First Weigh In

mprovax1 Posts: 5 Member
Tonight is my first weigh in and I'm pretty anxious. I did well and followed the program to a T. Is it weird that I'm excited to be stepping on a scale in front of someone when for so long I've avoided it even if I'm the only one in the room? What was your experience like during your first weigh in on IP? I'd like to hear some feedback and thing to do or not do such as:

Should I make my appointments in the morning instead of evening?
Do you wear the same clothes every WI day.


  • I did the ideal protein and lost 18 lbs in 6 weeks. I did my weigh in the same day and time every week in the morning. I lost 6 lbs the first week and averaged 2-2.5 lbs the other weeks. I too followed the program to a T. Unfortunately, once you come off the program, weight gain is fast to come back. I started the program this past week on my own and hope to lose the 18 lbs I gained back in 6 months. Good luck!
  • Forgot to add I wore the same clothes for each weigh in