Man Boobs

Dfine Posts: 1 Member
Hey so first I just want to say that this is really wierd but here it goes. I have a bad case of man boobs. It isn't that I am just fat ( partly haha) but no matter what I do, I never see any progress in my chest. I bench about 205 and maintain a good level of fitness, but there is always a deposit of fat there that I cannot seem to diminish at all, mostly on the bottom of my pectorals. Has anyone been able to conqure this problem without surgury? (I am against it even it it means never getting rid of it)

Thanks guys,


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'm in the camp that you can't really spot reduce. So, losing fat in general will eventually help. In the mean time, consider trying to work on all three angles by adding dips, decline press, incline press, and dumbbell pullovers to your workouts.
  • bfpower
    bfpower Posts: 92 Member
    ^this. Just gotta bring that BF percentage down.
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    In rare cases men can actually grow a little breast tissue. My brother is an athlete and has always been fit and was never overweight, but he had little man boobs over his pecks. He had them cosmetically removed and is very happy he did.
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    Mine jiggle a little when I jog.

    So I stopped jogging. :bigsmile:

    Seriously though, it is a bit of a concern. And I'd like to tighten mine up a bit as well. Good luck!

  • KingOfTheBurke
    I have them too. They get worse when I'm heavier and better when I'm thinner, but never quite gone and I hate it. In fact this was the impetus for me getting back on MFP recently: I had a picture taken of me and an old friend while playing golf down in Arizona. I was turned just right to project a pointy little bump on my chest, and when I looked at that photo the evidence that I was going the wrong way was right there in plain sight.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    ( . ) ( . )