Today - 4/18/2013



  • missharleychick
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    I am eating OK. not great; the day started out good with a banana for breakfast and chicken wraps for lunch; but this evening is 'movie night' for my work and they are treating us to pizza, popcorn and a private showing at a movie theatre so supper will be a bit of a bomb.

    2. What is your Mood today?
    Hopeful. I had a very informative doctor's appointment this morning, and last night... and I am feeling like I may be on my way back to being 'on track' in my life.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    I am going to push myself to fit in a 15 minute powerwalk after the movie night my work is having. This is better than the 'nothing' I had planned before this group was formed, and will still allow me to get to bed at a decent time. :)

    You are right, 15 minutes IS better than the planned nothing. I was going to do my run and pace myself as I am pushing myself 5 minutes harder... that means not as much walking breaks, eeck!
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    1. How are you eating today? - Pretty good. I'm doing my own version of the military diet right now - I'm not restricting myself quite as much as the guidelines of the actual diet do, but I'm supplementing with extra fruits and veggies.

    2. What is your mood today? - I'm pretty mellow today and happy. I got a haircut today and feeling pretty confident now.

    3. What is/was your excercise plan for today? - I'll run 3-4 miles on the treadmill tonight and maybe do some strength training as well.
  • rde8jr
    rde8jr Posts: 34
    Thu 04/18/13 01:13 PM

    Checking in today. One day at a time...

    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    Poor, have been really hungry lately but I am getting back on track.

    2. What is your Mood today?
    Good, first day able to get back to exercising, had a hurt back and just been down in the dumps lately.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    2 sets of stairs 10 minutes a piece and then some Zumba on the Wi tonight.
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    Pretty good. I made myself a delicious food salad today to get rid of those sweet cravings.

    2. What is your Mood today?
    Great :)

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    60 minutes of exercise which involve 45 mins of Billy Blanks Tae Bo celeb fit cardio and 14 mins of Strength training- Laura London's abs and butt workout
  • Sirli_79
    Sirli_79 Posts: 31
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    So far all good, under my calorie goal...fruit, veggies, brown rice, eggs

    2. What is your Mood today?
    Great. :tongue:

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    Just got out of the gym... did 70 minutes cardio. Earlier at home some dumbbell exercises.
  • lizbeth926
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...) Pretty good! Had a protein shake and coffee this morning. Lunch was chicken caprese from Fresh & Easy......and 8 chocolate covered coffee beans....hey, what can I say??!!! rofl

    2. What is your Mood today? Good and improving. T-minus 6 days to Disneyland!

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today? Usually walk my two mini wienies for about 30 - 45 min every evening. Found an excercise buddy that I'll be going to gym with every other day once my vacation is over. Very excited!!!!
  • Melster85
    Melster85 Posts: 10 Member
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    Good. Light breakfast, mediocre lunch and ?? for dinner.

    2. What is your Mood today?
    Positive. Weather is getting better and better and I'm looking forward to riding my bike soon.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    30 minutes on a stationary bike, JM's 30 day shred level 1 day 5.
  • dareth30
    dareth30 Posts: 6
    Check in with us today. Lets focus on today and do this one day at a time...

    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    Poor (too much sugar already)

    2. What is your Mood today?
    I feel good today.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    I plan to do boot camp training for an hour after work today. Hopefully I will behave at dinner time :/
  • mamabear2421
    mamabear2421 Posts: 7 Member
    So the weigh in starts this sunday? and do we need to measure every week as well as weighing ourselves?
  • johnic777
    johnic777 Posts: 13
    My eating was poor today
    My mood was stressed
    Was suppose to go to kickboxing today, but was not in the mood.
  • brina1977
    brina1977 Posts: 14
    1. How are you eating today? - OK- i get so busy and I'm running out of ideas for lunches. I feel like I'm living off of bananas!

    2. What is your mood today? - Great! I'm excited to commit to a goal!

    3. What is/was your exercise plan for today? -I'm taking the kiddos to the pool. planning on treading a whole lot of water and hoping to talk the older kids into babysitting for a bit so i can do some serious laps. I'm a bit worried that my exercise program doesn't measure up. I hope I can keep up with the group. Honestly the thought of running 4 miles feels too far out of my reach at this point in my fitness journey.
  • curses7
    curses7 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm eating pretty well today, the sugar's a bit high because I drink tea with sugar. Mood's pretty good, I work at home and hit a creative roadblock so went to the gym to work it out. Felt better after that. Today's exercise plan was to hit the gym and give my legs a light workout and focus on my upper body.
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    1. Eating? Enjoyed it immensely, but it was very unhealthy!

    2. Mood? Excellent! It's almost FRIDAY!

    3. Exercise plan for the day? Indoor soccer game tonight at 8:30! Before that I will be coaching my youth soccer team at 5:30!
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Just joined my first mfp group. I started mfp 1 1/2 weeks ago and I've dropped 5 pounds quickly.
    Being accountable is great.
    Now, I've got to get to the gym more.
    Any suggestions for a first timer?
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 71 Member
    1. How are you eating today? I didn't eat enough today, which is what happens when I get sad, unfortunately. I'm debating whether it's worth it to shove more food in or if I shouldn't just eat extra tomorrow. (Does it work like that?)

    2. What is your Mood today? Ugh, I was in a Mood today. I've been waiting to hear back from a job, and at this point no news is certainly bad news.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today? My exercise plan was to resistance train, and I succeeded! I walked five miles today just going back and forth to school and lunch, but then I hit the gym and began the slow terrifying process of trying to get arm muscle back. Tomorrow I need to hit legs.
  • walkbyfaith0314
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)

    I'm torn between saying "well" and possibly "not enough." i freed up over 800 calories today from exercise, but I wasn't really hungry despite getting around 1,100 calories today. I drank a Slim fast after a work out that made me tired and had a quick thing to eat later in the evening.

    2. What is your Mood today?
    optimistic but exhausted.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?

    MommyFit, day 1 of 30 Day Shred (level one), and only 35 minutes of Zumba
  • sophieburningham
    sophieburningham Posts: 56 Member
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)

    I'm actually not eating enough today. I've been struggling for most of the week to meet my calorie goals because I've cut out bread as my carb of the week to cut out, it's made for some lovely low calorie lunches that fill me up and I enjoy, as well as space for a snack, but I've struggled to reach 1000 calories, I'm on 1200 a day, and trying to work to my sugar allowance and carb allowance as well.

    Today I've planned all my meals, and again it's very low, I've even earned extra calories from exercise today, by the end of the day that will be 700 calories worth.

    2. What is your Mood today?

    Happy! Just a bit freaked out that for once I'm struggling to eat enough lol!

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?

    Did 20 lengths of swimming this morning in 25 minutes, proud of myself for that as I've only swum twice before today in recent years, so I'm working on it! I was also quite tired.

    I walked to work today, bumping up the speed a little as I walk to work, instead of 20 minutes I managed to walk to work in 18, and back again. I do 2 shifts a day so walking back to work this afternoon.

    On the way to swimming, I always park in free parking spaces outside of town, so it means I walk 5 minutes or so to the sports center, it gives a nice little warm up and cool down after the exercise.