I want to lose 10 lbs by the May 24 weekend, who's in?

I'm about 5'6" and 130 lbs. I've been carrying the same extra weight for years, it needs to go. I have long weekend plans, and I want to look amazing in my bikini! Anyone else in this boat? :)


  • bookstitch
    bookstitch Posts: 86 Member
    This seems very doable and I would like to try. I have to up my workouts and change a few other things in my diet so 10 pounds by May 24th. So count me in! Add me and we can keep each other updated.
  • luticiaf
    luticiaf Posts: 92 Member
    YES! I am IN!

    I'm going to New Orleans that weekend, need to tone up and drop this weight! actually been working on it since April 1.....

    Let's do this!

    Add me!
  • overshadows
    overshadows Posts: 58 Member
    That's about my goal too! I have a conference in Vegas the weekend after - and I'd love to get a cute dress.

    5'3" currently 127 lbs. I've got the diet situation mostly under control - but now I need to start working out. Please add me. :)
  • jrusse17
    jrusse17 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to make that goal before it hits the real summer months - I'm in
  • bjjohns1
    bjjohns1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd love to join. I'm new to the group but I need to get back on track ASAP!
  • kaperlinger
    kaperlinger Posts: 66 Member
    I'm about 13 lbs from goal weight. I'd love to lose it by May 24th.
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I would love to! I'm 5'6" and 132 lbs, but I'm 17 lbs away from my goal weight. Do you have any specific plans to reach your 10 lb goal?
  • Running71
    Running71 Posts: 5 Member
    I also want to lose 10lbs by may 24th.. I have been at this weight for almost three years and its time to let it go. Since April 2nd I have been eating within my allowed calories and exercising 6 times a week with a mix of step aerobic and trx. Have lost just three pounds. Will also start whey with 0% carb from today. Still 10 to go for my goal weight of 117. All suggestions and ideas are welcome. Just tell me it's doable.
  • ladylaume
    ladylaume Posts: 81 Member
    Im In kinda been at a stale mate the last month need to kick it back up!
  • IsabellaJAllen
    IsabellaJAllen Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to be a part of this!! Add me!!
  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member
    I AM IN!!! I am 5'4 and 130lbs, wanna get down to 125 by May 22nd! I need to work on being consistent! I can eat healthy and workout, but never at the same time... :( Just bought a new bikini so I need to get my butt in shape!!! :D
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm restarting 30DS tonight and I've already lost 2 lbs since last week so I'm in
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    In - going to Cancun this Summer so I am motivated.
  • LovesTheSeasons
    LovesTheSeasons Posts: 10 Member
    I am in. That's right around the corner but defiantly the start of swimsuit season.
  • 111orBust
    111orBust Posts: 41
    I'm 5' 0" and I've been stuck at 130 lbs for some time and its starting to mess with my head.
    I'm in!
  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member
    I'm down to 128 from 130!!!

    Height: 5'4.9
    S.W.: 132
    C.W. 128
    G.W. 124ish... It depends on how I look! It's more so body fat % I will concentrate on, once I am solidly in the early 120s and happy enough in a bikini!

    May 24th, HERE WE COME! :P
  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member
    Now that I have actually posted my results, I am suddenly very paranoid that my scale is broken... :P ANXIETY!
  • bdkglk
    bdkglk Posts: 67 Member
    I am 12 pounds away from my goal weight so count me in. I would love to lose all of it. I am going rockhounding that weekend and the extra weight is holding me back. Also I need to really step up my resistance training because I will need the extra muscles to do this as a hobby.
  • Breymaraiyl
    Breymaraiyl Posts: 38 Member
    i am in! I am 5" and weighs around 130lbs. want to look and feel better.
  • FlowersInTheDirt
    FlowersInTheDirt Posts: 124 Member
    I'm 5"7 and 151lbs. I've got 15-20lbs left to lose so 10lbs off by the 24th would be awesome!

    Please all feel free to add me! :)