Facts About You and Your Caveman(Cavewoman) Ways!!

Tuesday4422 Posts: 56 Member
How long have you eaten Paleo?
1 year and 3 months

What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
Steak and veggies

What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
Almonds/Grapefruit (and Larabars...but I don't eat them too much because they are hight in calories)

What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
I feel more energized, no more "tummy issues" and weight loss.


  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    5 months

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    Grilled salmon and sweet potatoes with kale salad

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    Homemade beef jerky, almonds, almond or sunflower seed butter

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    I'm not constantly hungry like I was before.
    I no longer have GI issues.
    People tell me my hair is shinier and my skin is glowing.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    Hehe I'm not strict, but have been borrowing paleo recipes and tricks for about 4 months now.

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    grass fed steak with s & p, a big bell pepper and spinach salad or steamed veggies

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    almonds...almond butter and an apple.

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    No longer have an aversion to fat! I cook with the bacon grease from my leftover nitrate free bacon. I have more control over my hunger too. My skin is better when I don't eat wheat.
  • kpilling
    kpilling Posts: 1 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    1 year

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    Chicken Breasts and Veggies

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    Hardboiled Eggs

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    More energy!!!
  • EricCowperthwaite
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    I'm a Primal eater (primarily cause I love heavy cream and cheese) .... since June 10, 2012

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    Ribeye steak, sauteed brussels sprouts and bacon

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    Other than the weight loss (35 lbs and counting)? I went to my allergist for my regular, annual visit and found out that I was the only patient of hers who had not experienced very bad seasonal allergies already .... I am a lifelong seasonal allergy sufferer who suddenly, first time ever, is not having a problem with them this spring.
  • Tuesday4422
    Tuesday4422 Posts: 56 Member
    That is so great about your allergies!!!!
  • EricCowperthwaite
    it is awesome, let me tell you!
  • brayjr
    brayjr Posts: 15 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    5 months

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    Steak w/sautéed mushrooms and asparagus.

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    No stomach problems and not hungry all the time.
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    About 18 months

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    Rib-eye steak with melted garlic butter with roasted yam & zucchini and pan fried broccoli with bacon and almond slivers.
    Or Curried Chicken, Apple & Walnut Salad with Paleo Mayo...to die for.

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    Devilled eggs, fruit/seed/nut mix (trail mix) or coconut truffles for a sweet treat.

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    No more digestive issues, weight loss (25kg lighter including a gain of about 5kg of muscle) and no more hayfever (suffered severely for about 20 years prior).
  • XheartbeatzX
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    3 months total. I drank wine and ate some cheese and dark chocolate for the first 2 months and have been on a Whole30 for the past month. (Tomorrow's day 30!)

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    Bacon and eggs with sliced avocado

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, blood oranges, macadamia nuts, and homemade cinnamon-vanilla almond butter are my weaknesses!

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo? More energy, clearer skin, and better moods.
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    How long have you eaten paleo?
    18 months

    Favorite Paleo-Approved meal?
    Big-Assed Salads

    Favorite Paleo-Approved snack?
    coconut flakes

    Biggest change?
    Joint pain? Gone! Gas? Gone! Brain fog? Gone! Best one, though ... I'm so damn HAPPY all the time! LOL
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    How long have you eaten paleo?
    3 years (Primal, so I allow dairy)

    Favorite Paleo-Approved meal?
    Gah, so many to choose from! Chicken fajita bowl is up there. Juicy steaks on a BBQ are tasty too though.
    I'll go with juicy steak with a side of sweet potatoes and salad.

    Favorite Paleo-Approved snack?
    I'm not a big snacker, but I do like mixed nuts.

    Biggest change?
    I love how the bloat just goes away and my stomach flattens out. Constant energy levels are great too.
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    8 months

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    Smoky Bacon Wrapped Chicken Thighs... so good! I usually serve them up with some haricots verts or steamed broccoli.

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    Ah, I have so many! I'll go with Granny Smith Apple with almond butter... or mixed veggies with avo-ziki sauce (like a Paleo tatziki sauce).

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    Aside from the 15lb. weight loss, I'd say the gassiness and bloating are gone... So are the sugar highs and crashes.
  • fitnessbugg
    fitnessbugg Posts: 141 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo/Primal?
    20 months

    What's your favorite Paleo-approved meal?
    Grilled steak and baked sweet potato and cauliflower (dinner)
    or big-*kitten* salad with bacon, avocado, cucumbers and chicken (lunch)

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    Macadamia nuts

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    Definitely not hungry all of the time like I used to be. Love it!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    Went Primal 8/1/11. (fell off over the holidays that year, gained 10lb in 2 weeks, learned my lesson and instead lost weight over the holidays in 2012!)

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    (nitrate free) bacon and eggs, or a steak & avocado salad.

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    almonds or macadamia nuts. Almond butter :) which is why I have to limit it, lol.

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    No more of the bloating/gassiness, no more acid reflux (it was the gluten, not the fatty/spicy/caffeine/chocolate/coffee I was always advised to avoid, I eat all those fine now!), no more eczema, etc. I can do an awesome workout in the mornings fasted now, and I get to enjoy all kinds of delicious foods. :)

    Reading all your responses made me hungry, and I just had lunch! lol
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    avo-ziki sauce (like a Paleo tatziki sauce)

    Recipe? Pretty please??
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    avo-ziki sauce (like a Paleo tatziki sauce)

    Recipe? Pretty please??

    1 avocado
    Juice of 1 lemon
    2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
    2 cloves minced garlic
    1/4 cup cucumber, grated
    2 tsp dill
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Place all ingredients in food processor and blend until creamy.

    I eat this stuff almost every day. It's a great salad dressing, dip, and goes great on meat!
  • cmacdonald8
    cmacdonald8 Posts: 20 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo/Primal?
    2 days :)

    What's your favorite Paleo-approved meal?
    Lemon and Garlic Chicken with roasted broccoli and asparagus

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    Probablly macademia nuts, but I am really excited about the homeade beef jerky that is in the oven right now!

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    More confidence and experimentation with cooking. I was never a cook, but have recently got into juicing and cooking naturally and have really gotten excited about feeding my family food with ingredients that I can pronounce!
  • nickymaire
    nickymaire Posts: 138 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    I've been primal since the 3rd of december 2012

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    I have so many paleo favs

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    paleo slice made of dates,almonds cashews, cocoa powder and coconut. yum

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    11 years of chronic neck pain has gone. I'm about a 1 cm taller cos my muscles aren't forcing my spine to compact anymore and I no longer have to wear a neck brace to bed to stop the spasming and cramping in my neck!! Being able to carry things like a normal human without pain (use to struggle to carry my handbag around for more than five minutes)!! I don't get sick all the time. Asthma is gone and so are my seasonal allergies. Plus I lost weight and I'm not constantly tired anymore yay.

    Going primal/paleo is the best thing I have EVER done.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    For the past 3 months or so.

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    Steak with sauteed onions and mushrooms + veggies. Anything stir-fry. Sweet potato 4 mins in the microwave on workout days + chicken = delicious and quick meal.

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    almonds, clementines, a banana, and the famous "coconut crack bars"

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    Biggest changes I have seen- losing 16 pounds in a matter of 2 months. It's literally melting off of me day by day, week after week. Also I have had not one case of my regular seasonal allergies that hit me whenever the seasons change. I normally wake up everyday with a stuffy nose but I have been so clear since eating this way. Also after the dreadful winter we had in NY everyone was getting sick- this time last year I came down with sinus infections/fevers/flu-like illnesses about 4 or 5 times from December through March. This past winter I only got sick ONCE and that was before I started eating this way! I also have changed the way I think about food. It's become less of an "emotional" experience for me....I don't have intense cravings anymore and when I do eat I eat because I am hungry (but not starving) and not because I just feel like it!
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    How long have you eaten Paleo?
    9 months

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Meal?
    Crockpot roasted chicken and roasted brussel sprouts (which can be a meal on their own when I'm lazy)

    What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack?
    Pumpkin seeds (at the moment) or kale chips

    What's the biggest/best change you have seen in yourself by being Paleo?
    IBS is mostly resolved.