Started Insanity Monday April 8th

I did my fit test on Monday April 8th. This is my second time giving Insanity a real try. I have tried before but fell off the wagon during the recovery week. I did see great results though just after one month.

So here I am starting over again hoping to see even better results. I'm not following the meal plan exactly, but eating healthy diet that I can make work for me. I also have a friend doing Insanity with me this time to help hold me more accountable!!!

Any ways the results of my first Fit Test:

Switch Kicks: 60
Power Jacks: 28
Power Knees:60
Power Jumps: 20
Globe Jumps: 8
Suicide Jumps: 15
Push-Up Jacks: 11 (bad form) It's Hard for me to do a real push up, so I am going to not only keep track of how many I did,
but how much better I am able to do them.
Low Plank Oblique:35

Weight 191.6
Waist: 35
Hips 43.5
Arms 15
Thighs 27
Calves 16

Looking forward joining this awesome community let me know if you started around the same time as me, maybe we can help each other out!!


  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    Welcome! Good luck and DIG DEEPER! :laugh:
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Great first results! Enjoy the program - feel free to add me, I'm also doing Insanity. I start week 3 tomorrow!
  • torismith001
    torismith001 Posts: 80 Member
    I started the same day you did! We should keep each other going! I'll post my numbers when I get home
  • Abhika
    Abhika Posts: 5 Member
    I kind of also started the same day as you! I started last week but then got sick so started over this Monday. So far i'm loving it, although I am starving ALL the time!
  • Cupcakebettiejo
    Cupcakebettiejo Posts: 125 Member
    Well done for starting insanity! I love it!! I'm on round 2 (can't believe I'm saying that) & started it on Monday 8th!

    Good luck & keep pressing play!:)
  • vicgvro
    vicgvro Posts: 10
    Wow just from your profile picture, your results look like they have been great!!
  • vicgvro
    vicgvro Posts: 10
    Thank you guys! and I'm glad to hear there are people who started around the same time as me!!!