Anybody going through a reset?



  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am in the middle of a reset. I am going into my 7th week today; so far I've had ups and downs, far more ups than down. The biggest up being, EATING! I get to eat again and not worry about every single calorie, I think that has helped my stress level a lot too.

    I am doing a 12 week reset since I have been punishing my poor body with low calorie diets & intense exercise for so long, so I thought the longer the better. I stopped losing weight and in fact, started gaining weight with the more exercise and less food I ate. Kind of hard to believe since I was in the negatives some days (shame on me!) I need to get my body to trust me again. :)

    The difficult part is gaining weight (duh); but I think once you wrap your head around the fact that you WILL gain it gets easier to deal with everything else. My clothes still fit, albeit, much tighter and I have probably gained between 5-10 pounds, but haven't gotten on the scale in weeks. That is another bonus, I am not obsessed with the scale anymore.

    I am excited to start my cut; but I know that my body needs to completely reset and then I can start losing slowly and safely. I have tried WW, extremely low calorie, low carb, etc. and nothing worked for me. Since I tried all of those before and failed, I figured I needed to give my all for this program too.

    It still amazes me that I have essentially doubled my calorie intake for the past six weeks and have only "gained" a little weight. I was so concerned that I was going to gain the 60+ pounds back that I worked so hard to lose; that was the hardest part for me, accepting that I was going to gain some, but in the long run it is for the best.

    Feel free to add me, I would love to chat with more people that are going through a reset too! Good luck to us all!

    **Watch out for water retention in week 2/3**

    Hi Andrea! Glad to connect with someone further ahead in the process. I sent you a FR!
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    Hi there! I'm also going through a resetI, on day 15 and feeling pretty good now! My water retention bonanza started my first week along with TOM. So, those of you out there reading this considering a reset:

    1. Do it. Your body will thank you.
    2. Consider not starting when your bloating is already at it's peak, like during TOM. Unless you want to FEEL ALL THE EMOTIONS OH MY DEAR LORD I AM HUUUGGGGGEEEEEE. I was, within days, about 13 pounds up.

    So yeah, my first 10 days or so were absolute misery, compounded by the weight gain and TOM. Now that I'm at day 15, though, the water retention is subsiding and I've ultimately gained 3-5 pounds. Eating more is awesome and I'm also sleeping better and no longer need an afternoon cup of coffee to get through the rest of work.

    Anyway just wanted to chime in and wish us all well! My mom was the one who got me started on the low calorie thing and I knew there had to be a better way. This is it!!

    Thanks for your post, Kelsey! I guess I am lucky because so far I don't feel bloated and my pants still feel loose, but we'll see on Monday when I weigh myself if I have gained. But I am perfectly okay with gaining.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    I upped my calories for about a month to almost tdee eating 2400 just seems too high, gained weight got scared and started on tdee - 20% I have had no change and an increased bf% disappointed doesn't cut it.-

    I agree with everyone else. Unless you ate at full TDEE for a full eight weeks, you can't expect results. So disappointment is a bit misplaced. Remember, your body is a mechanism. It doesn't understand concepts such as how many calories "feel right" to you. I just needs what it needs.

    The toughest part of doing this is the mental aspect. That's where the real battle is. Trusting your body. Managing your emotions. Perservering through the ups and downs. It's a shame to quit just shy of the finish line with all its rewards! :flowerforyou:
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    I put myself at reset after reading your post. thanks so much for helping me on this. I start today. any advice for me

    Hi GracefulDance, how is your reset going? My only advice is to read and research as much as you can. There are some great threads in the EM2WL group and on the website. :smile:
  • beckymlong
    beckymlong Posts: 111 Member
    I upped my calories for about a month to almost tdee eating 2400 just seems too high, gained weight got scared and started on tdee - 20% I have had no change and an increased bf% disappointed doesn't cut it.-

    I agree with everyone else. Unless you ate at full TDEE for a full eight weeks, you can't expect results. So disappointment is a bit misplaced. Remember, your body is a mechanism. It doesn't understand concepts such as how many calories "feel right" to you. I just needs what it needs.

    The toughest part of doing this is the mental aspect. That's where the real battle is. Trusting your body. Managing your emotions. Perservering through the ups and downs. It's a shame to quit just shy of the finish line with all its rewards! :flowerforyou:

    I guess you are right but that seems really high and its hard to get over eating even more than I was before when I was heavier than I wanted to gaining weight is the opposite reaction, I find it difficult to lee weight do don't want purposely as more seems really tough to deal with....I wasn't doing strength training then but am staying that now
  • Hi Alicia,
    Aside from the the days with TOM, time really is flying by! Sleeping better has been the best part I think, it just makes me feel so good!

    @Betty, you definitely are lucky!! I dang near had to buy some new pants. Hahaha. And it's cool that you're good with gaining, I struggled a bit with that and I'm finally making peace with it knowing that my body needs this. Reading all the responses here is helping so I'll do my best to keep checking in. :smile:
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Hi Betty! Looks like we started at similar dates, I began 4/7. That's great, I know some people have a hard transition from low cals to higher cals. I think it takes time and add so many calories in a day, especially when you're not hungry.

    so far so good, getting ready for day 4 tomorrow, seems like time is truly passing by. How long will you be resetting for?

    Hi Alicia,

    I wasn't sure how long at first. But now I'm aiming for 8 weeks. But I'll see how it goes as I progress. I'm not under any deadlines, I just want to be in tune with my body and let it guide me as to when my reset is done. It's awesome that we are starting a day apart!
    Cool, I'm doing 8 weeks as well and from there I will see whether I want to extend it for another 2-4 weeks
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    At first I had a hard time fitting in all my calories, but now today I am hungry after dinner. That usually NEVER happens to me. I decided to eat b/c if I ate so many calories all day and healthy too then I get an actual growl in my stomach, then my body must need food. Maybe I didn't record my walk right or my TDEE is off.

    I'm on Day 4. Did any of you get extra hungry?
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    At first I had a hard time fitting in all my calories, but now today I am hungry after dinner. That usually NEVER happens to me. I decided to eat b/c if I ate so many calories all day and healthy too then I get an actual growl in my stomach, then my body must need food. Maybe I didn't record my walk right or my TDEE is off.

    I'm on Day 4. Did any of you get extra hungry?

    YES! Many of us did! Well, for me it wasn't day 4 but day...20 or so, but I guess that's different for everyone. But after the initial bloat and discomfort of all the food, it actually gets better. I'm now eating almost double the amount of food I used to eat a few months ago and sometimes I feel my appetite is still going :smile:
  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am in the middle of a reset. I am going into my 7th week today; so far I've had ups and downs, far more ups than down. The biggest up being, EATING! I get to eat again and not worry about every single calorie, I think that has helped my stress level a lot too.

    I am doing a 12 week reset since I have been punishing my poor body with low calorie diets & intense exercise for so long, so I thought the longer the better. I stopped losing weight and in fact, started gaining weight with the more exercise and less food I ate. Kind of hard to believe since I was in the negatives some days (shame on me!) I need to get my body to trust me again. :)

    The difficult part is gaining weight (duh); but I think once you wrap your head around the fact that you WILL gain it gets easier to deal with everything else. My clothes still fit, albeit, much tighter and I have probably gained between 5-10 pounds, but haven't gotten on the scale in weeks. That is another bonus, I am not obsessed with the scale anymore.

    I am excited to start my cut; but I know that my body needs to completely reset and then I can start losing slowly and safely. I have tried WW, extremely low calorie, low carb, etc. and nothing worked for me. Since I tried all of those before and failed, I figured I needed to give my all for this program too.

    It still amazes me that I have essentially doubled my calorie intake for the past six weeks and have only "gained" a little weight. I was so concerned that I was going to gain the 60+ pounds back that I worked so hard to lose; that was the hardest part for me, accepting that I was going to gain some, but in the long run it is for the best.

    Feel free to add me, I would love to chat with more people that are going through a reset too! Good luck to us all!

    **Watch out for water retention in week 2/3**

    Hi Everyone!

    Andrea, that sounds just like me! I was virtually starving myself trying to lose weight. Then it turned into starving to just keep my weight down. Suddenly I began to pile on weight despite exercising and eating under 1000 calories - it was usually between 400-800 per day.

    I'm still working on getting my reset really going, but I've found I need to work my way up to TDEE, instead of jumping right in. I was eating so little for SO long that my body seriously could not handle that much food; I was getting to 1100 and feeling so painfully full, I literally thought I was going to barf (sorry if that's TMI). It's been about three weeks, and I've managed to get up to 1300-1500. That's still low, I know, but it's a huge step for me to not only get in that many calories, but see that I've eaten that many and not totally freak out and restrict. I mean, it's 2-3 times what I was eating before.

    I've noticed my appetite has increased, I feel warmer, and I'm starting to sweat again during workouts (I was barely sweating, if at all, while undereating), but I am still struggling sometimes to get even the 1300 in.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member

    Hi Everyone!

    Andrea, that sounds just like me! I was virtually starving myself trying to lose weight. Then it turned into starving to just keep my weight down. Suddenly I began to pile on weight despite exercising and eating under 1000 calories - it was usually between 400-800 per day.

    I'm still working on getting my reset really going, but I've found I need to work my way up to TDEE, instead of jumping right in. I was eating so little for SO long that my body seriously could not handle that much food; I was getting to 1100 and feeling so painfully full, I literally thought I was going to barf (sorry if that's TMI). It's been about three weeks, and I've managed to get up to 1300-1500. That's still low, I know, but it's a huge step for me to not only get in that many calories, but see that I've eaten that many and not totally freak out and restrict. I mean, it's 2-3 times what I was eating before.

    I've noticed my appetite has increased, I feel warmer, and I'm starting to sweat again during workouts (I was barely sweating, if at all, while undereating), but I am still struggling sometimes to get even the 1300 in.

    Good for you for upping!

    You should try to continue to up every 2 weeks so you can properly fuel your body. If you're having a hard time stomaching all the extra food you should look to high cal options, so you don't have to eat as much volume.

    I know it feels odd picking up the full fat yoghurt, or peanut butter, or olive oil, but it will really help to get the cals (and the fat!) into your diet. Plus a little drizzle of oil onto a salad or something will boost your calories by 100 or so :)

    Great job so far - keep it up!
  • andrea_kohlman
    andrea_kohlman Posts: 47 Member
    I know it feels odd picking up the full fat yoghurt, or peanut butter, or olive oil, but it will really help to get the cals (and the fat!) into your diet.

    ^^^^ This! I really believe it is about 95% mental. Once I accepted the fact that I was going to gain in the initial reset phase and was okay with it, my whole thought process changed. I actually get to eat food THAT I ENJOY! And much more of it. It is an up and down journey and it certainly isn't a quick fix; but I think in the long run it will be the best thing for our (my) bodies. Good luck!
  • I could eat my extra calories in peanut butter alone. Oh peanut butter, how I love thee...I put a big tablespoon in my oatmeal this morning with raisins and cinnamon. It's like eating a giant soft cookie for breakfast!

    Also allekat, I noticed the same thing about sweat! Also, I've been tracking my body temperature and it's up from hovering around 95 to about 97.8. I can only imagine that's a good thing! I was keeping track because for awhile I thought I was showing hypothyroid symptoms. I think now it was actually under eating that was the culprit.

    Keep going everyone! and Keep Calm and Eat Peanut Butter! Unless you have a nut allergy. Then don't do that.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member

    Keep going everyone! and Keep Calm and Eat Peanut Butter! Unless you have a nut allergy. Then don't do that.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    When I was resetting last fall I experienced all of this - the increase in body temperature, the better sleep, the realization that gaining weight is not an overnight thing! You gotta really try to do it after you stabilize!

    Last summer I was on a low calorie diet and wondered why I was so cool all the time when everyone else around me was sweating buckets. Now I know why! (Although not being hot and sweaty was the only nice side effect of underrating :ohwell: )

    I am now stabilized and can eat between 1800-2000 cal/day without gaining anything (I'm gaining muscle, though). It's pretty amazing.
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Hi Alicia,
    Aside from the the days with TOM, time really is flying by! Sleeping better has been the best part I think, it just makes me feel so good!

    I think sleeping better is a huge plus!! The other morning i woke up and was surprised at how fast time went by during the night! Eating more has helped me headache wise. I also get bad headaches when i was eating less and was tired. Now i'm just tired no headache i feel good
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member

    I'm on Day 4. Did any of you get extra hungry?
    Not me. I have no problems eating the amount of calories I eat (2200) but I noticed my hunger is about the same. Hopefully it stays this way lol.
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    When I was resetting last fall I experienced all of this - the increase in body temperature, the better sleep, the realization that gaining weight is not an overnight thing! You gotta really try to do it after you stabilize!

    Last summer I was on a low calorie diet and wondered why I was so cool all the time when everyone else around me was sweating buckets. Now I know why! (Although not being hot and sweaty was the only nice side effect of underrating :ohwell: )

    I am now stabilized and can eat between 1800-2000 cal/day without gaining anything (I'm gaining muscle, though). It's pretty amazing.

    Sounds good. Are you maintaining right now or cutting?
  • tdawg875
    tdawg875 Posts: 29 Member
    I started reset about a month ago and was originally planning on going for about 6 weeks before starting to cut (I have a vacation planned in October and I want to start trying to lose weight, but this is also long term thing not a diet, so I may extend it a couple weeks). It has been a weird and good experience. I feel like my whole life I have either been on a diet and watching what was I eating or just not paying attention and probably eating at reset (2400) or way more. I work out pretty consistently but can never get my eating under control. I have tried almost any diet or food combination, thermogenics, etc. This is the first time that I have purposely eaten at maintenance level and it has felt good. I have also been paying close to my macros and trying to get enough protein and balance out the rest. I have gained about 4-6 pounds depending on the day but my clothes don't feel a lot tighter (maybe a tad more snug). Some days it is still hard to get to 2400 calories and I'll have a couple red vines or a poptart at the end of the day (I know bad, but I am paying pretty close attention to macros and eating healthy 90% of the time). My face seems to be clearer even with TOM next week - nice! I don't feel an urge to binge or go and get bad foods because I know I can have it if I want to. There are a couple days that I went over by 200-300 calories but in the grand scheme that is way better than going over 1,000+ when you fall off a diet.

    Overall I think this has been really good for me mentally. I am realizing how much my body actually needs to maintain and that I don't have to severely restrict myself.
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    I started reset about a month ago and was originally planning on going for about 6 weeks before starting to cut (I have a vacation planned in October and I want to start trying to lose weight, but this is also long term thing not a diet, so I may extend it a couple weeks). It has been a weird and good experience. I feel like my whole life I have either been on a diet and watching what was I eating or just not paying attention and probably eating at reset (2400) or way more. I work out pretty consistently but can never get my eating under control. I have tried almost any diet or food combination, thermogenics, etc. This is the first time that I have purposely eaten at maintenance level and it has felt good. I have also been paying close to my macros and trying to get enough protein and balance out the rest. I have gained about 4-6 pounds depending on the day but my clothes don't feel a lot tighter (maybe a tad more snug). Some days it is still hard to get to 2400 calories and I'll have a couple red vines or a poptart at the end of the day (I know bad, but I am paying pretty close attention to macros and eating healthy 90% of the time). My face seems to be clearer even with TOM next week - nice! I don't feel an urge to binge or go and get bad foods because I know I can have it if I want to. There are a couple days that I went over by 200-300 calories but in the grand scheme that is way better than going over 1,000+ when you fall off a diet.

    Overall I think this has been really good for me mentally. I am realizing how much my body actually needs to maintain and that I don't have to severely restrict myself.

    I think, if you dont already, preplan your meals if possible. This will ensure that you meet your calories and macro goals an all you have to do is eat your foods 2-3 hours apart so you're not stuffing your face at night to eat a lot of calories.

    Also dont feel guilty about filling your calories with yummy foods. As long as the base of your diet is healthy who cares what else you eat. Just yesterday i had some ice cream to fill in about 3-400 calories and i enjoyed every bite.

    Glad this experience is going well for you. Tomorrow ends week 1 for me and I'm so glad I decided to dive right into the reset!