Grr... Seriously?

tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
It makes me so angry when someone intergects on my diet.

Today i was devouring my delivious salad covered in full fat mayo.. and someones like - why do you even bother having a salad if its covered in that...

I didnt bother answering.. but gah so discouraging.. man I want to eat something awful for me right now


  • susanaxpto
    susanaxpto Posts: 7 Member
    Stay strong and ignore the ignorants :)
  • SexyDexie
    SexyDexie Posts: 48 Member
    If Keto is working for you just laugh. They don't have your weight to lose
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Hon, you and I know it's because this is not a "normal" way to eat, even though it's been proven to be safe and very effective. The average person has never heard of anything like this and I guess some are a little opinionated even if they haven't studied alternatives. Don't be afraid to tell them the basics of why you're doing what you're doing and share how it's affected you. Likely they'll poo-poo it...only to be inwardly curious...and they might just take that info and go start their own research and find out that what the media and the standard medical advice could quite possibly be wrong.

    Best book I've read so far that explains it in an understandable way... Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes
    Best Blog...livinlavidalowcarb by Jimmy Moore, especially his n=1 experiment
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    It makes me so angry when someone intergects on my diet.

    Today i was devouring my delivious salad covered in full fat mayo.. and someones like - why do you even bother having a salad if its covered in that...

    The proper response is, "Because I can."

    If they press the issue tell them, "Talk to me when you want to lose 11+ kilos."
    I didnt bother answering.. but gah so discouraging.. man I want to eat something awful for me right now
    Go eat some bacon.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    It makes me so angry when someone intergects on my diet.

    Today i was devouring my delivious salad covered in full fat mayo.. and someones like - why do you even bother having a salad if its covered in that...

    I didnt bother answering.. but gah so discouraging.. man I want to eat something awful for me right now

    Proper response: because putting butter on it would have been weird. :laugh:

    In all likelihood, there's no possibility of having a rational conversation with them (kind of like bringing up low carb on the main MFP forums - they'll turn on you like a rabid dog). Take the high road and thank them for their input, and point out you've lost XX pounds / kilos eating this way.

    Or, just tell them to mind their own business.
  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
    HAHA thanks guys - ive stayed strong and I feel fine.
    I just know that theyre thinking (this is why your obese) eventhough I know its not. He is overweight and a very "superior" thinking kind of guy. Unfortunately though I do work closely with this dude.. but yeah.. just makes me crazy.

    He was eating some crap.. i think it was some microwaveable curry with meat in it that he bought off of the shelf.. would have had triple the calories in it than my huge salad with a massive dob of mayo.. i knew that .. but yeh.

    makes me crazy - ignorant people
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    HAHA thanks guys - ive stayed strong and I feel fine.
    I just know that theyre thinking (this is why your obese) eventhough I know its not. He is overweight and a very "superior" thinking kind of guy. Unfortunately though I do work closely with this dude.. but yeah.. just makes me crazy.

    He was eating some crap.. i think it was some microwaveable curry with meat in it that he bought off of the shelf.. would have had triple the calories in it than my huge salad with a massive dob of mayo.. i knew that .. but yeh.

    makes me crazy - ignorant people
    Do what I do... Pull out a glucometer, lancet and test strips and ask them if they'd like to compare THEIR one and two-hour post-prandial blood glucose numbers to yours.

    Nobody's ever taken me up on it, oddly enough.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I know what you mean. My sister-in law had gained quite a bit of girth, and asked me how I lost so much weight (last she saw me I was a size 18, and now I"m a size 12.)

    I explained to her that my diet was pretty much high fat, moderate protein and low carb / no added sugars...She looked at me and grunted (that dismissive noise that people make,) and literally turned around, as if to say, "Yeah, I doubt that works...."

    I just left it at that. I really don't know what she expected me to say though...Maybe she was hoping I lost weight eating poptarts, and bon bons in addition to having a nightly milk shake? :laugh:
  • JanetLynnJudy
    JanetLynnJudy Posts: 173 Member
    Ugh. I hate that! I've also gotten a comment like that when I once ate the toppings off a slice of pizza and threw the bread part away. "If you are trying to lose weight why are you just eating the most unhealthy part and throwing the healthy part away?"
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Ugh. I hate that! I've also gotten a comment like that when I once ate the toppings off a slice of pizza and threw the bread part away. "If you are trying to lose weight why are you just eating the most unhealthy part and throwing the healthy part away?"
    That's what I ate last night - an entire small meat/cheese pizza ... and left the entire crust and a considerable amount of the tomato sauce.

    Good heavens it was good. My server didn't even remotely give me a funny look, and made an amazing effort to ensure my diet soda was always topped up... No funny looks, good service and an always-full drink got her a very good tip. =)
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    So he prefers some microwave franken-food rather than a fresh healthy salad with a good dose of fat which keeps you full all afternoon? Leave him to it. If he's already overweight he'll soon come begging for advise when he keeps getting bigger on his microwave curries and you are shrinking before his eyes!

    Good for you staying strong hun xxx