Am I eating enough

I have upped my calories over the last three weeks initially I put on 2lb, I have now started to loose weight at a rate of 2oz per day day, do I need dot up my calories further.
Currently 1448, which has been reduced by 20%.

My diary is public if anyone can help.

Thank you x


  • soobeth
    soobeth Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, on first impression, 1400 seems like quite a lot too little! Have you calculated your BMR? If so, what number did you get for it?
    Oh, also, you logged 60 minutes of intense callisthenics - and if you did - you really need to make sure it's not opening up the deficit too much - the last couple of days I looked at had a deficit of over 600! That's too much - for EM2WL, they generally recommend 15% or 10% if closer to goal.
    Let us know what you've calculated etc, people here can help!
  • Hi there,

    My BMR is 1510.26, is this what I should be eating, regarding the 600 cals burnt on exercise I do British military fitness four times a week, It feel like I cannot eat that amount back having eaten so little for so long, so I try and use it through out the week, but then again easier said than done.
    It is confusing because some people say eat the calories back and others say not to.

    Some help would be great as I am new to this, for the past year I have followed a wheat, gluten and dairy free diet which was very low calorie, so when ever I had holidays, meals out or christmas the weight just flew back on. So I wanted to try and do something that I could stick to for life and this seems like it might be it, eating what I want within moderation and losing weight x

    Thanks for any help x
  • soobeth
    soobeth Posts: 8 Member
    Right, now we know your BMR is 1510, you need to understand that that is what your body would burn in a coma state all day. The calories start to add up when you get up, get dressed, even sitting, talking etc. Therefore, your TDEE is probably closer to 1800 (not including the military fitness!). When we then add that on as 340 extra per day (I multiplied 600 by 4 (your sessions done), then divided it by 7 for each day of the week...), you get 2140. I'd wager your TDEE is 2140.
    To clarify, in case you didn't know, TDEE is 'total daily energy expenditure', and is what you'd need to eat to maintain your current weight at this level of activity.
    Now, we can subtract 15% from 2140 to find out your 'cut' value. I'd put your 'cut' value at 1850-1900. This is what you'd need to eat to lose fat, not muscle - as it's when the deficit is too high that muscle is lost too.
    It's really hard to fit all those calories in at first - trust me, I know. I'm struggling on a daily basis right now. My best advice is change your dairy to full fat, whip up some delicious salad dressings with olive oil, get into a habit of snacking on nuts and seeds. Make sure you're logging accurately with a food scale and MFP in conjunction.
    And finally, have you considered doing a reset? It sounds as if you'd really benefit - as you need to let your metabolism heal. Go onto the EM2WL site (here: to find out more! Don't hesitate to ask if there's anything else!
    Beth x
  • Beth,

    Thanks for your help, I will up my calories and give that ago, although I am gonna minus 20% as I would like to loose 2lb a week, still seems like I am gonna be eating to much. But I will give it a go next week.

    Thanks a lot

    Sam x