How long did you train before your first?

Angelsrose12 Posts: 37 Member
I am on week 3 day 3 tonight and totally looking forward to it. I always said that I HATED running and was more of a speed walker, but I have been surprising myself lately saying that I truly enjoy running. I start to walk on an off day, and just spontaneously want to run instead.

My New Year's resolution for 2013 was to run a 5k. Not walk, since I have walked several with no problem in my life (I did the 3 day walk without real issues) but run. I started the C25K in March. Since then, I have had girlfriends telling me about any and all 5k's like I should be ready by now. It isn't that I don't want to yet, but my goal was to run one, and they are expensive, so I can't really do them ALL.

I find myself loving the workouts, but usually dread the first day of each week. I didn't think I could do the first one this week, so I slowed my jog from 7mph to 6mph. did have some pains in my shins and calves from the run, which I iced, but I wasn't out of breath. Tuesday I got better shoes ;) By Wed, I was back to 7mph without problems.

I am worried about next week, but will do my best, and probably slow down the first one again. And I usually run indoors (on a treadmill).

So, with all of that background knowledge (I feel like I wrote a book!) how long do people typically train before their first 5k? Do you do the entire program? It isn't that I intend on doing it once then being done, just not doing the official ones often due to money :)


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I started C25K Jan 1st and ran my first 5K on March 23rd, if that helps.
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    I started middle of February and will run my first "official" 5k May 4th. I did 2 5ks already during my training.
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    I started the program in early November, finished in late January, and ran my first 5K in late February (so about 3 months of prep).

    I'm now in week 3 of the Freeway to 10K program (probably still going to run at least one more 5K before I try a 10K though).
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    Ran my 1st 5k 6/7 weeks into the c25k program. While I had a couple of walk breaks my finish time was better than my training times. Most people run faster in a race than their training runs due to the race adrenalin.
  • pkrichar
    pkrichar Posts: 228 Member
    I started the program in January, finished March 30 and I have my first 5K on Sunday. I won't be fast but I will run the whole way, even if it is cold and raining as forecasted.