Looking forward to Week 2

taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
Only three days before I finish Week 1 of Shred. So far things have been good. I can't wait to weigh in and take
measurements on Monday.

Week 2, here I come.


  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    Taylor-I'm glad things are going well for you this week. I only screwed up a bit of day one and feel really proud that I stayed with it the rest of the week. I even went to dinner with the family and had a salad with chicken. I am happy I got the momentum going and I am hoping to be adding in some workouts next week too. I have not done that in a while. I was sick for two weeks and it really has me feeling very week. Like I have to start from the beginning again and maybe start walking. Although, I joined zumba once a week on Mondays. Happy Friday!