sign - ups



  • cutts26
    cutts26 Posts: 15 Member
    I just finished our school Scale Back Alabama competition. I started off at 216 and now weigh 188.
    Name: Sholanda Cutts
    How much do you weigh: 188
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 25
    What are your goals along this journey?: 10lbs each month
    Will you be committed?: Yes
    What is your weakness (food wise)? sweets
    Random fact about yourself ? I love to write poetry
    THIS CHALLENGE ITS OPEN FOR EVERYONE FROM EVERYWHERE but If coming from recently canceled@ The Mfp Biggest Loser Spring Edition@ - your team ? - I will try to keep you together - but can't promise! (I was in orange team)
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    Name: Jamie
    How much do you weigh: 190
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: UG 132, for the challenge any pounds would be great!
    What are your goals along this journey?: Tone up, become healthy, be able to run, be a good example for my young neice
    Will you be committed?: YUP!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Sweets and Soda
    Random fact about yourself ? I want a tattoo but I'm deathly afraid of needles

    I was on the Black team for the Biggest Loser Spring Edition.
  • K0RA
    K0RA Posts: 29
    Name: Kora
    How much do you weigh: 250 lbs
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 60-70 lbs I'd like to weigh between 180 lbs and 190 lbs.
    What are your goals along this journey?: My goals are to lose weight and gain confidence.
    Will you be committed?: I will try to remain committed, but I must admit, this is my first time trying to take off this much weight, and I've been big all my life!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? My weakness is staying motivated, and not saying to myself, "Okay, Kora. You messed up. Just start again tomorrow." (Famous last words...)
    Random fact about yourself? I became a grandmother at the tender age of 36, Lol... She's a beautiful blessing!
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Name: Kelsey
    How much do you weigh: 139
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: Total : 13. This challenge : at least 9
    What are your goals along this journey?: I want (to look amazing on my wedding day ( in june) and be a healthy bride
    Will you be committed?: definitely!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Fried foods and pizza
    Random fact about yourself ? I hate veggies. I only eat them cus I have to.

    I was also the purple team I'd be willing to be a captain again.

    THIS CHALLENGE ITS OPEN FOR EVERYONE FROM EVERYWHERE but If coming from recently canceled@ The Mfp Biggest Loser Spring Edition@ - your team ? - I will try to keep you together - but can't promise! (I was in orange team)
  • Here is your first step into transformation ! This is where you will sign-up !

    SIGN-UPS will end April 22nd , 2013 @ 11:55 p.m.!!! April 25th ,2013 , I WILL HAVE YOU IN YOUR TEAMS!!! :D
    Simple and sweet little form! Just let me know alittle about yourself!

    How much do you weigh:
    How many lbs would you like to lose?:
    What are your goals along this journey?:
    Will you be committed?:
    What is your weakness (food wise)?
    Random fact about yourself ?
    THIS CHALLENGE ITS OPEN FOR EVERYONE FROM EVERYWHERE but If coming from recently canceled@ The Mfp Biggest Loser Spring Edition@ - your team ? - I will try to keep you together - but can't promise! (I was in orange team)

    Name: Emily
    Weight: 195
    How Many Pounds to Lose: 55 total
    Goals: Hold my self accountable for sticking to a plan, and change my mind set about food
    Will I be committed: you bet!
    Weakness: Cheese, Sourdough bread, and the breakfast sandwiches from the office caf
    Random fact about myself: this whole taking-weight-loss-seriously-and-sticking-to-it bit has made me want to get another tattoo of a little caterpillar on one foot and when i reach my goal, a butterfly on the other. (Making tattoos #5 and #6 respectively.)
  • tnq1019
    tnq1019 Posts: 65
    Name: Tessa
    How much do you weigh: 155
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 20-25 more pounds till my goal i want to be 130-135
    What are your goals along this journey?: ditch the gut and wear the first bikini ever, get muscle mainly on my arms, be more fit and healthy and feel good about my body
    Will you be committed?: YES i will do anything and i need motivation and people to harass me
    What is your weakness (food wise)? CHOCOLATE and cheese mostly the sweets part though
    Random fact about yourself ? i love cooking and trying new recipes and staying creative in the kitchens my passion
  • MakingBail
    MakingBail Posts: 7 Member
    I'm very new to this .... just getting started, but this looks like pure motivation, so count me in.

    Name: Pam

    How much do you weigh: 290

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 120

    What are your goals along this journey?
    1. Vist my son in his 3rd floor apartment without him thinking he needs to call 911 when I get in the door.

    2. Putting socks on not turning into a full-on workout. (I rarely wear socks because it's just too frustrating.)

    3. Beat my last 5k time of 1 hour and 7 minutes

    4. Give myself a pedicure

    5.Wear some of the size 22 and 24 jeans that are hangin in my closet

    6. Wear some of the size 18 and 20 jeans that are hangin in my closet

    7. Not to always be the biggest person in the room, no matter where I go.

    *One of the MAIN goals (and what brought me here) .... to not be (so) embarrassed as I WALK MY DAUGHTER DOWN THE AISLE ON OCTOBER 12TH.

    ** Ultimate goal: To be someone that I feel my kids can be proud to introduce to their friends. (They say they're are not and have never been embarrassed ... but I feel embarrassed for them.) I'd love to be the hot middle-aged mom.

    ** To stop hiding from people because of my weight, be more social, more active, more healthy, more full of joy.

    Will you be committed?: yup
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Pepsi, sugar, brownies, Little Debbie
    Random fact about yourself ? Mother of three: daughter (31), daughter (30), son (22)
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 169 Member
    Name: Cylinda Taylor

    How much do you weigh: 182

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 10

    What are your goals along this journey?: To keep my weight down and eat health

    Will you be committed?: Heck yeah..Yes...Yes and Yess

    What is your weakness (food wise)? chip when I am very hungry. They are easy to grab and eat more when I am hungry.

    Random fact about yourself ? I love Jesus.

    I am glad this group what added. It will keep me motivated let get this thing on the road MFP:wink:
  • channy70
    channy70 Posts: 178 Member
    Name: Chantell

    Current weight: 187lbs

    How many lbs you would like to lose? 57lbs

    What are your goals along this journey: I would like to feel comfortable taking picture with my family and not the one wanting to take the picture. I want to be more confident in myself. I would like to fit back into a size 5.

    Will you be committed: The most committed I've ever been

    What is your weakness: I don't have a particular food, my weakness is I over eat when I'm bored

    I am 43yrs old mother of 3, looking to shed a few lbs before my 20yr anniversary. I'm motivated & determined, ready to join the winning team!
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Hiya, just what I need!

    How much do you weigh: 180
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 25
    What are your goals along this journey?: Throw out the elasticated waists and shapeless tops. Feel confident instead of frumpy.
    Will you be committed?: oh yes! Now is the time!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Chocs nuts cakes......
    Random fact about yourself ? I'd love to be able to sing, or dance - but I can't to either (sigh!)
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Name: Dee

    How much do you weigh: 262

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 112

    What are your goals along this journey?: better health, walk without being winded, energy to play with my grandson. To learn to use food for fuel - food to live not live for food!

    Will you be committed?: yes!! Tired of being tired, got to get focused

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Soda, sweets and bread - really anything. I eat when stressed or bored and I migrate to the carbs at those times.

    Random fact about yourself ? I married my high school sweetheart and have been married 33 years.
  • Name: Cheryl

    How much do you weigh: 184

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 60 Pounds

    What are your goals along this journey?: Eat better, stay active, live a healthier lifestyle.

    Will you be committed?: I am determined to get back in shape and lose the weight to feel better about myself. I have been living with thyroid disease for 6 years and it really made me put on weight. Regardless of how I ate or exercised the weight just kept packing on. Its time to boost my metabolism and feel better!

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Breads, pastas and cake.

    Random fact about yourself ?Mother of twin girls 20 years old and have I have a wonderful husband who is supportive and encourages me to succeed.
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    Name: Becky
    How much do you weigh: 212
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 38#'s
    What are your goals along this journey?: I want to be able to run a 5k
    Will you be committed?: Yes I am very commited.
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Chinese anything really but lo mein noodles are my favorite.... and I love the Carl's Jr. jalapeno turkey burger. but it is loaded with sodium :(
    Random fact about yourself ? I'm a redneck girl that loves Redneck lifted trucks! I LOVE MMA events and have a total soft spot for military, especially Marines! Thats why I married one. lol
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 109 Member
    Name: Michelle
    How much do you weigh: 147
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 17
    What are your goals along this journey?: log each day, commit to a regular exercise routine, eat less sugar
    Will you be committed?: Yes
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Pizza and late night eating
    Random fact about yourself ? I just graduated with my MBA

    I was on the purple team
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    How much do you weigh: 166.0

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 40 goal is 125lbs

    What are your goals along this journey?: to be able to run 5k in 30 mins or less,

    Will you be committed?: yes

    What is your weakness (food wise)? i sodium intake is always high

    Random fact about yourself ? have 4 boys hubby is retired from the Navy, and starting his new career as a truck driver.
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    Name: Sandra

    How much do you weigh: 152 lbs

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 27 lbs

    What are your goals along this journey?: Get Healthy, I don't need to be skinny...just FIT!.

    Will you be committed?: yes the question is will the group stay committed - too many have fizzled out before they reach the end...

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Fresh warm breads, pastries, food in general (I love to eat - it should be a hobby :smile: )

    Random fact about yourself ? I'm a mother of three boys (14, 11 & 3) and I enjoy renovating the house and reading good mystery novels. I HATE cooking!!
  • jamila_b
    jamila_b Posts: 11 Member
    Name: Jamila
    How much do you weigh: 192
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 54lbs
    What are your goals along this journey?: I want to be energetic and fit into single digit clothing sizes
    Will you be committed?: I am
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Carbs - freshly Baked bread, pasta, muffins and wine..yes, wine
    Random fact about yourself ? I have four kids who I want to make proud and of course, impressing the hubby doesn't hurt either ;)
  • katonaroof
    katonaroof Posts: 177 Member
    How much do you weigh:
    How many lbs would you like to lose?:
    What are your goals along this journey?:
    Will you be committed?:
    What is your weakness (food wise)?
    Random fact about yourself ?
    THIS CHALLENGE ITS OPEN FOR EVERYONE FROM EVERYWHERE but If coming from recently canceled@ The Mfp Biggest Loser Spring Edition@ - your team ? - I will try to keep you together - but can't promise! (I was in orange team)

    between 30 - 40 lbs (depends on how i look & feel)
    to get healthier & in better shape
    i love animals and am pet-less at this time
    i was on the black team on spring edition
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    Name: Angie
    How much do you weigh: 183.8
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 54lbs.
    What are your goals along this journey?: I want to be healthier in my 30's then I was in my 20's. I need to drink more water and eat more veggies!
    Will you be committed?: YES!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? CHOCOLATE! Peanut butter, Chocolate and peanut butter together!!! lol
    Random fact about yourself ? I'm a mom to 4 kids.
  • M_on_a_Mission
    M_on_a_Mission Posts: 67 Member
    Name: Melissa
    How much do you weigh: 160.2 lbs
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 25 lbs
    What are your goals along this journey?: Specific goals are defined in my profile. Ultimate is to reach goal weight of 135 by day 365 on MFP (September 1).
    Will you be committed?: Yes
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Weekends and stress eating.
    Random fact about yourself ? My husband and I will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in two months but we have no "human" children, just one very spoiled feline fur baby.