Anyone starting Monday (Apr.8)???



  • freebirdschick
    freebirdschick Posts: 10 Member
    I started today too!
  • clairesky3
    clairesky3 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi guys,

    I started today. Plan was to start yesterday but didn't quite work out that way. Recently finished Ripped in 30 and to be honest didn't find phase 1 workout 1 too challenging. Thinking I might do cardio 1 as well to burn more calories. Anybody thought about jumping ahead a bit rather than do workout 1&2 for first 2 weeks? Or better just to stick at it? I know it'll get much harder in a few weeks anyway!
  • Kathie444
    Kathie444 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Guys,
    I started doing the program yesterday.
    This is my first time doing the program and really want to finish the whole 90 days.
  • MissE4410
    MissE4410 Posts: 173 Member
    Is there anyone doing the Kickstart week before starting week one??
  • alynn2388
    alynn2388 Posts: 25
    Hi guys,

    I started today. Plan was to start yesterday but didn't quite work out that way. Recently finished Ripped in 30 and to be honest didn't find phase 1 workout 1 too challenging. Thinking I might do cardio 1 as well to burn more calories. Anybody thought about jumping ahead a bit rather than do workout 1&2 for first 2 weeks? Or better just to stick at it? I know it'll get much harder in a few weeks anyway!

    I was thinking about doing the same thing and skipping to weaks three and four, what did you decide?
  • I'm starting Monday April 15, anyone starting then?
  • eimsg
    eimsg Posts: 19
    Personally I wouldn't skip weeks, I'd try modifications (ie weights,bigger range of motion).

    Ok four days in and feeling good. I managed to pick up a set of resistance cables too. During my first WO 2 I didn't have them so I just used my weights but I don't think it's quite the same.

    Today I had some extra time so I did Banish Fat Boost Metabolism as my cardio. Apparently burned 589 calories!! (First time I've done it since getting a HRM)
  • ramsfan84
    ramsfan84 Posts: 68 Member
    Personally I wouldn't skip weeks, I'd try modifications (ie weights,bigger range of motion).

    Ok four days in and feeling good. I managed to pick up a set of resistance cables too. During my first WO 2 I didn't have them so I just used my weights but I don't think it's quite the same.

    Today I had some extra time so I did Banish Fat Boost Metabolism as my cardio. Apparently burned 589 calories!! (First time I've done it since getting a HRM)

    Banish fat boot metabolism is an awesome workout in itself. That is a great job.
  • clairesky3
    clairesky3 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi guys,

    I started today. Plan was to start yesterday but didn't quite work out that way. Recently finished Ripped in 30 and to be honest didn't find phase 1 workout 1 too challenging. Thinking I might do cardio 1 as well to burn more calories. Anybody thought about jumping ahead a bit rather than do workout 1&2 for first 2 weeks? Or better just to stick at it? I know it'll get much harder in a few weeks anyway!

    I was thinking about doing the same thing and skipping to weaks three and four, what did you decide?

    Hey, I decided just to stick with the plan rather than skip ahead. Like Jillian says and someone here suggested, I have been making it harder by using weights for some of the exercises and doing the more advanced version where possible. What did you decide to do?
  • alynn2388
    alynn2388 Posts: 25
    Anyone else have knee problems? I found some exercises to strengthen knees on pinterest I'll try but the balance one one leg kick out the other part pops my left knee and I have to put my leg down at least once. Also hurts doing lunges and twist move on workout two on the same knee. Sorry I don't know the names of the moves lol
  • alynn2388
    alynn2388 Posts: 25
    Hi guys,

    I started today. Plan was to start yesterday but didn't quite work out that way. Recently finished Ripped in 30 and to be honest didn't find phase 1 workout 1 too challenging. Thinking I might do cardio 1 as well to burn more calories. Anybody thought about jumping ahead a bit rather than do workout 1&2 for first 2 weeks? Or better just to stick at it? I know it'll get much harder in a few weeks anyway!

    I was thinking about doing the same thing and skipping to weaks three and four, what did you decide?

    Hey, I decided just to stick with the plan rather than skip ahead. Like Jillian says and someone here suggested, I have been making it harder by using weights for some of the exercises and doing the more advanced version where possible. What did you decide to do?

    I'm just sticking with the plan also :)
  • I am close, I started last Thursday so one week ahead. I didnt do cardio at night, at least not hers, I have done most of 30DS and get so bored of the same workout all the time especially when it is in 4 intervals of the same things... ( and I love JM workouts, but she gets to me after awhile), so I would do 30 min on the ARC or treadmill at the gym. I lost 5 pounds, but I cut calories and drank alot of water. I am not using her meal plan just using MFP as a guide, i use 1200 plus i usually end up eating back work out cals. ( which just seems counterproductive, but 1200 is just too little i feel crappy and hungry) I was a little dissapointed in my calories burnes using a Polar 300x HR monitor Cardio 1 i only burned 218 cal and work out 1 228 cal and workout 2 196 cal ???? could it be because I am doing it at 6 am and so tired still that I am not pushing myself? Or as i get stronger I can work harder? Today was week 2 day 1 and I will start using higher weights this time maybe that will help?

  • MzHarley
    MzHarley Posts: 1 Member
    I started Monday April 8. I have done all five workouts this week so far (I did not do the kick start). Just exercising five days this week is awesome fore me - usually I talk myself out of it. My muscles are really sore - but in a good way.
  • 321newme
    321newme Posts: 15 Member
    i started on the 8th I am doing the kickstart
  • Carol_123
    Carol_123 Posts: 69 Member
    Me and my child have been sick :( so only two workouts in although I cleaned liked a mad woman yesterday instead and lost 1.2 lbs this week. I'm not doing the kickstart because I think I gave up last time because of how much I hated doing cardio 1 daily. I like the workouts but have always hated cardio classes. I'm not good at following meal plans but am definitely going to try some meals. I specifically need to lower my fat and bread intake.
  • eimsg
    eimsg Posts: 19
    First week complete. Didn't do the kickstart but tried to add in some cardio each day. Had a disappointing moment on the scales this morning though so I think I might stick to the plan exactly for next week, no extras. I wasn't eating back all the extra calories (because usually there were too many, one day I earned more than 1200 exercise calories) so I'll give it a week of just the 30 minutes or so and try to eat back more of the extra calories. Sucks because I'm enjoying the programme but my motivation took a hit from that.
  • Kathie444
    Kathie444 Posts: 90 Member
    First week completed this morning. Looking forward to week 2 on Monday!
  • frizbeemom
    frizbeemom Posts: 101 Member
    I started April 8 as well. I tried doing the kickstart week, including the diet plan but I had to up my calories/healthy fat intake. I did some cardio at the gym instead of the cardio dvd and I couldn't do my normal workouts. So I continued the week eating my diet but doing her workouts. I lost 8 lbs since April 8. I am so pleased. I plan to take my measurements later today. The workouts were difficult for me in the beginning of the week, but by the end of the week I was able to keep up. My HRM usually gave me a burn of 150-176 which is pretty low, but I feel the new muscles when I move a certain way. Haha.

    Will definitely continue this for next week, with morning workouts and then adding in cardio at night if it works into my schedule or not.
  • ramsfan84
    ramsfan84 Posts: 68 Member
    Started April 8 also. I am not doing the kickstart program. I have been on plan throughout the week except for yesterday which was busy all day until I crashed at about 8pm. Going to do cardio today and count yesterday as my rest day. I'm also doing c25k 3x a week as well. My scale is saying I lost 4 pounds but not really believing it yet. The first couple of days my inner thighs were sore but then got much better as the week went on. My Polar has stopped working and needs a new battery but I do have a body media link armband and am using that for my burn and it has been around 150-180 calories burned per session. I need to get a battery for my watch and see if they agree.

    Will try to get more cardio in as the week progresses.
  • eimsg
    eimsg Posts: 19
    Can't believe today is the last day I'll do workout one!