
lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
I know that you don't have to count calories with this plan, but I recorded all of my food into MFP because I was curious. I ate 2,550 calories yesterday and woke up this morning and I was down 1.4 pounds! I'm sure that was water weight, but it is interesting that I've been eating 1500 - 1800 calories and my weight hasn't budged. The good news is that I feel satisfied and I'll be happy to eat this way forever if I can continue to see results like this!


  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Thats great! I always believed eating more was the best approach. Eating more meaning more good foods!
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I beleived it too, but I was always afraid to continue to raise my calories! I'm almost upset that I haven't done this sooner!
  • vhannah53
    vhannah53 Posts: 14
    good for you!!!! I hope my sister & I see that kind of results..:happy:
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    Can you believe that I forgot to weigh myself the first day of the diet? I did weigh myself this morning, 204.6. I'm always a little skeptical of the first few pounds I lose when on a diet because of the water weight thing. But if you'd been watching your calories and the scale wasn't budging and now is, that's exciting, Linda!

    I will not weigh every day (the scale is in my mom's rooms, and I don't like to go in there before she's up--and I like to weigh before I eat anything, so it won't work out to weigh everyday).
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I really don't want to weigh myself every day, but I just felt lighter when I woke up and I had to see!:tongue:
  • tita112
    tita112 Posts: 5
    I started yesterday & was curious to see if with the amount of food I ate yesterday if I actually lost weight. Down 1 lb. I have tried every diet possible. So far I'm feeling satisfied on this one. Hope it's true & I can lose the weight in 28 days. Good luck to everyone.
  • Msburque
    Msburque Posts: 5 Member
    Down 5.8 lbs since starting on Monday
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Down 5.8 lbs since starting on Monday

    wow you have lost the most so far, awesome!
  • great day all! After Phase 1 down 5.2 lbs!!!!! I have been on the Dukan Diet for 2 yrs off and on so I knew how P2 would go but not as easy after P1 and all that yummy fruit and grains. CAn i say I was in heaven. Well P 3 is coming and salivating over the almond butter toast I WILL have. LOL
    Everyone is doin great!!
  • i just did mine and had a total of 2050 and I was stuffed!! I thought for sure it would be tons more. Just goes to show we can eat healthy and not rack up calories with the "bad" stuf.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    Down 5 so far and only finished 2 days! Crazy actually. I hope this continues as I only have 20 to lose.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    you guys have me excited!
  • after 3 days down 8.4 lbs. This is crazy!! I knwo I have 54 lbs to lose ok 46 now.....cannot believe this first week.
  • I'm down 8.2 lbs since Monday's start. I have stuck 100% to the diet. The hardest part has been the caffeine and sugar withdrawal. I didnt realize how addicted to caffeine I was until day one about 10 am. I was like a zombie. I have drank 16 oz of coffee every morning for years, but I have drank about 40-60 oz of green tea per day which is loaded with caffeine. The headaches have finally subsided. I still feel tired and grumpy. Ugh.

    I have lost 120 lbs since 04/16/12. But I have not lost a pound since the beginning of january. I knew i had to shake up my metabolism. This diet/cleanse works! I have 80 more pounds to make that 71.8, now :)

  • Started Monday, didn't weigh myself til Tuesday...159. Wednesday...155 :smile:
  • caitsb20
    caitsb20 Posts: 2
    I started Monday and all was well, but weighed myself this morning (day 2 of Phase II- 173.5) and am actually up from Tuesday's weight (172.2). This is a total bummer, because Phase II sucks and a little encouragement that it's working would have been nice, but I'll stick with it and let you all know if anything changes.
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I started Monday and all was well, but weighed myself this morning (day 2 of Phase II- 173.5) and am actually up from Tuesday's weight (172.2). This is a total bummer, because Phase II sucks and a little encouragement that it's working would have been nice, but I'll stick with it and let you all know if anything changes.

    I was down 1.4 on day 2, but day three TOM arrived and I've stayed at the same weight. I'm hoping the scale will budge again when TOM goes away in a few days.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    Day 1 done. up 1 lb since yesterday, but TOM is near like today or tomorrow near. I hope that is the reason. Had a minor slipup today during snacks. ( those dang cravings!!) But back on track for lunch.
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm so excited to report that I finally after a year broke the 170's barrier! TOM is still here and I just lost another pound! I've lost a total of 2.8 since Monday and I'm so excited about that!:laugh: :happy: :tongue: :drinker:
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    My weight has been up and down since joining MFP - actually had broken even to what I was this weekend. I started the FMD on Monday and i have 4 days completed and this morning I was doen 7.5 pounds! WTH! I am truly shocked. When i was 30 (13 years ago) I went on WW and lost 6.5 in the first week but never replicated anything like it since - i'm already down 7.5 and dont "finalize" my week until Monday. Nothing has evern worked like this before for me. Very excited. I only want to lose 20 - I was 191.5 and if i could get to 170 it was awesome!