No Excuses

antitek Posts: 121 Member
What is your most common "I can't work out" excuse?

How do you defeat that excuse?

For me there are no longer any excuses. A gym in town upgraded it's equipment and donated the old stuff to the local consignment store. I just scored an AB Machine, Elliptical, and Stair Stepper for $95. I know, holy crap, right!

Last summer we turned a porch into a nice living room, bedroom, and walk in closet for the aging family members to use as needed. Grandma is moving back in with her youngest daughter, who is returning from Florida this week. With no one occupying it, at least for awhile, I will have a swanky in-home gym!

All of my excuses are null.

"Yeah, I work out"


  • ShannonTourne
    ShannonTourne Posts: 77 Member
    Your own personal home gym....yep, no excuses! You are going to be so fit and healthy!
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    Trying to fit it into my day and still have a family life!
    I work full time (outside the home). Fortunately I have a flexible job. I often work out first thing in the morning.
    My gym does have childcare, so that helps with that excuse.
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Classwork. That is my BIGGEST excuse. "I cannot workout because I need to finish *plug in an assignment*." It is a hard one to overcome, but lately I just suck it up and get it in during the time I just want to "relax" lol.
  • recee27
    recee27 Posts: 34
    If I'm being completely honest......I have NO EXCUSES!!! I have a gym membership. It's less than 10 min. away from my house. I am a stay at home Mom, but all three of my daughters are in school. So I can't use a job or little kid's at home as one anymore. The only reason I can't go sometimes is my youngest daughter. She is severely mentally and physically handicapped. Some days she doesn't go to school due to her odd sleep schedual or when she's having her "time of the month". But even then I could take her with me. She loves music and usually sits in her wheelchair and sleeps during my zumba class anyway. So, I guess I reeally have no excuse not to go. I always tell myself......I NEVER feel guilty going to workout, but I ALWAYS feel guilty if I don't go and I could have. I do Zumba five days a week. I love it, so that helps!!
  • Blakelynn3
    Blakelynn3 Posts: 127 Member
    My excuses... too busy, too tired, don't feel good. Or my knee or foot hurt. Which I think are legit excuses. haha. At least the last three. I need to exercise more for sure. The weight would probably fall off much faster if I did.
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    Trying to fit it into my day and still have a family life!
    I work full time (outside the home).

    That would be me too. On top of working outside the home, I have a 3+ hour commute (round trip) that makes for a very long day. It's very easy to feel too tired to workout after the kids go to bed. I have someone to watch the boys 2 days a week so I can go to yoga class so I need to stop making excuses and just go.
  • antitek
    antitek Posts: 121 Member
    For me there are no longer any excuses. A gym in town upgraded it's equipment and donated the old stuff to the local consignment store. I just scored an AB Machine, Elliptical, and Stair Stepper for $95. I know, holy crap, right!

    So much for no excuses *eye roll*

    Since this post I recovered from a cold that had me in bed for 3 days, had back pain on the left side and recovered from that for all of a day before my right side with that lovely sciatic nerve began acting up. Yup, nothing but couch, bathroom, drugs, repeat as needed for almost 2 weeks. Two more days I think before my excuses run out. I'm partial to, " I have to crawl to the bathroom" as an excuse.
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Sounds like my first week (hugs) I hope you get over this bout of yuck!
  • grho
    grho Posts: 71 Member
    Honestly (or sadly rather) my main excuse is I don't like having to get ready to work out. As in I have to go change my clothes, put on sports bra, tennis shoes, etc. I do a little better if I tell myself I can just walk barefoot on the treadmill, but still for some reason the is just a big barrier for me to get ready to work out!
  • antitek
    antitek Posts: 121 Member
    Honestly (or sadly rather) my main excuse is I don't like having to get ready to work out. As in I have to go change my clothes, put on sports bra, tennis shoes, etc. I do a little better if I tell myself I can just walk barefoot on the treadmill, but still for some reason the is just a big barrier for me to get ready to work out!

    LMAO For some reason I'm getting a mental picture of that cartoon character Maxine. She is standing on a treadmill in her robe with curlers in her hair, a cigarette is hanging out of her mouth and a steaming cup of hot coffee is in her hand.

    Time for bed, I'm getting loopy.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Ouch - I've had sciatic pain on and off since I was pregnant with my twins, and they're 4 1/2 now. When it goes really bad I can't walk let alone exercise, but that's about the only thing that keeps me from exercising these days. And the more weight I lose and the fitter I get, it hardly ever flares now. I also have a nerve problem in my arm/wrists but I take painkillers and work around it. I sometimes can't get my weights session in but I will always get cardio done.

    When I wasn't fully committed to losing weight in the past I found it easy to make excuses not to exercise. Shortly after I started losing this time though, I was going to weight watchers and the leader said something that made total sense. "You'd exercise if your life depended on it" If someone came along and said "I'm sorry, but if you don't exercise 15 mins per day for the rest of your life then you'll drop dead" you'd exercise wouldn't you. Well, your weight is killing you. Perhaps you won't drop dead but if you stay obese then one day, probably sooner rather than later, it will catch up with you. So why aren't you exercising? Even if it's 10 mins twice a day to start with, it's still moving. (Sorry for the sort of lecture ladies, but that made so much sense to me!)

    Anyway, at first I forced myself. Then I started enjoying it. Then I realised I was getting fitter, losing weight - now I can buy cute exercise clothes and I don't have to go to the oversize t-shirts. I bought awesome running shoes - I actually love putting them on. And oh yeah, I started running. Exercise is addictive. If you can just get the ball (body?) rolling then it gets easier every time :) I so totally get those "can't be bothered" moments, but as I'm typing this I realise I don't remember the last time I had one. Where's a mirror, I'm not sure I recognise myself!
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Today I almost used waiting for my group to get their **** straight and okay our final to be submitted, but I decided screw that, and I danced and cleaned, walked a mile to the store, got some awesome stuff for snacks and dinners, lugged all 20lbs or so back a mile and then did my 60 squats today. I can now sit here on my *kitten* without feeling guilty and relax :)
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    Pure lazy-assness...