Caloric Intake/Not Eating Enough

Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
We're doing more of a low-carb version of Primal. That's the best description I can come up with. However, I'm just not getting hungry right now. I've been hovering around 1100 calories the last 2 days, and very little of that is vegetation because it just doesn't sound good.

Should I be worried, or is my body just slacking off because the end of last week had tons more calories than needed and it's too busy arguing with allergies right now to want to shunt energy off to digestion?


  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    To be honest when I eat low carb I rarely hit my calorie target, I find eating mainly protein and fat just fills me up quicker, I wouldnt worry about it.
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    I would not worry and go with it. If all your digestive/hunger bits are working correctly, you will see fluctuation. I've eaten very little on some days, particularly when I've not been overly active. Typically the hunger ramps up down the pike and I eat more than normal. Tends to be kind of a wash, but it's nothing to worry about.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm ketogenic Primal and have been since last August. It's normal to lose the hunger, but just make sure that when you do get hungry, eat what you need. Some days I need more food than others.

    I have a very messed up metabolism and I recently had to raise my fat and lower my carbs even further. I am now having about 10 grams of carbs per day, so that's very little vegetables. However, it's no worry at all. My Inuit neighbours thrived for thousands of years on an almost no carb eating plan (but they did die from accidents and starvation when food couldn't be found-we have 10 months of winter). They had berries once per year and ate animal stomach contents, and some groups ate a little sea vegetables, but other than that, plants weren't usually available and they weren't considered "food".

    I'm not Inuit, but I seem to thrive on the same eating plan. I was actually having too many vegetables until recently. Sounds paradoxical, I know. :wink:
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    AK, it doesn't sound paradoxical to me. You're talking to someone who's digestive system gets mad if she eats too much lettuce.

    Thanks, y'all!
  • Melany502
    Melany502 Posts: 77 Member
    I have a hard time hitting my 1200 calories and it makes me all paranoid so I will add things here and there to try to hit my goals. I am scared that if I don't I would go into starvation mode. Should I not worry about that on paleo?
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    It's normal to not feel hungry when eating Paleo/Primal, but it is crucial that you keep up your calories! If it comes to forcing yourself to eat a snack here and there until you get used to eating more, then do it. I make this snack called "Fat Bombs" and they provide a punch of fat and calories for those times that I"m just not hungry. It does take your body time to get used to eating this way and adjust to how your body functions.

    True story. I did Crossfit about a year ago. At the time I was 5'4", 115 lbs very little body fat. I did WODs 3 times a week. I thought I was eating enough. I never felt hungry, but I had trouble maintaining my weight and losing was NOT on my list of goals. But when a challenge came up my goal was to gain weight. Well, after calculating I was only eating 1200 calories a day. NOT NEARLY enough for your body to do anything but put yourself into starvation. I increased to 3000 calories a day and my 1 RMs exploded and the visible changes in my body along with the weight gain was impressive.

    Find your resting metabolic rate. You should aim to eat AT LEAST that. That is what your body burns if you do nothing. Ideally you'd eat more on days you workout as well. High protein and high fat are some good goals. Right now my macros run 55% fat/ 25% protein/ 20% carbs. Working very well for me! Trust me, increase your calories and you WILL see better changes!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I do hit my calorie goal, but mainly because I am still really bad about eating JUNK, albeit low carb.

    I do find that I am not hungry though a lot of times. I often feel full or satieted after just a few bites when I eat. I feel like I need to make myself finish because I know that as an athlete I will need fuel (and sometimes if I don't do that I DO end up getting hungry later). I love that it's like this. I would listen to your body and learn all the cues your body uses. If you're not hungry, don't worry about calories being low. If your body needs more fuel it will tell you. I love this lifestyle because it is more of a go-with-the-flow kind of thing.