Protein, Fat & Carb Values



  • RVM7990
    RVM7990 Posts: 3
    Hey! Your fat intake should be higher than your carb intake. For example, protein accounts for 35% of my calories, carbs are 15%, and the rest is GOOD fat. Check out this link:

    If you are doing Paleo, fat and protein intake is typically higher/more than your carb intake. This link can really help shed light, according to your goals and carb intake target.
  • RVM7990
    RVM7990 Posts: 3
    Thanks Rebecca - I just upped my calories a day to 1500 based on my BMR. I'm a little nervous about it, mind you. :) Also modified things to bring fat to 67, protein to 150, and carbs to 75. I'm so used to eating 1200 calories, this is going to take some getting used to. For some reason I have a mental block regarding my calories - I feel that I won't lose if I eat more than 1200. . . But I know that it's hogwash. . . Perhaps having the extra 300 calories a day will keep me from snacking when I shouldn't on things I should avoid, as that does seem to be an issue with me.

    Hey! Your fat intake should be higher than your carb intake. For example, protein accounts for 35% of my calories, carbs are 15%, and the rest is GOOD fat. Check out this link:

    If you are doing Paleo, fat and protein intake is typically higher/more than your carb intake. This link can really help shed light, according to your goals and carb intake target.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    yes , total opposite, I am 40% fat 40% protein 20% carb
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    protein 25, carb 20, fat 55

    I have lost just under 50lbs in less than 6 months doing this. i would say its working.

    IMO-60% carbs is awful. thats way too many carbs than one person needs in one day....especially paleo. thats a lot of sweet potatoes and fruit!
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    I am currently targeting:

    10% Carbohydrate
    25% Protein
    65% Fat

    As the weather warms up and I am more active I may change to:

    15% Carbohydrate
    30% Protein
    55% Fat