The Weekly Male Stop (4/12 - 4/19)

KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
Hey fellas,

Last week was a push with me only losing .2 lbs and I thought this week I'd be lucky to lose 1.0. So I was pretty happy steping on the scales this morning and recording -1.6 for the week. And at -40.4, I broke the 40 lb barrier!

I've been recording my numbers in a spreadsheet and realized this morning I still had it set for my original goal of 200 by the first Friday in July. That's only 6 1/2 lbs away. Hope to be there in 3-4 weeks!

So how are YOU guys doing?

SW: 247
CW: 206.6 (No longer obese!)
GW: 180-190


  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    I've been stuck in a plateau myself for a couple of weeks now. So I switched up my exercise and I'm down just around .4 this week. It's not much, but it's something.
  • FitGoal165
    This week was a good week for me from a regiment standpoint. Also, I dropped 1.8 pounds from last week. This last week has really illustrated how sensitive my body is to sodium. My calories have been in check but I kept my sodium under 2,000 mg/day for the week. During the week before, not so much. My activity level was a little better this past week but don't think that it accounts for me dropping 1.8 lbs. think that reducing my sodium has a lot to do with it. That being said, I am very happy with the drop and hoping to keep the trend going.

    HW 192
    SW 182
    CW 166.6
    GW 160
  • dad040859
    dad040859 Posts: 66
    A good week overall, kept the calories100-200 under goal every day except today (blast that Subway Philly cheesesteak!). Did at least 30 minutes cardio every day. Sodium reduction is something I need to pay attention to as well!

    HW - 237
    SW - 235
    CW - 231
    GW - 185
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Went to the doctor, a nutritionist and a personal trainer this week. Cholesterol is out of control and waist measured 44 inches (not the 38 pants size I wear now). So now I'm on a strict low cholesterol paleo diet. The personal trainer wants me to do more lifting than I'm doing now. I'm hoping to see more results as I get into it.

    Another pound down this week.

    HW 252
    SW: 236
    CW: 227.2
    GW: 190
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    I wish they had "Like" links. All y'all are doing good.

    I worked a crawfish cook-off event on Saturday. Hardly ate anything due to being so busy, but I drank a boatload of beer. It only showed up on the scale yesterday morning as a mild gain though. Then, in the afternoon I got sick. :sick: Couldn't eat and anything that I had eaten was (TMI). My total calorie intake was only 770 for the day.

    Anyway, it was effective. I'm feeling much better today, and it was fun to see 205.0 on the scale this morning. Maybe I can keep some of that off. :happy:
  • thadius65
    thadius65 Posts: 36 Member
    No weigh in until Friday, but I did get some good news yesterday. In doing all this good eating the past 4 months, I have dropped my cholesterol from 240 to 154! Let me steal a quote from Gov Christie of NJ - "I am the healthiest fat many you know"... :bigsmile:
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    In doing all this good eating the past 4 months, I have dropped my cholesterol from 240 to 154!

  • Nah113
    Nah113 Posts: 25 Member
    I started on Feb 1, and I've dropped 22 lbs so far. Then I hit the wall. I've been on a plateau for about 4 weeks now.

    I figured out that part of the problem has been me eating out too much. The other part is that scales are manufactured by skinny jerks... I re-calibrated my calories down to 1870 from 2120 and now I'm hoping to see some results next week. At this rate, I'll probably have to learn to survive on air and water by this time next year!

    The other thing I decided to do was to open up a little, make some posts and even have some friends. I'm still on the high side of 300, like i said I'm stuck at 309. I get skeptical chuckle when I tally my calories at the end of the day, "If every day were like today, you would weigh 294.6 lbs in 5 weeks." More like 5 years but I hope I'm wrong.
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    I hear you on the "you would weight X lbs in 5 weeks" thing! A yo-yo dieter like myself scoffs at the perception of actually losing two pounds a week and it staying off! For me it's averaged about a pound a week in reality over the last several months. Plateaus happen. Don't get discouraged becuase you're body is adjusting to your new normal of eating less every day. Eventually you will beging to see losses on the scale again. If you are working out then you are probably building some muscles mass up as well. Try switching up your exercise routine. That seems to help me when the scale gets "stuck."

    The less you weight the less it will let you eat that's true, but it will never let you get below 1200 calories because that's unhealthy to eat less than that. By then you'll be so used to eating less you'll hardly notice.

    I've been on here since last October and have just now started to get more social with it. Never thought I needed any help, but the support does really come in handy when you feel frustrated or have a question. I just recently got a lot of good advice about running form on my bad knees.

    Good luck and hang in there!