Stupid Things People Say

SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
I work with some serious sugar zombies...

Sugar-addicted Coworker: I'm hungry, but have nothing to eat.
Me: I have a ton of food in the fridge! Would you like some avocado, veggies, meatloaf or a chicken breast with ranch seasoning?
Sugar-addicted Coworker: NO! I want something that actually sounds good!

She went on to microwave some day old popcorn and pour honey & cinnamon on it.


    THExNEKOxCHAN Posts: 134 Member
    Wow. That's pretty gross. :S

    I got a few "cut out all fat" zombies, who encouraged me to eat lots of grains and use spray oils. Yeah, because I'm that stupid. *rolls eyes*