andrea_kohlman Posts: 47 Member
    You too! I will send you a friend request.

    I used to weigh every day, but it was extremely damaging to my mental health. I would see an increase and then my whole day would be thrown I decided to weigh in half way through and then again at the end. I was scheduled for yesterday, but TOM is here and I'm sure that would throw me!

    Honestly, I have no idea why there was a ton of water retention. Maybe because your body is getting used to eating again and is holding on to everything? Including water. Makes sense when you think about it.

    I have also noticed that in the beginning it was hard to reach my TDEE; now? Not so much and I've actually had majorly hungry days and I do eat more those days, I just make sure it is healthy.

    I am excited about this program and I think it will work for me (I hope!) As I have said, I have tried everything else, so I need to really try to make this work. When you think about it, it makes sense. Your body is going to protect itself and if you don't give it the fuel it needs to function at the most basic level, it is scared to let go of anything, water, fat, etc.

    I just noticed you have lost 63 pounds, CONGRATULATIONS! What an accomplishment.
  • Hi there! I'm also going through a resetI, on day 15 and feeling pretty good now! My water retention bonanza started my first week along with TOM. So, those of you out there reading this considering a reset:

    1. Do it. Your body will thank you.
    2. Consider not starting when your bloating is already at it's peak, like during TOM. Unless you want to FEEL ALL THE EMOTIONS OH MY DEAR LORD I AM HUUUGGGGGEEEEEE. I was, within days, about 13 pounds up.

    So yeah, my first 10 days or so were absolute misery, compounded by the weight gain and TOM. Now that I'm at day 15, though, the water retention is subsiding and I've ultimately gained 3-5 pounds. Eating more is awesome and I'm also sleeping better and no longer need an afternoon cup of coffee to get through the rest of work.

    Anyway just wanted to chime in and wish us all well! My mom was the one who got me started on the low calorie thing and I knew there had to be a better way. This is it!!
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    You too! I will send you a friend request.

    I used to weigh every day, but it was extremely damaging to my mental health. I would see an increase and then my whole day would be thrown I decided to weigh in half way through and then again at the end. I was scheduled for yesterday, but TOM is here and I'm sure that would throw me!

    Honestly, I have no idea why there was a ton of water retention. Maybe because your body is getting used to eating again and is holding on to everything? Including water. Makes sense when you think about it.

    I have also noticed that in the beginning it was hard to reach my TDEE; now? Not so much and I've actually had majorly hungry days and I do eat more those days, I just make sure it is healthy.

    I am excited about this program and I think it will work for me (I hope!) As I have said, I have tried everything else, so I need to really try to make this work. When you think about it, it makes sense. Your body is going to protect itself and if you don't give it the fuel it needs to function at the most basic level, it is scared to let go of anything, water, fat, etc.

    I just noticed you have lost 63 pounds, CONGRATULATIONS! What an accomplishment.

    Thank you!! Yes daily weigher here but thankfully i never had a bonding relationship with the scale for it to determine my mood for the day. I've focused on how I look and feel because honestly no one really knows my scale weight except for me and whoever I tell. And when people see me they don't see my scale weight.
    As far as water retention I thought the majority of it would happen in week 1/2. Hopefully My weight has already stabilized lol. I've been hopping around between 178-180. Yesterday was a lifting session so the scale went up a bit but wishful thinking that I'll stay within this range for the next four weeks!
    And I hope and know this will work for me! It will work for you as well. And the concept does make sense and I'm so happy to be maintaining my weight eating so much food!
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Hi there! I'm also going through a resetI, on day 15 and feeling pretty good now! My water retention bonanza started my first week along with TOM. So, those of you out there reading this considering a reset:

    1. Do it. Your body will thank you.
    2. Consider not starting when your bloating is already at it's peak, like during TOM. Unless you want to FEEL ALL THE EMOTIONS OH MY DEAR LORD I AM HUUUGGGGGEEEEEE. I was, within days, about 13 pounds up.

    So yeah, my first 10 days or so were absolute misery, compounded by the weight gain and TOM. Now that I'm at day 15, though, the water retention is subsiding and I've ultimately gained 3-5 pounds. Eating more is awesome and I'm also sleeping better and no longer need an afternoon cup of coffee to get through the rest of work.

    Anyway just wanted to chime in and wish us all well! My mom was the one who got me started on the low calorie thing and I knew there had to be a better way. This is it!!
    Day 15! Has time flown by for you? I'm on day 5 now and can't believe how easy this has been. I noticed that I'm sleeping better as well n i have great energy while working out. Hope you continue to check in here and update us on your progress
  • beckymlong
    beckymlong Posts: 111 Member
    I upped my calories for about a month to almost tdee eating 2400 just seems too high, gained weight got scared and started on tdee - 20% I have had no change and an increased bf% disappointed doesn't cut it.-
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    I upped my calories for about a month to almost tdee eating 2400 just seems too high, gained weight got scared and started on tdee - 20% I have had no change and an increased bf% disappointed doesn't cut it.-

    So you upped slowly to 2400 and then started cut immediately? I guess your body didn't have the chance to stabilise at this level, so after you dropped to tdee-20% it would try to stabilise there.
    How long are you on tdee-20%?
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    I upped my calories for about a month to almost tdee eating 2400 just seems too high, gained weight got scared and started on tdee - 20% I have had no change and an increased bf% disappointed doesn't cut it.-

    So you upped slowly to 2400 and then started cut immediately? I guess your body didn't have the chance to stabilise at this level, so after you dropped to tdee-20% it would try to stabilise there.
    How long are you on tdee-20%?
    I agree. If youve been on a vlcd before or over exercised you may encounter initial weight gain depending on how long you did it for. You may need a reset for 8 weeks. Also tdee-15% is recommended than a 20% cut.
    Also did you strength train? Ive heard of many people who lifted heavy for 8 weeks while eating tdee and lost a good amount of bf%.
    Also maybe you under or overestimated your activity level or youre doing too much cardio which should b a bit suppressed while going through a reset to give your body a break.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    Hi Betty! Looks like we started at similar dates, I began 4/7. That's great, I know some people have a hard transition from low cals to higher cals. I think it takes time and add so many calories in a day, especially when you're not hungry.

    so far so good, getting ready for day 4 tomorrow, seems like time is truly passing by. How long will you be resetting for?

    Hi Alicia,

    I wasn't sure how long at first. But now I'm aiming for 8 weeks. But I'll see how it goes as I progress. I'm not under any deadlines, I just want to be in tune with my body and let it guide me as to when my reset is done. It's awesome that we are starting a day apart!