Introduce yourself



  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi, I 'm a wife, mother of 3 boys 20, 22, & 31 and a former skinny girl, who has been gaining weight over the past 20 years. I'm 5'7", 205 ( now 202!) This is my all time high, I am disgusted with myself! I want to get down to 145 which I think is reasonable ( I was 105 back in the day), so being twice the person I was is really hard. Unfortunately I really hate exercise, but will do what is required on this plan. I'm turning 60 this month so I really feel like this is it!! My husband needs to loose as well, he's a former thin person too. He ate the chili, but not thrilled, I make an awesome chili that he is used to. I have been successful in stopping his fast food intake. I work retail, so the meal timing is a bit of a challenge, I work different hours every day. The recipes in the book are not too bad, made the chicken & broccoli bake, chili, and pepperoccini pork roast for tonight phase 2. I would like to come up with my own recipes as I love to cook, so when I do I will share with you all. Good luck to everyone, I'm so happy to have you all to share this journey with!,

    Hi Phyllis, I'm glad you joined the group. I look forward to any recipes that you come up with. I also have a husband that needs to lose weight, but he's not interested right now. He just recently dropped 25 pounds when he stopped drinking Mountain Dew! It just fell off of him, but he still has more he can lose to be healthy. He's a smoker too and I worry about his health. I quit smoking 6 years ago and that's when the pounds really starting piling up. I just turned 40 and quit smoking and I've always struggled with 10 - 20 pounds, but now it's 50 pounds! I'm glad you are hear and I wish you luck. It looks like everyone is happy so far with the first few days and that's exciting!
  • spicyi
    spicyi Posts: 18
    Hi, my name is Christina. I'm 40 years old, 5'5, 134 lbs. I know that doesn't sound like much but I have ruined my body after an alltime high of 205 lbs when I had my first daughter. I gained 60 lbs while pregnant with her. I weighed 189 after the birth of my second daughter.I did Atkins and lost 30 lbs. Atkins is definately not a healthy way to go. After bouncing around between 150-160 for many years I signed up with weight watchers 2 years ago and lost 25lbs in a year and was down to 123. I worked hard for awhile then got lazy. We went to MX last summer and since I had lost so much weight my skin was saggy so I decided to eat a little more "regularly" and do lots of strength training to tone up for about 6 months before the trip. I did ok with that but when we came home I had lost all interest in getting my butt back in gear. Now this coming Christmas we are taking a 10 day cruise and it's time to get going. I joined the gym at the end of January. Been going every day except when I had 2 different colds. I have asthma so working out with a cold can be difficult. I have been trying to WW again but I can't seem to get dedicated.

    The whole point for me to do FMD is to kickstart my metabolism. I don't eat badly but can't seem to lose anything. I love my wine and I'm sure that's the reason why I don't lose but even when I don't have my wine I still don't lose. We don't eat out and I cook mostly WW friendly meals. I'm lumpy and bumpy and flabby. I have little bones and even though I'm 5'5 I should not be carrying this much fat.

    I started FMD yesterday and was down 1.4lbs this morning! I made the Chicken broccoli bowl and tonight we are having the Italian crockpot chicken. Giving up coffee wasn't hard since I only had 1 cup of decaf a day. Prepped the stuffed peppers recipe and the stuffed mushrooms recipe for P2. I'm so excited to see my body start to work the way it is supposed to!

    Welcome Christina! You and I lost the same amount of weight! Was the italian crockpot chicken in the book? I need to go back and really go through all of the recipes. It is my day off today and I"m trying to get busy in the kitchen for phase 2! We are happy to have you and good luck!

    Hi Linda, yes the Italian Chicken and Wild Rice is in the book, pg 191. I wasn't crazy about it but I think I overcooked it. It was really mushy. Flavor was ok, a little bland but add some salt, if you can, and it should be fine.
    Down a total of 3.2lbs starting day 3 today. I've been starving all day!! I made the Stuffed Mushrooms for my snacks for today and tomorrow, and the Stuffed Peppers for my lunches and dinners. Had eggwhites cooked in the microwave ,and sauted spinach, kale, red onion, and mushrooms in chicken broth for breakfast. It was good but I accidently dumped too much garlic powder in! Oh well, I had Trident gum made with xylitol so I chomped on that while I went to gym to lift my weights. While sitting at the ortho waiting for my daughter I ate about 6 long celery sticks and about 6 mini cucumbers. That helped fill me up. Found dandelion tea and made that into ice tea. So yummy! Will have to make a big pitcher I think.
  • CallMeQT
    CallMeQT Posts: 4 Member
    I'm relatively active 51 year old mom and wife. You wouldn't know it from my photo, but I have about 40 lb. to lose. I've been a long time follower of the Blood Type Diet and I'm thrilled to have Haylie's ultra flexible metabolism plan to kick my long lost metabolism in gear. I was always very fit until my daughter was born when I was 40.

    I started the diet on April 13th because I have standing cardio commitments on Saturdays. Three pounds down, despite a few errors. :wink:
  • knitjudy
    knitjudy Posts: 2
    I am 71 and 5'2". I weigh 190 and wear a size 16. I don't have a huge should be more I know, but if I could wear a size 12 or 14 I'd be happy. I'm sick of the muffin top. We live in California and are active all year. I swim several times a week and dance the West Coast Swing twice a month. I'm limited in walking as I'm on the list at Kaiser for a total knee replacement so can't get much walking in.

    I am starting the diet on the 23 of April. I have 4 days, between now and then, that I have to be out of town the entire day so that's the reason for the wait. I'm new to this so don't want the first week trying to make sense in restaurants.

    I have tried using the app to plan my shopping list but the portions are so different than the book I gave up.
  • I am 54 years old and currently weigh 154 and I am 5'3". Hopefully my age and weight won't continue to match after 28 days! I started the diet on Monday April 15 and am down 1.8 lbs. I have always been a small person so any extra weight really shows. And thanks to genetics I look like a barrel when I gain. I was diagnosed with diabetes in June of 2011 so my diet has been restricted. I think part of the reason I have such a hard time losing weight is I tend to eat the same things. My choices are "safe" and I don't have to think about it. I definitely need to get my metabolism going. My husband is very supportive. He is retired and is my personal chef ;) He takes excellent care of me. We have 3 children(20, 25, and 27) and he is still the love of my life. I want to lose 20 lbs because our oldest daughter Hillary is getting married in June and I want to look FABULOUS! Ok maybe I will settle for attractive. I walk everyday for an hour because it is my time to destress from my job. I am blessed to live on the Blue Ridge Parkway so walking isn't a hardship. On weekends my husband and I hike. It is very frustrating to be physically active and on a restrictive diet and still not lose weight. I have high hopes for this plan and am thankful to have found this group!
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome, Judy and Tena! Judy, the app is really helpful--except for its few glitches. The P2 snack portions are double what they should be, but most of the other portions are right. Are you wanting to lose more than 20 pounds? If so, it bumps the portions up to 1.5 portions (and bumps up to 2 portions if you want to lose 40 or more). This is an exciting journey, and I hope we'll all be celebrating being less of ourselves at the end of 28 days :)

    I, for one, am buying a new pair of jeans that fit nicely when I hit 190 (15 pounds down).
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm relatively active 51 year old mom and wife. You wouldn't know it from my photo, but I have about 40 lb. to lose. I've been a long time follower of the Blood Type Diet and I'm thrilled to have Haylie's ultra flexible metabolism plan to kick my long lost metabolism in gear. I was always very fit until my daughter was born when I was 40.

    I started the diet on April 13th because I have standing cardio commitments on Saturdays. Three pounds down, despite a few errors. :wink:

    Welcome to the group! Maybe you can share some of the errors you made, so we can learn from your mistakes :happy:
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I am 54 years old and currently weigh 154 and I am 5'3". Hopefully my age and weight won't continue to match after 28 days! I started the diet on Monday April 15 and am down 1.8 lbs. I have always been a small person so any extra weight really shows. And thanks to genetics I look like a barrel when I gain. I was diagnosed with diabetes in June of 2011 so my diet has been restricted. I think part of the reason I have such a hard time losing weight is I tend to eat the same things. My choices are "safe" and I don't have to think about it. I definitely need to get my metabolism going. My husband is very supportive. He is retired and is my personal chef ;) He takes excellent care of me. We have 3 children(20, 25, and 27) and he is still the love of my life. I want to lose 20 lbs because our oldest daughter Hillary is getting married in June and I want to look FABULOUS! Ok maybe I will settle for attractive. I walk everyday for an hour because it is my time to destress from my job. I am blessed to live on the Blue Ridge Parkway so walking isn't a hardship. On weekends my husband and I hike. It is very frustrating to be physically active and on a restrictive diet and still not lose weight. I have high hopes for this plan and am thankful to have found this group!

    Welcome Tena! Congrats on your daughters wedding! June will be here before we know it! I love weddings, I hope you can share a picture of your and your daughter at the wedding! I hope this is the answer to your situation too. Thank god for susportive husbands. Sounds like you have all the tools to suceed!
  • Hello Everyone :smile:

    I saw Haylie on Dr. Oz and there was just something about what she said that got me to buy her book. I am 52 and need to lose about 100 pounds. I have tried every diet out there. I actually had Dr. Atkins as my physician back in the late 90s. Because of him, I have been eating low carb for years and recently just did the HCG diet. I dropped 50 pounds on that in 3 months but what good is it when it just all comes back (and more). I felt like Haylie was talking to me in her book. I WANT to eat real food. I WANT to be healthy and get off these meds for blood pressure. The madness has to stop! I have such a good feeling about this diet.

    I started on Monday, April 15 and thankfully have a light schedule because this requires shopping and planning - but I loved it. I remember my doctor telling me that the pesticides and chemicals and hormones in the food we eat causes the body to stop producing certain hormones because the body thinks it already has them! So gradually I have been going organic. I am down 7 pounds since Monday and am thrilled! I read the book TWICE and highlighted important parts. Im very confident that I understand what to do. I wish they had an app for Android though!

    I too have some aches and pains and a dreadful headache (and oily stools in Ph. 2) but I figure Im detoxing. It's tough to get in a gallon of water a day but Im doing my best! So HAPPY TO HAVE FOUND this site on myfitnesspal! I look forward to interacting with all of you!

  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome, Deb! I have lost weight on 2 different diets (I mostly just sit at this weight, fatally convinced nothing can change) but also regained. I also have renewed hope, and that's the only reason I'm trying again. I do like eating real food and making new recipes.
  • czkmom
    czkmom Posts: 1
    I'm Heather - a single mom of three boys 20, 15, 12. I work full time as an office manager (so on my duff all day) and I get up at 3 am 7 days a week to help the boys (who rotate days -but I do it daily due to driving) with a paper route. I have a child with hydrocephalus and learning delays and another child with hypospadias - - due to our area we have had to make several out of State trips to have surgeries so my life is FULL of stress. I am 41 years old, 5'6" and 260 lbs. The books say I need to lose 100+ but I would be completely happy with I could just get to 185. I dropped 50 on WW a few years ago but gained back after my divorce.

    Last year I spent 6 months consistent with Boot Camp and although I felt heathier - my weight barely budged. I'm sure it's lack of sleep and a messed up metabolism - so after our summer vacation I kind of hit the bottom and gave up. I enjoy Zumba now but still doesn't help much in the weight department so I'm hoping this metabolism diet will be the answer.

    I'm almost done with the book and will be making a grocery list for the weekend so I am ready to jump on board Monday the 22nd!! Glad to have some others to walk this journey with!
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Hello Everyone :smile:

    I saw Haylie on Dr. Oz and there was just something about what she said that got me to buy her book. I am 52 and need to lose about 100 pounds. I have tried every diet out there. I actually had Dr. Atkins as my physician back in the late 90s. Because of him, I have been eating low carb for years and recently just did the HCG diet. I dropped 50 pounds on that in 3 months but what good is it when it just all comes back (and more). I felt like Haylie was talking to me in her book. I WANT to eat real food. I WANT to be healthy and get off these meds for blood pressure. The madness has to stop! I have such a good feeling about this diet.

    I started on Monday, April 15 and thankfully have a light schedule because this requires shopping and planning - but I loved it. I remember my doctor telling me that the pesticides and chemicals and hormones in the food we eat causes the body to stop producing certain hormones because the body thinks it already has them! So gradually I have been going organic. I am down 7 pounds since Monday and am thrilled! I read the book TWICE and highlighted important parts. Im very confident that I understand what to do. I wish they had an app for Android though!

    I too have some aches and pains and a dreadful headache (and oily stools in Ph. 2) but I figure Im detoxing. It's tough to get in a gallon of water a day but Im doing my best! So HAPPY TO HAVE FOUND this site on myfitnesspal! I look forward to interacting with all of you!


    Welcome Deb! We are happy to have you! We might be coming to you with quesitons since you read the book twice! I have the book on my Kindle and I almost wish I had the hard copy to put yellow stickies and highlight certian things. I have 50 pounds to lose and I'm excited about this plan too! I too have done HCG and Atkins and everything else inbetween!
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm Heather - a single mom of three boys 20, 15, 12. I work full time as an office manager (so on my duff all day) and I get up at 3 am 7 days a week to help the boys (who rotate days -but I do it daily due to driving) with a paper route. I have a child with hydrocephalus and learning delays and another child with hypospadias - - due to our area we have had to make several out of State trips to have surgeries so my life is FULL of stress. I am 41 years old, 5'6" and 260 lbs. The books say I need to lose 100+ but I would be completely happy with I could just get to 185. I dropped 50 on WW a few years ago but gained back after my divorce.

    Last year I spent 6 months consistent with Boot Camp and although I felt heathier - my weight barely budged. I'm sure it's lack of sleep and a messed up metabolism - so after our summer vacation I kind of hit the bottom and gave up. I enjoy Zumba now but still doesn't help much in the weight department so I'm hoping this metabolism diet will be the answer.

    We are glad to have you Heather! I have to get up at 4am for my job, so I feel your pain there! I'm excited for you as everyone has seen results immediately! Can't wait to hear about your results!

    I'm almost done with the book and will be making a grocery list for the weekend so I am ready to jump on board Monday the 22nd!! Glad to have some others to walk this journey with!
  • janiceporetsky
    janiceporetsky Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Janice. I'm a mother of 2 girls. I would like to lose at least 30 lbs. Have had a rough couple of years with working out eating right or basically nothing. With all of this effort the scale either won't budge or goes up. I'm sure I'm not alone in this group when you are so frustrated you just want to give up. I was almost at the point...thank goodness I saw Hailey on Dr. Oz. It was like she was talking to me and someone finally understood.

    I started this week and I have to say Monday and Tuesday I was walking around in a fog from caffeine withdrawal. After day one I didn't lose a pound day two 1.4 and today I'm down 2.6. I'm thrilled!! Even on my best weeks of diet I only have lost 1.5-2 lbs. I can't wait to start phase 3 tomorrow.

    Love hearing all your stories!
  • Billykub
    Billykub Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm Lisa. I am 47 and the mother of two. You name it and I've done it. I weigh 169 and I'm 5'6". I know my metabolism has been whittled down to nothing as I tend to not eat a lot but I don't see any loss even with exercising. I saw Haylie on Dr Oz and couldn't wait for the book to come out. I'm doing this with my daughter. After the headaches from caffeine withdrawal passed, I can't believe how great I feel. I have been creative with meals and look forward to the 28 days to see how it works. I look forward to sharing with everyone : )
  • Hi Peeps,

    I am a 55 y/o empty-nester. My husband and I live in the Chicago-burbs. We have 2 grand-babies under age 5 we adore.

    I have been dieting since I had my daughter 35 years ago. Last April, I made the decision to finally get fit because I was put on blood pressure pills. That freaked me out! I was a couch potato that rarely walked or did anything. My beginning weight was 356 lbs. I decided to start by walking on the treadmill my husband had bought me 2 years prior. Imagine my surprise when I could not find it. My hubby had moved it into the garage. So after i moved all the stuuf off it, I was so tired I decided to start the next day. HAHAHHAHAHA. The next day I barely made my 10 minute goal. I kept at it for a month and got up to 20 minutes. The weather was getting hot so I decided to go inside and do the Walk videos. I did that for about a month but was so bored i coudn't stand it. But I had lost 30 lbs and I was determined to keep going.

    I saw a news article about Zumba in the water, so I looked up gyms which had it and found one near my house. I loved it. I got a gym membership and started going to a water aerobics class everyday for 40 minutes. I did that for 6 months and lost another 50 lbs. I was eating a high protein diet in conjunction with the workouts.

    I got bored again and started working with weights at the gym as well as training on the arc trainer and eliptical. I got up to 40 minutes daily of aerobics, 30 minutes of weights and then a swim. I lost a total of 120 lbs. Then it stopped. No weight loss. I was sucking down protein shakes, eating about 800 calories a day and nothing. My body rebelled. I could not drop one pound even though I was working out 2 hours per day 4-5 days per week.

    I have been in a slump since the end of January. Then one day Amazon sent me the announcement of the Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie and I thought, "why not?" I was so excited when it finally was released and appeared in my mailbox that tuesday. I started last Monday and have lost 10.2 lbs.

    I have made a promise to myself that I am going to nurture my body instead of deprive it. No more chemicals. I've dumped the protein drinks, corn, caffeine, wheat, sugar and all the sugar free crap I used to eat. I have 70 lbs until I reach my initial goal. I have dropped 7 sizes and I am a strong.

    I'm excited again about losing this weight.


  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi Peeps,

    I am a 55 y/o empty-nester. My husband and I live in the Chicago-burbs. We have 2 grand-babies under age 5 we adore.

    I have been dieting since I had my daughter 35 years ago. Last April, I made the decision to finally get fit because I was put on blood pressure pills. That freaked me out! I was a couch potato that rarely walked or did anything. My beginning weight was 356 lbs. I decided to start by walking on the treadmill my husband had bought me 2 years prior. Imagine my surprise when I could not find it. My hubby had moved it into the garage. So after i moved all the stuuf off it, I was so tired I decided to start the next day. HAHAHHAHAHA. The next day I barely made my 10 minute goal. I kept at it for a month and got up to 20 minutes. The weather was getting hot so I decided to go inside and do the Walk videos. I did that for about a month but was so bored i coudn't stand it. But I had lost 30 lbs and I was determined to keep going.

    I saw a news article about Zumba in the water, so I looked up gyms which had it and found one near my house. I loved it. I got a gym membership and started going to a water aerobics class everyday for 40 minutes. I did that for 6 months and lost another 50 lbs. I was eating a high protein diet in conjunction with the workouts.

    I got bored again and started working with weights at the gym as well as training on the arc trainer and eliptical. I got up to 40 minutes daily of aerobics, 30 minutes of weights and then a swim. I lost a total of 120 lbs. Then it stopped. No weight loss. I was sucking down protein shakes, eating about 800 calories a day and nothing. My body rebelled. I could not drop one pound even though I was working out 2 hours per day 4-5 days per week.

    I have been in a slump since the end of January. Then one day Amazon sent me the announcement of the Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie and I thought, "why not?" I was so excited when it finally was released and appeared in my mailbox that tuesday. I started last Monday and have lost 10.2 lbs.

    I have made a promise to myself that I am going to nurture my body instead of deprive it. No more chemicals. I've dumped the protein drinks, corn, caffeine, wheat, sugar and all the sugar free crap I used to eat. I have 70 lbs until I reach my initial goal. I have dropped 7 sizes and I am a strong.

    I'm excited again about losing this weight.



    Sharon, thank you so much for sharing your story. You have come a long way! Congradulations on your weight loss and your success with this plan is very much inspiring! I'm so glad you joined our group and I look forward to hearing more success stories from you!
  • AmyJo6050
    AmyJo6050 Posts: 10
    Hello all! I am so glad there are so many people on here! Since this is so new, I was feeling a little lonely :ohwell:

    My name is Amy - 42 and about 220. I have been overweight since puberty (which hit me like a ton of bricks) at 11. I have tried WW, Jenny Craig, 17 day diet and so many others I think I have tried to block them out. Stupid diets.

    Anyway, saw Haylie on Dr. Oz last week and was attracted to what she was saying as a nutritionist. Dr's have a lot of information coming at them all the time about every kind of physical ailment and cannot be experts on everything. I like that as a nutritionist - this IS her expertise. What she does every day. From her book you understand that she is a real re-searcher and constantly looking to learn more. It helps to give me some confidence in her.

    I am not weighing myself until I get the 28 days done - i get too obsessive about my weight and drive myself crazy. However, I wolre a pair of pants yesterday that I couldn't just 6 days before.

    I work out 4 times a week (Zumba and Bokwa) so I have been maintaining my wait for the most part the last couple years - but I am not happy about where I am. My initial goal is 150, and I will see how I feel when I get there.

    Good luck to everyone else and I look forward to hearing your success. :happy:
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    Amy, that's fantastic that your body has already changed that much. Congratulations! And welcome!
  • Hello. My name is Brenda. I finally bought the book on my kindle and accepted friend Linda's invite. I am 5'2" currently 174.4. My lowest weight. On MFP has been 160. Started phase 1 today. So far o good. I'm reading the book.....