Today I played...



    xGRAFIK Posts: 12 Member
    with myself ...(surprised nobody already said it)
  • GasnotGas
    GasnotGas Posts: 54 Member
    ^^ Boom Boom ! :)

    I think I will have a bit of time free for some Battlefield 3 later.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Been sick since monday... starting to feel better but can't workout due to sinus/chest congestion still.
    I've been playing a few pogo games and then my normal mmorpg (Runescape)
    They brought back a few 'old school' servers from 2007--been working on my "noob" lol
    There were only 23 skills back then--2 less than there are now. And combat max level was 126, whereas now it's 200.

    My old school stats: (my stats for the current version of the game can be found on the Impressive Gaming Feats thread)

  • Femmekid
    Femmekid Posts: 424 Member
    Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns on my DS.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Some Zumba Fitness Rush on my X360 and maybe some Defiance later tonight after work.

    How do you like the Defiance game?

    I'm quite liking it so far, I watched the first episode of the tv show too and I enjoyed it. Haven't delved too much into it because of a lot of shifts at work lately, but it's got it's nicepoints (nice graphics & music/sounds, action-oriented, etc.), I usually stick to the more traditional DnD-esque fantasy types so this is farely fresh for me.
  • Dangerkitty79
    Dangerkitty79 Posts: 49 Member
    Ocarina of time---revisiting Hyrule.
  • ohenry78
    ohenry78 Posts: 228
    Ocarina of time---revisiting Hyrule.

    Definitely my favorite game of all time. That's not a unique stance, but...I can't help it. Just so good :)
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Some Zumba Fitness Rush on my X360 and maybe some Defiance later tonight after work.

    How do you like the Defiance game?

    I'm quite liking it so far, I watched the first episode of the tv show too and I enjoyed it. Haven't delved too much into it because of a lot of shifts at work lately, but it's got it's nicepoints (nice graphics & music/sounds, action-oriented, etc.), I usually stick to the more traditional DnD-esque fantasy types so this is farely fresh for me.

    watched my daughter play it all day yesterday and today. Its not my style of TPS, ill play Fallout 3/New Vegas. But she likes it, it seems kinda boring to me. go someplace, shoot mutants, go someplace else, turn off a signal, shoot mutants, go someplace else, shoot more mutants, find a pod, shoot more mutants, etc. The graphics are good if boring and plain and the storyline is semi interesting. I really enjoyed the TV show but the game is lack luster, especially how its been talked up and i LOVE the other games Trion Worlds has, including EON and Rift.
  • League of legends and WoW. >.>
  • Today I played some LoL and some RPG maker.
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    After taking a break from League of Legends for a few months, I played a game vs bots and did terrible. :( But that's my gaming today. :O
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    Bioshock infinite
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    Just started Warframe
  • GasnotGas
    GasnotGas Posts: 54 Member
    Bioshock infinite

    That game looks fantastic, I was going to buy it on Saturday but decided to buy (and hopefully complete) Bioshock 2 first.

    Very impressed with Bioshock 2 so far.
  • Rangarth
    Rangarth Posts: 121
    Played SWTOR and got to 53.
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    stronghold crusader :D
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    still geeking out on the FF beta lol. Fiance played the Simcity all day so I'm trying to get as much beta time in as I can before they take it down for the week :(
  • chrisa8170
    chrisa8170 Posts: 466 Member
    World of Tanks......that is all :happy:
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    Still working on getting 3 stars on all the cups on Mario Kart 7. On 100 ccs right now, one more cup to conquer.

    I LOVE MK7. I ground that game into the floor.


    I haven't put down Injustice since it came out. I think I'm averaging 4 hours a night at least, which is definitely sad....but fracking awesome. The game is amazing.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    I'm struggling for an RPG and am open for suggestions. I putzed around on DDO F2P for a bit, but it didn't grab me. I downloaded SWTOR F2P this past weekend and that has been enjoyable, but getting tired of the reminders of what I would be receiving if I would subscribe - which isn't going to happen.

    Thinking of purchasing GW2 and probably will if there is a price drop.