Hey! New here :)

So I kind of stumbled upon ADF by accident yesterday in the forums, and I became intrigued, read up on it, and decided to try it... I did my first down day today and ended up at 499 calories, and I feel pretty good about it, not starving like I feared I would be.

My MFP friends don't seem overly supportive of it, which is fine, to each their own, but I wanted to join this group to connect with more people who are doing it! I'm hoping this ends up being the answer I have been looking for!!


  • hyphenbobbit
    hyphenbobbit Posts: 81 Member

    Been doing this since 2nd week in March and so far it's going well. Have found some of the dd difficult but got through it! Currently doing M/W/F DD, Tu/Th/Sat/Sun UD, but am careful during the week then do have a treat on a Satruday (usually in liquid form)

    I think that as with all methods it's just a way of creating a deficit but it's working for me.

    I log on everyday - feel free to ad.

    Good luck
  • Hi,
    There does not seem to be too many doing the ADF here, although there seems to be a few more on the 5/2 group. but I am also new to this as I just started on 17th March.

    I am doing alternative days 1x Feed/1x Fast based on the BBC Horizon program in the UK.
    I was also a bit of a sceptic about it but after a little research I found that doctors support it, but are afraid to promote it as they fear it may promote eating disorders like anorexia
    It was found as a way to become more healthy, reduce risk of life threatening diseases and to live longer. The weight loss was a happy side effect!
    I am just into my second week and have also had a very good start. I am not saying its not tough, but the fast days are getting easier and the results of feeling lighter and weighing less, make it all worth it!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    There does not seem to be too many doing the ADF here, although there seems to be a few more on the 5/2 group. but I am also new to this as I just started on 17th March.

    I am doing alternative days 1x Feed/1x Fast based on the BBC Horizon program in the UK.
    I was also a bit of a sceptic about it but after a little research I found that doctors support it, but are afraid to promote it as they fear it may promote eating disorders like anorexia
    It was found as a way to become more healthy, reduce risk of life threatening diseases and to live longer. The weight loss was a happy side effect!
    I am just into my second week and have also had a very good start. I am not saying its not tough, but the fast days are getting easier and the results of feeling lighter and weighing less, make it all worth it!

    I've been looking for this episode online since I heard of it but can't find it.

    Anyone have a link?

    Also, new here too, going to try the every other day JUDDD thing and see how it goes.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member

    Thanks! Actually did find it last night finally, I'm completely blown away by the potential health benefits given that I've started this for the completely piggish reason of being able to give in to some cravings every other day.

    But now I'm hoping the cravings will settle down so I can create a healthier, balanced diet out of this eventually and live forever. :laugh:
  • PennyBliss
    PennyBliss Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome to the joys of ADF!
    My advice - keep going.
    Most people I know thought I was bonkers until I lost 40 lbs over 20 weeks and dropped from size 16 trousers to size 10 skinny fit jeans! Now they all want to know how I did it.
    Do it for yourself and be the inspiration other people need, it worked for me.
    Good luck
  • Moohange
    Moohange Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, does anyone check into this post? I was very interested in the Michael Mosley programme and also have read the book. I am very interested in the science behind it and am always very aware of "faddy diets" so I do hope this doesn't turn out to be one. I must say I have been doing this ADF for 4 weeks and only lost 1lb; 2 the first week and then put one back on. I am having 2 x 250 meals on fast days, one at about 11 and the other about 6 /7 at night. I have a cup of tea in the morning with milk and sugar. Some days it adds up to 550 cal but I can't see that making a difference. I only have a stone to lose. Can anyone think why I'm not seeing miracle results yet??!! Very disappointed Angela
  • sara_jean_15
    sara_jean_15 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone, does anyone check into this post? I was very interested in the Michael Mosley programme and also have read the book. I am very interested in the science behind it and am always very aware of "faddy diets" so I do hope this doesn't turn out to be one. I must say I have been doing this ADF for 4 weeks and only lost 1lb; 2 the first week and then put one back on. I am having 2 x 250 meals on fast days, one at about 11 and the other about 6 /7 at night. I have a cup of tea in the morning with milk and sugar. Some days it adds up to 550 cal but I can't see that making a difference. I only have a stone to lose. Can anyone think why I'm not seeing miracle results yet??!! Very disappointed Angela

    Hello, I have been doing the Alternate Day Diet since April 1st and have lost 16 pounds! I have 4 more pounds to meet my original goal. Do not give up on it. Sometimes it takes your body a while to adjust to new eating habits. I do 500 cal down days on MWF, 1600 cal up days on Tue, Thurs, 1200-1500 cal Medium days on Saturday, and 2000 calorie day on Sunday. Sometimes I switch around sat and sunday. I just make sure that my calories AVERAGE to 1200 per day. Are you counting your calories on your up days as well? This is important because you might not be getting enough calories on those days and that might by why you are not seeing results right away. Hang in there!
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this particular group... I'm kind of in between 5:2 and every-other day; most weeks are 3:4, which I suppose is the same thing. Either way, it's really helping me loose weight, so I'm happy :)