New Low Carber w/hypothyroid

jamala19 Posts: 35 Member
Hi All,

I have been doing my version of low carb for about 9 days. I am trying to eat less than 100g carbs per day (after subtracting out fiber). I have found that I end up doing somewhere between 50-75g. I was trying to eat consistently about 1600 calories a day and then part of exercise cals if they went above a certain point. But now trying to do MFPs suggestion of 1410 per day. To be honest, sometimes eating this way it is hard to get all cals in since things seem lower cal. I am trying to add in avocados, nuts, cheese, coconut oil to boost cals. I typically workout 3-5x per week for 1-1.5 hours.

In the first week, I lost 1 pound. I was hoping for more, but it more than what was happening before!! I have hypothyroid and endometriosis, so my weight drops very very slowly. I am on NDT thyroid.

I also tried to do the bulletproof coffee, sans butter and chocolate (did not have choc on hand and try to stay away from butter). I used 1 TB coconut oil in coffee with my usual coconut milk creamer (which I love, but is kind of high carb). It went down fine, but made me nausea about an hour later. I tried the same mix with about 1/2 TB coconut oil and seemed to be ok. Is it ok to use not as a meal replacement, but for coconut oil properties with metabolism and to get some good oils in or is it just a waste of calories if not used as MR?

Am I likely to see results at this carb level (sub 100g)? I didn't want to go too low. My diary should be open. Any other tips? Thanks!


  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    What are your concerns about going lower?
  • jamala19
    jamala19 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Zipper for responding! I guess I wanted to be more moderate in my approach. Kind of South Beach rather than Atkins? I haven't had any refined carbs, nor complex carbs in the last 10 days. I don't miss it too much. But, I am getting some carbs from my coffee creamer, protein powder, veggies. Some reading I was doing suggested under 100g as the "magic" number for still having good function, but low carb. I guess I was trying to make it a lifestyle switch?
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Some of the possibilities could be that you may want to go a lil' lower in the sodium dept. like 1500-2000 mg not to mention going lower in the carbs may help when your trying to lose more then work your way back up to 100 or your magic number. Sometimes you have to go lower to jumpstart ketosis. If you need recipe inspiration check out these website:,, &, are just a few places that has been working for me. I use unsweetend So Delicious coconut milk products for my coffee & protein powder (Jay Robb sweetend w/stevia) as well as Blue Diamond unsweetend Almond milk. My sweetner's are raw coconut crystals, Truvia &/or Stevia. I try to stay away from splenda, aspertame, agave, or any sweetner's ending in -ose ie. dextrose or fructose etc. I mainly eat fresh, raw & organic (when I can afford it) canteloupe, honey dew, kiwi or berries for fruit but I'm learning to eat them as a dessert. I'm also using almond & coconut flours for low carb baked goods & pancakes/waffles. Raw nuts in small amounts as a snack. My calories are set for 1400 mg but when I workout I try to eat back my calories. I do use butter, olive oil or coconut oils to cook with too. And my new found love is Shiratake pasta b/c it has nothing but 40 cals. I don't worry too much about my calories as much as I try & focus on sodium & carb intake. Oh, I forgot to mention I was diagnosed w/high blood pressure. I hope any of this helps & good luck!
  • nickiboop
    nickiboop Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, I am a low Carber with hypothyroid : )

    Between august and christmas last year I dropped from 199 to 175lb eating less than 50g of carbs per day, I was also doing the new rules of lifting workout 2/3 times per week

    This year has been a little less sucessfull, I have been able to avoid the key carbs such as rice / pasta and bread but for some reason I wasn't quite so sucessfull in avoiding the snack machine (Directly outside my office!) and stayed at 175 until last week, when I went on holiday, and fell of the wagon completely coming home at 182lb (ouch)

    This week I am strictly back to less than 20g of carbs per day and have dropped 3lb since Sunday (I assume it is mostly water)

    Long story short
    1) when I have been eating an afternoon sugar boost my thyroid issues come back (extreme tiredness aboout 30 minutes after eating )
    2) Carbs are AWFUL for my skin and asthma
    3) You can eat quite a bit of low carb food and feel full but not bloated
    4) the Carb flu is less bad when you mostly eat low carb

    I would try dropping to less than 20g per day and see what happens
  • jamala19
    jamala19 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Dina and Nicki!!

    @ Dina, I think you're right re: sodium. I have been eating a lot of lunch meat, as I have found it to be easy/portable breakfast or lunch option. I have actually been putting a little slice of cheese and a slice of lunch meat (or half slice) directly on a piece of romaine lettuce. Super yummy! I just switched to a lower sodium brand, so I hope that it will help.

    I love So Delicious products!! I have a dairy allergy, so I try to limit dairy as much as possible. Hard cheese seems to be okay in small portions. But creamy stuff is horrible for me. Anyway, the SD french vanilla creamer is high carb (4g per 1 TB). I was trying to avoid artificial sweeteners, even like Truvia/Stevia. But, I get a hefty amount of carbs from that creamer :( So, I may need to experiment.

    I am going to have to try that pasta!! Sounds like you are suggesting, like Nikki, that I may need to go even lower to start the ketosis. I can try that. At least so far, I have found LC to be not so bad. I don't really crave the carbs that much and the stuff I am eating tends to have greater flavor now, if that makes sense?

    My naturopath said I have borderline gluten sensitivities. I have noticed my tummy being less trouble eating this way.

    Thanks so much for the sites too!

    @ Nikki, hypothyroid sux!! I have been doing the ciradian rhythmn method with cytomel the last month to try and work on adrenal issues. It seems to be helping. I have also raised my NDT to 2 grain per day (was 1 grain). It took a little bit, as intiially it made me a little wired, but now I feel better. Except, I expected more weight to come off with these changes and also with LC.

    Did you find that you had to limit carbs even more than average LC due to hypothyroid?

    To your points:

    1) I did notice a reaction when I had too much dairy and I have noticed an occasional afternoon crash too. I wonder if doing LC makes you more sensitive to the items in your diet that are bad for you? Almost like an elimination diet, where if you add those things back in you notice them?
    2). My skin is looking better too!!
    3) I'm having some endo issues right now, so still bloated :(
    4) This was a little confusing for me-- are you saying that you don't get that low carb flu thing when you are low carb? I am confused, lol.

    How long would you do the 20g? That's Atkins or SBD induction, right?

    What do you both think of the bulletproof coffee?

    Thank you so much!