Those that have/had FWB



  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    I have found FWB difficult to pull off. Each time, both of us inevitably have developed some "feelings" just below the surface. I've been able to keep them in check, but my partner has not. And when this becomes apparent, I tend to become over-sensitive, and just stop things cold.

    It might be easier if you DON'T actually like each other, and DON'T have pleasant conversations.
  • fullofwhimsy
    ^^ Yup..

    I actually prefer not to really like or enjoy the company of mine. Sure, he might be pleasant enough to have a drink with, but that's not why we are there and I really don't like confusing the two. So I don't. Our texts are to make plans or touch base only.

    That said, while in the moment and after, there is lots of passion and emotion. But is purely about that time. I really don't think I could sustain an actual friendship with them and not develop feelings.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member

    Agree 100%.

    Not downing anyone with a FWB, but I have no idea how you can do it...

    This is kinda how I feel. I had a relationship that was technically FWB a few years ago, I was hugely in love, she was very much unattached. Skip to today, I'm in a different situation with a girl, I've kept myself unattached while the girl really has not. We made it clear what it was from the get go but I still feel like a jerk having to underline that point if I feel like she's crossing the line. It just creates a lot of drama, I'm sure there are personalities out there that make this whole thing much easier and more fun, but I've yet to snag one of those
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Usually if someone wants regular sex with myself they will send a request letter explaining why I should accept and a list sexual desires that they wish to be fulfilled, a very recent document proving that they are disease free ( proof is expected each month or the contract is terminated). And if I accept scheduled times are made ( hours though are flexible for some).

    You're kiddin, right? lol

    Nope I'm being serious, it helps them to keep their emotions uninvolved (albeit it still fails a lot and sometimes spectacularly at that unfortunately).

    Is this a standard "request letter"? Or do you have a template? Is it in Microsoft Word? Or perhaps a Powerpoint presentation? What do you accept as proof whether they are "disease free" or not? Should that be attached with the application? How do the ladies know you are disease free? You mention a formal "contract" that can be terminated. How many pages? Do you base it on US law? Is arbitration possible?

    Seems like quite the process you have in place.
